Meals / Concessions

Meals will be served in Exhibit Hall A for Blue & Green Wristbands.
Meals will be served in Copper Ballroom for Red & Yellow Wristbands.

Meals include only one serving per participant; please do not get back in line for seconds.

Please follow the lines and directions of the volunteers for a smooth meal flow. Once you have picked up your meal, you can eat it at the tables nearby or anywhere around the Convention Center.

Concessions will be open in Exhibit Hall A with food available for purchase on Friday evening from 9:30-11:00pm and on Saturday from 1:30-4:00pm.

Participants with food allergies or dietary restrictions that were submitted via digital paperwork before the deadline will receive tickets at check-in to redeem at the dietary restrictions table where they will receive their modified meal.


Rules and Regulations

Life Teen is committed to creating an unforgettable and life-changing experience for the youth we serve at Steubenville Conferences, and effective relational ministry is key to creating this experience.

All participants are expected to maintain a Christ-centered atmosphere and treat others with respect and kindness.

Safe Environment Guidelines
All adults attending a Steubenville Conference hosted by Life Teen are responsible for setting and maintaining clear, appropriate boundaries in all ministry relationships, following the Safe Environment guidelines laid out here. In addition to those Safe Environment standards, all groups should adhere to the policies defined by their home diocese. Any suspected inappropriate behavior should be reported to a member of the event staff.

Chaperone Supervision
Adult chaperones must be with youth at all times during the conference. Youth should not wander around the facility without a chaperone present. It is the chaperone’s responsibility to keep the youth safe and supervised at all times throughout the weekend.

Please be sure to always maintain groups of three or more. An adult and a teen should never be alone without another person present. If, for pastoral purposes, an adult needs to have a private conversation with a minor, this must be done in the line of sight of others.

Teens are expected to remain present for every session. If it becomes necessary to leave, teens must be accompanied by an adult chaperone and at least one other individual.

Participants will not possess or be under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Except for designated outside areas, all conference venues are smoke-free facilities. Group leaders and chaperones will not smoke or use tobacco products, including vaping, or use profanity in the presence of teens. Weapons are not permitted at the event.


In the Marketplace, t-shirts, books, and other religious items will be available for purchase. Cashless only.

The Marketplace hours are as follows:




The sale and distribution of any items without prior permission is strictly prohibited.

Chapel/Prayer Ministry

The Eucharistic Adoration Chapel is open throughout the conference weekend.

Groups are encouraged to write a prayer and light a candle in the Chapel at some point during the weekend. Small group leaders are especially encouraged to visit the chapel as a group on Friday evening.

Prayer ministers are available to pray with teens, youth ministers, and chaperones during the weekend, as well as collect prayer intentions to share with our intercessory team. Ministers wear red shirts and can be found in conference sessions or outside the Chapel.


Meals will be served in Hall B. Groups may eat in Hall A, the hallways, or outside courtyard.  Please be sure to clean up your space!

Friday Dinner: 4:30-6:30pm
Please eat when your group arrives. Check-in must be completed and wristbands worn to enter the dinner line.

Saturday Lunch
Men: 11:00am-Noon
Women: 12:15-1:15pm

Saturday Dinner: 5:15-7:00pm
5:15pm – Yellow
5:30pm – Green
5:45pm – Blue
6:00pm – Red


The sacrament of reconciliation is offered at all times when groups are out of session, as follows:





Wristbands must be worn at all times while at the conference.

Your wristband color identifies your seating section and meal times.

If your wristband breaks, please bring the broken wristband with you to the Guest Services desk to receive a new one. 

Youth Minister Hospitality

Coffee House

Coffee is available for youth ministers during the weekend at the Coffee House, located on the Lower Level in Willow B, next to the Marketplace.

Youth Minister Gathering

Youth ministers and group leaders are invited to come together for XLT / praise & worship at the Youth Minister Gathering in the Ballroom (note separate location from the Coffee House).

The gathering will be on Saturday from 1:30 to 2:15 p.m.

