The Upper Room


“They went up to the upper room… and the apostles with one accord devoted themselves to prayer, together with the women and Mary the mother of Jesus, and with his brothers.” Acts 1:13-14

As a response to COVID-19 pandemic, The Upper Room was created as a place where quarantined Catholics could come and gather and pray. It has become the permanent home of all our year-round resources to help you continue to connect and pray. There you will find resources such as webinars, podcasts, blogs and other conference videos to strengthen your faith and encourage your heart!

Tap here to be taken to The Upper Room


Having trouble deciding which talks to attend? All of the general sessions and workshops will be recorded and available for purchase during the conference weekend! Access the store through the app or purchase the talks on-site.  CDs, DVDs, and digital copies available for all talks! Come see us at our Steubenville Conferences table!

Tap here to buy CD’s and DVD’s

H – M


Magnificat is a spiritual guide to help you develop your prayer life, grow in your spiritual life, find a way to a more profound love for Christ, and participate in the holy Mass with greater fervor.

Magnificat is a monthly publication designed for daily use, to encourage both liturgical and personal prayer. It can be used to follow daily Mass and can also be read at home or wherever you find yourself for personal or family prayer.

Every day, in a convenient, pocket-sized format, Magnificat offers beautiful prayers for both morning and evening drawn from the treasures of the Liturgy of the Hours, the official texts of daily Mass, meditations written by spiritual giants of the Church and more contemporary authors, essays on the lives of the saints of today and yesterday, and articles giving valuable spiritual insight into masterpieces of sacred art.

We encourage you to consider subscribing so you may join in the daily prayer of the Church and align your personal prayer life with the liturgical rhythm of the Church while immersing yourself in the ongoing Faith formation available in every issue.

Learn More!

Follow us on Facebook and Twitter:


8:30 am – 9:00 am
Mercantile Open
(Tate B)

9:00 am – 11:15 am
(Tate B) 

Gathering Music and Worship
  Adore Worship Band

Holy Sacrifice of the Mass
  Bishop Michael F. Olson

Talk: Find Your Own Calcutta
  Ennie Hickman

11:00 am – 12:00 pm
Mercantile Open
(Tate B)

Steubenville Encounter

Steubenville Encounter

Transformed by God’s love for a life-long journey of Discipleship

This August 2019, the Christian Outreach Office in partnership with Adore Ministries will be hosting Steubenville Encounter: Texas at the beautiful Gaylord Texan in Fort Worth, Texas.  To learn more about who you can be a part of this amazing weekend. 

Learn More and Register Here!


6:30 am – 7:15 am
Crossfit sponsored by Swole.Catholic
(Grapevine Terrace)

7:30 am
Chapel Mass
(Tate A5)

8:00 am – 12:30 pm
Mercantile Open
(Tate B)

8:15 am – 11:00 am
Childcare Open
(Vineyard Tower Level 1)

8:30 am – 9:30 am
Mary, Martha, and Mimosas
Women’s Reflection
(Tate C6)

The Faith. The Fight. The French Press.
Men’s Reflection
(Tate A)

9:30 am
Shannon Wendt with ChewsLife
(Tate C6)

9:45 am
Discipleship Quads Presentation
Learn about Disciples making Disciples!
(Tate A)

Family Dinner Presentation
Grow community in your neighborhood!
(Tate B)

10:00 am – 11:00 am
Parents with Young Kids Meet Up
(Paradise Springs Lazy River)

Parents with Teenagers Meet Up
(Starbucks – Gaylord Atrium)

Young Adult Meet Up
(Paradise Springs Zip Line Pool)

10:30 am – 11:30 am
Hand Lettering Workshop
Ali Hoffman with Oodles of Doodles
(Tate C6)

12:15 pm – 5:00 pm
Childcare Open
(Vineyard Tower Level 1)

12:30 pm – 5:00 pm
(Tate B)

 12:30 pm – 2:30 pm
Gathering Music and Worship
Adore Worship Band

Talk: Scandalous Love
Michelle Benzinger

Workshops (Two Rounds):
First Round – 2:45 pm – 3:45 pm
~Workshop: Managing Time & Faith Life with Mother Teresa
  Mark Hart (Tate A)

~Workshop: The Battlefield of the Mind with Padre Pio
  Fr. Mike Schmitz (Tate B)

