Drake McCalister

Drake McCalister is the coordinator of the catechetical practicum for the Office of Catechetics at Franciscan University. In addition to his work at Franciscan, Drake is the director of RCIA for Franciscan and oversees the EDGE youth group, along with writing and speaking. Previously, Drake was a Pentecostal pastor in the Foursquare Church for 13 years (1991-2004), but after five years of study, prayer, and reluctance, he resigned his pastorate and brought his wife and three daughters home to the Catholic Church on December 12, 2004 (Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe). Drake and his wife, Crystal, now have five daughters.

Kevin Watson

Dr. Kevin Watson is a professor at University of Notre Dame Australia where he has reviewed religious education, examined the link between archdiocese NAPLAN results and class size, evaluated the Family Educator Project, and worked with Macquarie University on a $2.3 million grant regarding authentic mathematics and science education in Australia. He served on the Premier’s Advisory Committee for Science Education and consulted for the Republic of Maldives’ Ministry of Education and UNICEF. He has also worked with AusAid and the World Bank, NSW DEC, and the Australian Academy of Science. In addition, Dr. Watson was president of the NSW Institute for Educational Research (IeR)and has had research funded by the Australian Research Council.

Mary Mosher

Mary Mosher has over 35 years experience in Catholic education. She has served as the director of Christian Formation for two parishes and authored, implemented, and taught programs of family-based catechesis in three parishes. Most notably, Mary is the author of the Family Program, which she wrote based on the four pillars of the Catechism of the Catholic Church. For 23 years she taught the faith to parents and provided materials and support for them to be their own children’s catechists. Mary holds a master’s degree from Franciscan University in theology and Christian ministry.

Dr. Mark Miravalle

Dr. Mark Miravalle earned his sacred theological doctorate at the Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas in Rome. He holds the St. John Paul II Chair of Mariology at Franciscan University, where he has been teaching since 1986. Dr. Miravalle is the founder and senior editor of Ecce Mater Tua, an international journal of Mariology research. He is also president of the International Marian Association, comprised of more than 130 theologians, bishops, clergy, and laity worldwide who seek to promote Marian devotion and doctrine. Well known throughout the world for his lectures on Mariology, Dr. Miravalle has addressed several episcopal conferences. He has also assisted bishops with preliminary investigations into reported apparitions.

Lindsay Fuhrman-Luck

Lindsay Fuhrman-Luck is an experienced Catholic educator with experience as assistant principal and principal in both primary and secondary schools in Queensland and the Northern Territory, Australia. He is now deputy director of Catholic Education Northern Territory, leading finance, ICT, projects and agreements, human resources, workplace health and safety, and infrastructure teams in supporting Catholic schools in urban, regional, and remote contexts. Lindsay holds master’s degrees in education (leadership and administration) and human resources and organizational development. He is currently completing doctoral studies at the University of Notre Dame Australia.

Kat Finney

Kat Finney is a New Orleans native transplanted to Pittsburgh, where she works in the Campus Ministry Department at North Catholic High School in Cranberry, Pennsylvania. She has been working with high schoolers in the classroom and in campus ministry since graduating from Franciscan University with her master’s degree in theology in 2013. Kat is inspired by the example of St. John Bosco, particularly in his education of young people; her training at Franciscan, coupled with her work as an educator in a Salesian school, has given her many tools to utilize for evangelization in the classroom.

Scott Elmer

Scott Elmer serves the Archdiocese of Denver as the executive director of Evangelization and Family Life Ministries. He holds a master’s degree in theology from the Augustine Institute and is pursuing a doctorate at The Catholic University of America. Scott is passionate about the initial proclamation of the Gospel and helping God’s people embrace the ministry calling upon their lives. He resides in Littleton, Colorado, with his wife of six years, Susie, and their three children, Athanasius, Jubilee, and Judah.

Anthony Cleary

Dr. Anthony Cleary is the director of Religious Education and Evangelization for the Archdiocese of Sydney. In this role, Anthony is responsible for strengthening the identity and mission of Catholic schools. While Anthony’s work is multifaceted, it centers on engaging in the broader life of the Church with a focus on strengthening school/parish relationships; the faith formation of all staff, youth ministry, religious education, and family evangelization. Anthony holds a teaching diploma, a bachelor’s degree in education, master’s degrees in religious education, theological studies, and educational leadership, and a doctorate in philosophy.

Chris Chapman

Chris Chapman has worked for the Diocese of Pittsburgh for 11 years and currently serves as the director of Catholic Identity and Education. He previously taught high school theology for 11 years.  His primary theological interests are in questions pertaining to grace and nature, Christian maturation, and culture. Chris is married and has one son.

Ansel Augustine

Dr. Ansel Augustine is from the Archdiocese of New Orleans. He is the former director of the Office of Black Catholic Ministries and the former associate director of the CYO/Youth & Young Adult Ministry Office. He has served in campus ministry at Loyola University of New Orleans, Xavier University of Louisiana, and St. John’s University in Queens, New York. He is also on the faculty of the Institute for Black Catholic Studies at Xavier University of Louisana. Dr. Augustine has served on the boards of the National Catholic Young Adult Ministry Association and the National Federation for Catholic Youth Ministry. He has presented workshops and keynotes around the country and has written various pieces related to ministry.