Prayer ministers and snacks will be available.

Clinic / Emergencies

For all medical needs, please visit the Clinic located in Dogwood on the lower level across from the Marketplace.

DO NOT use the venue’s first-aid station near Hall D. You may be charged for their services.

Youth requiring medical attention must be accompanied by an adult.

Medication requiring refrigeration should be checked in with the clinic staff upon arrival.

The Clinic is open during all conference hours.

In case of an emergency, please contact Ann Sottile, 843-270-7489 and, if necessary, dial 911.

For less urgent matters, please visit the Guest Services Table located in the upper level hallway – past the escalators.

Dress Code

All participants, including adults, are expected to dress appropriately in modest attire. Low-cut tops, miniskirts, short shorts, and clothing with offensive language or obscene images are not permitted. Shoes must be worn at all times. The main session is particularly chilly; sweatshirts are recommended.

Buses / Parking

Please refer to this map and share it with your driver.

Car/Van Parking
Car/van parking is located in Parking Deck 1 and should be accessed using the Sugarloaf Parkway entrance. The Convention Center access is located on Level 3.

There is no fee to park or need to take a ticket to enter the garage.

The maximum clearance of the parking garage is 8’2″.

Bus Parking
Bus parking is located in Lot C, which may be accessed from the Satellite Blvd entrance. 

Groups will then be required to walk along the sidewalk from Lot C to the Convention Center past the lake.

Note: Only in the event of rain will buses be directed from the Satellite Blvd entrance to the front of the Convention Center for drop off. In this event, please follow the directions of the staff and volunteers directing traffic.

Arrival / Check In

Check in will take place from 2:00 to 5:00 p.m.

Please be sure to have all digital paperwork submitted prior to arrival and bring your signed Safe Environment Form (complete with all chaperone names) with you to check in.

Groups may attend Traveler’s Mass prior to completing Check-In but must obtain their wristbands before getting in line for dinner.


You have much to choose from during your Recharge time!  See all your options below:

Outside Level 1 Lobby:
Outdoor games
Food trucks

Level 2 Terrace:

Level 3:
Chapel, Reconciliation

Level 3 Terrace:
Laser Tag

Level 4:
Gaga Pit
9 square
Catholic Charities Service Project
Board games
Card games
Giant games


Meals include only one serving per participant; please do not get back in line for seconds. Concession stands are available if you wish to purchase additional food. All meals are served in the Parking Garage:

Friday Dinner
4:00-4:30pm – Red wristbands
4:30-5:00pm – Blue wristbands
5:00-5:30pm – Yellow wristbands
5:30-6:00pm – Green wristbands

Saturday Lunch
11:00-11:30am – Red & Blue Men
11:30-12:00am – Yellow & Green Men
12:15-12:45pm – Red & Blue Women
12:45-1:15pm – Yellow & Green Women

Saturday Dinner
5:00-5:30pm – Red wristbands
5:30-6:00pm – Blue wristbands
6:00-6:30pm – Yellow wristbands
6:30-7:00pm – Green wristbands

Emergencies/First Aid

For emergencies 24 hours a day, contact your group leader.  For life-threatening emergencies, call 911 and then your group leader.

For all medical needs, please go to the First-Aid Station located in the Maple Meeting Rooms. Hours are 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. Youth requiring first aid must be accompanied by an adult.

High Altitude Tips

Welcome to the mile high city!  Denver sits at a high altitude of 5,280 feet.  Everyone is affected by the high altitudes in some way.  As you ascend to higher altitudes, atmospheric pressure decreases, the air is thinner, and less oxygen is available.  It is also colder, drier, and ultraviolet rays from the sun are stronger. During the day it will be hot, while evenings may cool down to as low as 40 degrees. Each of these changes may have unpleasant effects on your body. Here are some helpful tips that will ease your adjustment.