Second Round – 4:00 pm – 5:00 pm
~Workshop: Understanding Life and Moral Issues with JPII
 Michelle Benzinger (Tate A)

~Workshop: Heaven, Hell, and All the Serious Things with an Englishman-Fr. Mike Schmitz (Tate B)

2:30 pm – 6:00 pm
Sacrament of Reconciliation
(Tate A5)

2:30 pm – 7:00 pm
Mercantile Open
(Tate B)

3:45 pm – 4:00 pm
Job Fair
(Tate A Hallway)

5:00 pm – 7:00 pm
Dinner (Please see the Information Icon for Dining Options)

5:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Singles Trivia
(Vineyard Tower Pre-Function, Level 1)

Boomers and Beer
(Texas Station Patio)

7:00 pm – 10:00 pm
Childcare Open
(Vineyard Tower, Level 1)

7:00 pm – 10:00 pm  EVENING SESSION
(Tate B)

Gathering Music and Worship
  Adore Worship Band
Talk: In His Wounds we are Healed
  Mark Hart
Eucharistic Adoration and Procession
  Fr. Mike Schmitz

10:00 pm
Wedding Reception/After Party
(Vineyard Tower Pre-Function, Level 1)



All the resources are free, including the lessons, training resources, and support materials are can be found at

On that page, you will find all the resources, sign up to be a quad leader, or sign up to learn more. If you have a particular question, you can email us



“I think my personal growth in a relationship with God is encouraged and enhanced by my

participation in DQ. I see both the struggles and successes of the group members, and I am

held accountable for my efforts in furthering my relationship with God. I am more confident that with the help of the Holy Spirit I will be able to share my faith with others in my church

community and in my personal and family relationships. Without the group and the DQ materials, I don’t think I would be learning and exploring God’s purpose for my life.” – Michele S.

“Although we’re only about a month in, I have seen tremendous fruit from the DQ program. The small size creates a trust and an accountability that is helping us to grow in our faith as well as to grow together as brothers in Christ. Our work together in the program is stoking a fire in all of us that I’m confident will carry all of us through to make disciples of others.” – Joseph

“Sharing my daily journey with others and hearing their daily journey enables me to see more

clearly God at work in my everyday life and in others’ lives. I believe God uses other people to speak to us. Having a trusted community where faith and his Word is discussed lets me hear God’s voice calling to me, nudging me to a closer relationship with him. It also gives me a safe space to practice sharing the Good News (not something that comes naturally) with the goal of being able to do that in the broader areas of my life.

“Discipleship Quads have ignited my faith, revived my love of the Church, and begun my

discernment of how I can ‘pass this on’ next year with a new group. It provides a group that

holds me accountable in my faith journey.

“It strengthens the relational ministry and evangelism part of the Catholic Church.”- Wendy S.

“When I first heard about Discipleship Quads, I thought, “that group sounds too small” and “a

year is too long a commitment.” Now that we are on week six, I absolutely LOVE it, and those

earlier concerns are gone. Four is the perfect number; everyone shares, and there is a true

feeling of trust. I have been in prayer groups for over five years running, and I have never

experienced anything as meaningful to me spiritually as this program. It is incredibly intimate

and fruitful. Already, these women know my heart and my struggles better than many people I

have known for years. I look forward to our meetings with great anticipation and joy, and I am

excited to see how He uses us down the road to help rebuild His Church. – Laura W.



The benefit of a Discipleship Quad to each individual person is knowing the love of Jesus Christ and deepening a relationship with him. Those who have experienced that love and made the decision to follow Christ would never go back to a life without him. The reason for this is that

their lives were changed forever after knowing his unconditional love. The truth is that this life is available to everyone who genuinely wants to grow in faith and have a relationship with our Lord and Savior. The Discipleship Quad is a proven way to help others experience such a relationship.

Jesus is critical to our ongoing growth in faith and, as such, our peace, joy, and fulfillment in life. Community—fellowship with those on the same journey—is also important. As part of a Discipleship Quad, you will get to learn with and from others, pray for and with one another, and share life with those who will become good friends, in an otherwise incredibly busy and complicated world.



A Discipleship Quad is for any person who has a desire to grow in faith as a Catholic and will commit to adhere to all components of the Discipleship Quad Commitment (see Page 5). A Quad can be made up of people at any level of spiritual maturity, from long-time, committed Catholics to those who are just beginning their spiritual journey with Jesus. In addition to growing as disciples, Quad members should desire to be formed as disciple-makers.

