Pete Burak

Pete Burak is vice president of Renewal Ministries. He is a 2010 graduate of Franciscan University of Steubenville and has a master’s degree in theology from Sacred Heart Major Seminary in Detroit. Pete is a frequent speaker on discipleship and evangelization, and he is the co-director of Pine Hills Boys Camp. He is a monthly columnist for Faith Magazine and the host of “The Hour” and “Spirit-Filled Leadership” podcasts. Pete and his wife, Cait, have four children.

Paco Galvielides

Since the time of his conversion to Catholicism in 1968, Paco Gavrilides has dedicated his life to serving Christ in the Church with a passion to share the Gospel. As a teacher, speaker, and evangelist, Paco has worked with many dioceses, movements, and individuals both nationally and internationally. He has been especially active in leadership formation, men’s ministry, family ministry, and evangelization among Hispanics and African Americans. Paco served the Church for over 10 years as Homiletics Instructor at Sacred Heart Major Seminary in Detroit, Michigan, a post he has held since 2011. He received the equivalent of the STB at the Archdiocesan Seminary in Monterrey, Mexico, and completed his Licentiate Degree in the New Evangelization at Sacred Heart.

Nathan Crankfield

Nathan Crankfield was born and raised in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. He became the first Catholic in his entire family at the age of 13. After graduating from Mount St. Mary’s University, Nathan went on to become an infantry officer in the U.S. Army. During his four years of active duty service, Nathan graduated from Airborne School and Ranger School. He also served as a platoon leader on a combat deployment to Afghanistan. After the Army, Nathan began working in ministry for organizations such as Dynamic Catholic, Benedictine College, and Hallow. He is now the host of the “Seeking Excellence” podcast and lives in Denver with his wife, Emily, and their son, Jordan.

John Paul Von Arx

John Paul Von Arx seeks to share his faith and love for country music in venues all across America and has been performing professionally for the last nine years. Since the release of his debut solo album in 2018, John Paul has been known for his advocacy work for people with Down Syndrome and their families. Additionally, in 2020 he was hired as coordinator of Worship at Franciscan University in order to mentor students in leading worship and to teach Intro to Music Ministry as an adjunct professor.

John Beaulieu

John Beaulieu has worked in the Christian Outreach Office of Franciscan University since 2003 and serves as the director of Evangelization and Engagement. A graduate of Franciscan University, John has served in ministry for over 30 years. He spent 2 years serving with NET and 19 years as a parish youth minister. A regular speaker at parish and diocesan events, John addresses topics such as Life in the Spirit, media and teen culture, and Catholic evangelization. John and his wife, Lisa, live in Steubenville with their five children.

Jackie Francois Angel

Jackie Francois Angel is a speaker, vlogger, worship leader, author, and homeschooling mom from Orange County, California. In 2013, Jackie married Bobby Angel, who shares her passion for Jesus, coffee, and superhero movies. Together they have written two books, including Pray, Decide, and Don’t Worry: 5 Steps to Discerning God’s Will (with Fr. Mike Schmitz). They reside in Texas with their five children.

Fr. Louis Merosne

Father Louis Merosne is madly in love with the Trinity, the Blessed Mother, and the Catholic Church. Born in Haiti, he moved to Boston in 1993. He studied at the Franciscan University (undergraduate French, philosophy, and theology from 2002 to 2005 and graduate theology and Christian ministry from 2005 to 2007). Ordained in 2011, he now serves in Haiti in the Diocese of Anse-à-Veau and Miragoâne under Bishop Pierre-André Dumas. Preaching the Good News of Jesus Christ is both a duty and passion for him. His perpetual prayer intention is to be a saintly priest.

Fr. Dave Pivonka, TOR

Father Dave Pivonka, TOR, became president of Franciscan University of Steubenville in 2019. The well-known Catholic speaker and author received his bachelor’s from Franciscan University, then earned an MDiv, MA in theology, doctorate in education, and executive juris doctorate. A member of the Franciscan Friars of the Third Order Regular, Province of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, he was ordained a priest in 1996. He served in leadership positions at Franciscan University including as vice president for Mission and Planning. He also served as director of the TOR’s Post-Novitiate Formation and most recently directed the TOR’s evangelistic outreach Franciscan Pathways.

Bishop Joseph Espaillat

Bishop Joseph A. Espaillat is an auxiliary bishop of the Archdiocese of New York. Growing up in Manhattan, he learned to speak three languages: English, Spanish, and Street. He loves ministering the sacraments: celebrating the holy sacrifice of the Mass, hearing confessions, and proclaiming the Word of God.  He loves working with youth and helping them encounter Christ.  Bishop J enjoys spending time with family and friends as well as playing softball, basketball, tennis and golf.  He also enjoys watching movies, writing poetry, and rapping.  Bishop J is also the founder of the ministry Messengers of Christ.