  • Eat lightly
  • Drink two to three times more water or fluid than usual
  • Get plenty of sleep
  • Moderate your physical activity
  • Reduce caffeine intake
  • Decrease salt intake


  • Faster and deeper breathing
  • Shortness of breath, especially when exercising
  • Faster heartbeat
  • Nausea
  • Unusual tiredness
  • Headaches
  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Increased urination
  • Frequent awakening during the night

A wet cough, increasing shortness of breath, or the feeling of fluid collecting in your lungs requires more serious attention.


Dress Code/Lost & Found

Dress Code 

All participants, including adults, are expected to dress appropriately in modest attire. Low-cut tops, miniskirts, short shorts, or clothing with offensive language or obscene pictures are not allowed.  

Lost and Found 

Lost and Found is located at the Information Desk outside of the Adams Ballroom. If you realize after the conference that you lost something, call 303-715-3252 within two weeks to claim your items. 



Rules and Regulations

All members are expected to conduct themselves in the best possible manner throughout the entire weekend. Each member should strive to behave within the teachings of Christ and the Catholic Church. Each parish/group accepts full responsibility for any damage or theft caused by members of their group; thus, group members must agree to the expected behavior.

Some Rules:

The Gaylord Rockies has graciously agreed to house the Steubenville of the Rockies Conference based on the high standard by which the participants of the conference have behaved. Thus, there are some expectations for those attending this conference.

1) There will be around 3,000 people in attendance, so please do not run in the hallways or inside the conference space.

2) Please comply with all conference signs (i.e. signs that request silence in certain areas for confessions/adoration).

3) Vandalism of any kind (such as having indoor water fights, purposely spilling or throwing foods/liquids, and damaging any property belonging to the Gaylord Resort or the Archdiocese of Denver) will not be tolerated in any way.

4) Please pick up your trash.

5) This conference requires that men are never in women’s rooms and vice versa.  Teens may convene in the gathering areas of the hotel if they have their chaperone’s permission but may not be in one another’s rooms.  Please remember to keep the noise levels down in the hotel, especially in the evening.

6) The weekend will be intense both emotionally and spiritually, so drink water, remain hydrated, and get a good amount of sleep!

7) Please keep your name tags/lanyards on at all times.   These are your tickets to the conference as well as your meal tickets.

8) Please never leave the conference premises (including the hotel) alone.

9) This weekend is for your spiritual growth! We ask that you please unplug the TV, or other electronics at home, turn your cell phone off, and let God work on you this weekend.

10) Please respect all people attending the conference.  This means no physical, emotional, or verbal insults or abuse.

11) You must sit in the assigned seats specifically for your group during every session.

12) Please do not stand on the chairs during the conference.

13) Please abide by the volunteers’ directions; this includes prayer ministers, safety team, and conference staff.

14) Please follow the schedule of events. This means attending all sessions and only going to confession or to the MarketPlace during scheduled times.

15) Smoking is only permitted in designated areas (and only if you are of age). All other substances (drugs and/or alcohol) are not permitted during the conference. The use of these substances is grounds for immediate dismissal from the conference.

16) No weapons of any kind may be possessed during the conference. Possession is grounds for immediate dismissal.

Behavior at the Hotel/Conference Center

Be courteous of other guests staying in the hotel.

Do not run down the halls.

Use elevators appropriately (no jumping in or on).

Observe quiet time policies and turn off your lights at the requested time.

Respect the property and use of public spaces in and around the hotel.

Be respectful and gracious to the hotel staff.

Smoking Policy

Except for designated outside areas, all conference venues are smoke-free facilities. During the sessions we ask all participants, including adult chaperones, to refrain from smoking.

Meals | Allergies


All meals will be served in the lower level of Antonian Hall.

Mealtimes are built into the schedule throughout the conferences; see the “Schedule” button for entry times.

Admittance to meals will be scheduled at designated times by wristband color.

Extra food and coffee is available for purchase at Cupertino’s Café in the J.C. Williams Center.

Allergies and Dietary Needs 

Allergies must be reported to the Conference Staff prior to the start of the conference.