What is a Discipleship Quad?

A Discipleship Quad is a group of four people who journey together as disciples through weekly gatherings of fellowship, ongoing conversion, and learning. This 12-month path of accompaniment fosters growth through prayer, accountability, and authentic relationships. The process may take a few months longer than a year, depending on how often the group needs to reschedule and how quickly they go through the material.

All members of a Quad should be of the same sex to create an atmosphere of intimacy and vulnerability for sharing. Each Quad has a coordinator who serves the temporal needs of the Quad and helps facilitate conversations by modeling authenticity. The Quad coordinator is the person who starts the Quad.

This process of discipleship is initiated by the Quad coordinator, though the journey that takes place among the four people in the Quad is done in community. It could be described as peer-to-peer discipling, in that it does not have a hierarchical structure in which one leader passes along his or her knowledge to the others. Rather, a Discipleship Quad is made up of four people who are committed to growing closer to Jesus as his disciples by learning together, sharing life in community, and creating a place for accountability in this journey.

Dr. Michael P. Barber

Dr. Michael P. Barber is associate professor of Scripture and theology at the Augustine Institute (Denver, Colorado). He has authored various books and scholarly articles for academic journals (such as Journal of Biblical Literature and Journal for the Study of Paul and His Letters). His most recent titles are Paul, A New Covenant Jew: Rethinking Pauline Theology (Eerdmans, 2019), co-authored with Brant Pitre and John Kincaid, and Salvation: What Every Catholic Should Know (Augustine Institute Press). He lives in Aurora, Colorado, with his wife, Kimberly, and their six children.

Dr. Ryan Marr

Ryan “Bud” Marr is the Director of the National Institute for Newman Studies and Associate Editor of the Newman Studies Journal. He earned an M.Div. from Duke Divinity School and a Ph.D. in historical theology from Saint Louis University, where he also worked in the campus ministry department. Dr. Marr’s dissertation on Newman’s ecclesiology was published by Fortress Press in 2018, and he has also contributed chapters to Newman and Life in the Spirit, The Oxford Handbook of John Henry Newman, and Learning from all the Faithful: A Contemporary Theology of the Sensus Fidei.

Fr. Andrew Hochstedler

Fr. Andrew Hochstedler, OFM Conv., was born and grew up in Istanbul, Turkey. Following undergraduate studies at the University of Notre Dame, he returned to Istanbul to work as a correspondent for Compass Direct News, reporting on religious freedom in the Middle East. He was received into the Catholic Church in 2006 and joined the Conventual Franciscans in Turkey in 2008, completing his religious formation in Italy and Lebanon. Since his
ordination to the priesthood in 2017 he has continued graduate studies on early Christianity and the Syriac Churches, first at the University of Notre Dame and currently at the University of Oxford.

Adore Ministries

On behalf of Adore Ministries, I’d like to personally thank you for participating in the 3rd Steubenville Encounter Houston Conference.  

We are praying for your weekend, and we hope that you will come to experience the Lord in a new and powerful way. The mission of this conference has always been about the renewal of the Church, echoing in our time those supernatural words “Go, rebuild my church”, and we are excited to partner with Franciscan University on bringing this renewal front and center for so many. Adore has always been about this renewal, and in partnering on this conference, we hope to inspire many to take up this challenge in their everyday life. As missionaries, we have taken this message to heart whether it be through youth discipleship, family dinners, worship nights or conferences.

It is our joy to accompany so many on this journey. As you journey through this weekend, know that we are available to assist you in anything you might need, and if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to pull one of us aside. We are here to serve you, walk alongside you, and pray with you!  Once again, thank you for your yes, and may the Lord Jesus Christ pour out his blessing on you during this Encounter with Him.

Jonathan Alexander
President, Adore Ministries

Learn More about Adore Ministries Here

Ladies Lounge

You don’t need to go to the bathroom in groups to get a moment of girls’ only time this weekend. Pop into the Ladies Lounge located within the General Session Tate Ballroom on the 2nd floor of the Vineyard Tower any time from 8 am to 10 pm on Saturday to visit, nurse, or craft. Supplies for DIY Saint Wine Charms, watercolor, and metal stamping will be waiting for you…not to mention our foot massager! A special thanks to our Ladies Lounge sponsor, Chewslife!

