
You have much to choose from during your Recharge time!  See all your options below:

Outside Level 1 Lobby:
Outdoor games
Food trucks

Level 2 Terrace:

Level 3:
Chapel, Reconciliation

Level 3 Terrace:
Laser Tag

Level 4:
Gaga Pit
9 square
Catholic Charities Service Project
Board games
Card games
Giant games


Restore the Conversation: Real Prayer 

God wants to speak with you. Maybe you feel that your prayer life is lacking or perhaps you don’t have a prayer life and want to start.  Perhaps when you come to prayer, you think, “well now what?” Let’s go back to the basics: God wants a personal relationship with you and prayer is how it happens. Come and restore your relationship and friendship with God and learn how to continually be restored in friendship with Him.

Restore Peace 

Life is busy – and it only seems to be getting busier. Amid the chaos, anxiety, and lack of control, God has a plan; and that plan is one of peace, simplicity, trust, and surrender. As life attempts to toss us about, we can learn to make Jesus our anchor so that we can experience His peace that surpasses all understanding.


For Q&A go to Schedule I Map