Our food service provider can accommodate allergies to milk, eggs, wheat, soy, fish, shellfish, peanuts, tree nuts, gluten, and dairy, as well as diabetic needs and low sodium diets.

To ensure safety, those with food allergies will receive a purple “X” on their wristband at check in and will utilize a separate line in Antonian Hall to obtain their food.


The Portiuncula Chapel

The Portiuncula
Located behind Christ the King Chapel.

“Rebuild My Church”
When St. Francis heard those words from the mouth of the Lord, speaking through the San Damiano crucifix in a small, dilapidated church, he took them to mean simply rebuilding that and other church structures like it. That first tiny Portiuncula, a holy place and the center of St. Francis’ activity, is recreated here on Franciscan’s campus as a grace-filled haven for quiet meditation and eucharistic adoration.

Additional Use of the Portiuncula
The Portiuncula is mainly reserved for quiet prayer and adoration. Any vocal prayer is not encouraged in the Portiuncula itself. However, sites outside of the main chapel such as the Marian Grotto, Tomb of the Unborn Child, créche, and Stations of the Cross are available for vocal prayer.

Flash Photography
To preserve the peace and calm that the Portiuncula provides those who wish to pray without distraction, flash photography and video recording are not permitted. If you are required to record for news purposes, public relations, or class projects, the Office of Chapel Ministry must approve this in advance.


Bus Drivers

Bus Drivers 

Weekend Parking 

  • Buses may park in any of the parking lots indicated below for the duration of the weekend. 
    • St. Joseph Center 
    • Behind the George Rice Music Center  
    • Turf Field Parking Lot 

Please do not park in the Franciscan Square parking lot! 


We provide transportation for bus drivers to and from their bus and hotel on Friday afternoon and Sunday morning. This is on an on-call basis. If you need transportation, please contact the Transportation Team by calling 740-317-4340.

Sunday Mass 

Mass on Sunday at the University is at 10 a.m. in the JCWC Gentile Gallery (Lower Level JC)

Parking Sunday 

  • Please park in Parking Lot “H,” behind the Finnegan Fieldhouse, near the baseball field. There will be Security present to provide directions.  
  • We encourage you to bring the bus on campus Sunday morning starting at 6 a.m. All buses should be staged in Parking Lot “H”.  This helps make the loading of luggage smoother for the participants. Coordinate with your Group Leader about loading the buses. 
  • If you have any questions or concerns throughout the weekend, please call Conference Information Center at 740-283-6801. 

Arrival | Check-in


  • Buses: Enter campus by way of Franciscan Way West and proceed as directed by Campus Security to the staging area (Parking Lot H) where buses will park and Group Leaders will proceed to check in.
  • Cars/Vans: Enter campus by way of Franciscan Way West and park anywhere on campus (adhering to handicap and conference reserved signage). 

Check In 

Check in is on Friday from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. in the St. Joseph Center Seminar Room. Every group must check-in before they can participate in any aspect of the conference.

Upon arrival, all adult chaperones must present a valid form of ID and have their Adult Chaperone Verification Form stamped by the Registration Team. There is an ID check station in Parking Lot H for those traveling by bus. After the ID check/verification is complete, the Group Leader and one chaperone may proceed to the Seminar Room with all forms to checkin, where you will receive wristbands, Fast Pass entry times, and housing assignments for your group. We do not have room to accommodate everyone in the Seminar Room, so please make sure additional chaperones and all youth wait outside. 

Groups must be checkedin before they can attend the Travelers Mass at 4 pm. 


Make sure to bring the following forms: 

  • On-Site Breakdown Form
  • Adult Chaperone Verification Forms–one for each of your chaperones; have IDs ready also, unless already verified at Parking Lot H.
  • Sunday Lunch Form (for groups of 30 or more) 

Be sure your whole group has submitted Liability Forms via your Dashboard. 

Franciscan LEAD Participants

If your youth have attended Franciscan LEAD, they must be picked up by a chaperone at checkin on Friday, outside the St. Joseph Center. 