Join us for the following events, Saturday, at 8:30am: 

Mary, Martha, and Mimosa
(Ladies Lounge, Tate C6)

Do you identify with one (or more) of these words? Then join us in the Ladies Lounge for free mimosas and morning reflection by Katie Hartfiel (of “Woman in Love”). Mimosas are first come first serve and for 21+. Bring a journal and a friend!

While you drink mimosas, send your husband to:
The Faith. The Fight. The French Press.
(Tate A)

Enter into the cosmic battle that has been raging since the fall of the angels, thereby embracing authentic Christian masculinity. Knowing who you are changes everything. Join us in Tate A for coffee and a morning reflection by Mark Hartfiel of “That Man is You.”

Join us for the following events, Saturday, at 9:30am: 

Presentation by Shannon Wendt, of ChewsLife
(Ladies Lounge)

Join us for the following events, Saturday, at 10:30am: 

Hand Lettering Workshop with Ali Hoffman, of Oodles of Doodles
(Ladies Lounge)

Join Ali Hoffman from The Oodles Of Doodles in the Ladies Lounge for a relaxing time of learning better hand lettering and faux calligraphy. No need to be perfect already, just come as you are!

Rules and Regulations

You are an adult. We don’t need to tell you how to be respectful of others and the hotel facilities. Use your common sense. Don’t try to impress that cute girl in a way that could get you or someone else injured. Don’t forget to pick up your kids from childcare on time. Don’t do anything illegal. Be loving to those in your ten-foot radius including the hotel worker who may not have a good attitude because they don’t get to attend the conference and float the lazy river.


Conference wristbands provided at check in are required to enter all and any conference sessions. Conference Wristbands include:

Blue – Participant (Adult and Children) and Volunteers

Orange – Friday Night Concert Only Pass

Black – Conference Staff

If you purchased priority seating during the Matt Maher concert, you wristband will be marked as such.

The hotel will provide a different wristband for Paradise Springs upon check in. Commuters DO NOT have access to hotel amenities such as the Pools and Paradise Springs. Only those registered to stay at the hotel will have access to these areas.

Dining & Eats

I want to eat at the Gaylord!

I want something quick and cheap!

I want something local and delicious!

Download the “Gaylord Texan” App here to discover all there is to do and eat at the Gaylord!

“Show your Badge (App)” Specials at local restaurants

The hotel will be providing some easy and quick meal options:
Mission Plaza Marketplace:
  • Grab and Go Breakfast Combos – $10 inclusive of tax
    • Option 1: Breakfast burritos/sandwich with whole fruit and *Drip coffee, tea, or water
    • Option 2: Pastry, Parfait, and *Drip coffee, tea, or water
  • Lunch Combo – $15 inclusive of tax
    • Cold sandwich or wrap with bag of chips, coffee, soda, or water
Riverwalk Cantina will be running a buffet.
Texan Station will offer a la carte items.


The Adore Mercantile is your one-stop shop for various quality goods, music, and resources that directly support domestic missions, Catholic companies, and our conference ministry team. The Adore Mercantile is located in Tate Ballroom B on the 2nd floor of Vineyard Tower and will be open the following hours:

8:00am – 12:30pm

2:30pm – 7:00pm

11:00am – 12:00pm

Lost & Found

If you have lost an item anywhere in the hotel, please check with our Info Desk located on the 2nd floor of Vineyard Tower outside of Tate Ballroom first, and then contact the hotel’s Loss Prevention department at the front desk or by calling 713-654-1777

First Aid

First aid is located on the 2nd floor in Tate Ballroom accessible through the door closest to the info desk. Look for signs in the Pre-Function Area.


The Conference Chapel is located on Level 2 of the Vineyard Tower in Tate Ballroom A5 and available for quiet prayer all day Saturday 8AM to 8PM. If you would like to sign up for a Holy Hour, please click here. Reconciliation is also available here from 2:30pm – 6:00pm on Saturday.

7-17 Year Olds

Adore Ministries missionaries and friends are excited to be providing this year’s Kid Camp for your elementary- through high school-age children! We’ve got all sorts of camp games, swimming, and fun so you can rest assured your kids are engaged and having a blast during your time at the sessions on Saturday!