In case of rain, LEAD participants will be in the J.C. Williams Center. 

Group Leaders | Chaperones | Prayer Ministry

Group Leaders

Please see the attached document for your Group Leader Information Packet, should you need to reference it throughout the weekend: 2024 Group Leader Information Packet.

Group Leader informational meetings will be at 5:00 p.m. and 5:45 p.m. in the Aerobics Room, Second Floor, FFH.  Group leaders and new chaperones are expected to attend.

Adult Chaperone Responsibilities (incl. Group Leaders & Priests)

  • Know where your youth are at all times.
  • Effectively communicate said rules and regulations to all members of your group.
  • Adhere to all posted signage pertaining to the conference on the campus of Franciscan University, and ensure that the youth of your group do the same.
  • Attend to the needs of the youth throughout the duration of the conference weekend.
  • Lead small groups.
  • Be present and helpful to the youth, especially in dealing with points of confusion or misunderstanding.
  • Pray with and for the youth of your group throughout the duration of the conference.

Prayer Ministry

The First Line of Defense

Thank you for your yes to care for and minister to the youth at the Steubenville Youth Conference!

The Group Leader and adult chaperones are the primary ministers to the youth on the weekend. Please be sure to share all of this information with all adult chaperones and religious in your group.

The Team of Prayer Ministers

Prayer ministers will be wearing red shirts and will be available on Friday and Saturday night and Sunday morning. They may approach you to ask if you need assistance. Feel free to approach a prayer minister for help.

Role of Prayer Ministry

The role of prayer ministry is to serve and support you and your chaperones by offering spiritual assistance to the youth in your group. Prayer ministry is an extension of the ministry done by the ministry team from the stage and by you as the Group Leader and chaperones. They can assist you if there are several youth that need attention or if there is a particular situation that you and your chaperones are unsure how to handle.

Remaining Present

If a prayer minister does assist your youth, it is ideal to have an adult chaperone from your group present to watch over and pray with them also. It is good for the youth to have a familiar person present. In addition, it is the adult chaperone who will be going home with the youth. Therefore, he or she can continue to pray for and with the youth at home if needed. If this is not possible, know that the prayer minister will encourage the youth and let them know that group leaders and chaperones are there for them, if need be.

Wristbands | Regulations

Participants must wear their wristbands at all times!

Participants must wear their wristbands at all times! No one will be admitted to the conference and sessions without BOTH wristbands.

Always wear your conference wristbands on your wrist. They are your access to general sessions, breakout sessions, and meals.

If you lose or break your wristband, please visit Guest Services on the upper level of the J.C. Williams Center with a chaperone to acquire another one.

Each participant must have two wristbands. Why are there two?

Colored Wristband: Allows entry to all sessions and meals; without it you will not be permitted entrance.

Silver: Adult Chaperone

Red/Yellow/Green/Blue: Youth

White Wristband: For emergency information. Write your name and allergies, as well as your Group Leader’s name and phone number on this wristband so that first-aid and conference staff will know who to call in case of an emergency.  This wristband will also indicate whether you have a food allergy, so that we can accommodate your dietary needs.


We sincerely thank you for your service and for your beautiful testimony. We honestly could not have successful conferences without your diligent work.

Priests are asked to assist with the sacraments throughout the weekend whenever there are able. There will be sign ups on Friday evening. Please help us by signing up for as many time slots as you can in order to serve as many youth as possible.

Reconciliation: You will be asked to volunteer your time to hear confessions throughout the weekend. Please bring your own alb and stole, as we may not have enough to accommodate everyone.

Concelebrating Mass: All vesting for Mass will take place in the racquetball court, located in Finnegan Fieldhouse. You will be able to store your vestments there if you would like. If you need access to the room, please ask at Guest Services (located on the top floor of the J.C. Williams Center) and our staff will be able to assist you.

Please bring your own alb and stole, as we may not have enough to accommodate everyone.