Dr. Andrew Minto

Dr. Andrew Minto has been married to Pamela for 39 years, and they have four children. In the early ’80s, he left a lucrative position as an account executive with Merrill Lynch to pursue graduate theological training. He obtained a PhD in biblical studies specializing in New Testament, particularly Pauline literature, from The Catholic University of America. Dr. Minto has taught a wide array of courses in Old and New Testament literature since 1987. He is the author of numerous articles, most recently a 14-article series for The Liguorian Magazine on the works of mercy.

Fr. Derek Anderson, SOLT

Father Derek Anderson, SOLT, was ordained a priest for the Society of Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity in 2003 and served as a parochial vicar in the Diocese of Rome for the first five years of his priesthood. Upon completion of his STL in dogmatic theology at the Angelicum, where he is also a doctoral candidate, Father Anderson was appointed academic dean of the SOLT Theological House of Studies in Rome. He has been director of the Office of Catechesis for the Diocese of Paterson and currently serves as pastor of Saint Mary’s Parish in Dover, New Jersey.

Vocations Archdiocese of Toronto

If you would like to learn more about vocations in the Archdiocese of Toronto, please visit the Office of Vocations website: http://www.vocationstoronto.ca/ .
The director of Vocations, Fr. Chris Lemieux, is always willing to talk to you about your vocational discernment and provide you with proper assistance to help you with your particular and unique vocation. Fr. Chris works with a team of priests from various parishes in our Archdiocese. Feel free to call or email Father Chris at the Vocations Office. He would love to hear from you.
Phone: 416-968-0997 or email vocations@archtoronto.org

Arrival and Check In

Conference registration will take place from 1 to 4 p.m. on Friday afternoon in the Grand Ballroom of the Plaster Student Union, 3rd floor.

When you arrive on campus, please have your group leader and potentially one additional chaperone head to the Grand Ballroom. All other teens and chaperones can hang out around campus or in other areas of the Student Union while the group leader registers.  

Friday | East


(Tsongas Center Lobby)


Dinner – Open Dining
(Assigned Dining Halls)


Arena Open

Marketplace Open


Evening Session
Called to Belong


(West Concourse)

Small Groups

Marketplace Open


Opportunity for Eucharistic Adoration


All Youth in Sleeping Areas

Saturday | East


(See Grid)


Arena Open


(West Concourse)

Marketplace Open


Morning Session

Celebration of Holy Mass


Women’s Session
Belong Together:
Authentic Friendship

Men’s Lunch
(Assigned Dining Halls)

(West Concourse)


Women’s Lunch
(Assigned Dining Halls)

Women’s Reconciliation
(West Concourse)

Small Groups


Men’s Reconciliation
(West Concourse)

Men’s Small Groups


Men’s Session
Belong Together:
Authentic Friendship


Arena Open for Women


General Session
Belong Together:
Family Ties


Open Time: Recharge

(West Concourse)

Small Groups

Marketplace Open

Youth Minister Gathering


Dating 101

Eternity 101: Heaven, Hell,
and Purgatory

(Campus Recreation Center)

         Priest Gathering


(See Grid)

(West Concourse)

Marketplace Open


Arena Open


Evening Session
Belonging to Christ, Our Hope

Eucharistic Holy Hour
and Procession


(West Concourse)

Small Groups

Marketplace Open


All Youth in Sleeping Areas

Sunday | East


(See Grid)


Arena Open


(West Concourse)

Marketplace Open


Morning Session
Belonging to the Body of Christ

Celebration of Holy Mass


Lunch to Go
(Tsongas Center Lobby)

Andrew Laubacher

Andrew Laubacher, aka ALOB, was raised in Ventura, California, where he attended Mass, played many sports, hung at the beach and was always into music. He attended Catholic school before switching to a public school because he was “tired of the Catholic rules.” In high school, he partied hard. After a serious wake-up call, he decided to attend a Steubenville Youth Conference where he found God. That changed ALOB’s life. ALOB received degrees in theology and philosophy from Franciscan University. Today, his mission is to introduce the freedom and love of Christ through worship music and preaching to modern culture.


Creative Fundraising Ideas are Baked into our DNA

The story of The Funds2Orgs Group developed through the years. It started with a single shoe that washed ashore after the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami. At the time, Wayne Elsey was the president of an international shoe manufacturing company.

Wayne went on to establish one of the largest nonprofits in the United States, helping people affected by some of the world’s most significant natural disasters, including the Indian Ocean tsunami, Hurricane Katrina and the 2010 earthquake in Haiti. He led efforts to ship over 20 million pairs of shoes to people and places hurt by natural disasters.

Creative fundraising ideas can come in many forms.

Some people are just not satisfied. That’s Wayne. He thought there was a way to help organizations raise money and make a global impact. He created Funds2Orgs with a team of dreamers who believe they could change the world. That single for-profit social enterprise eventually developed into The Funds2Orgs Group, which includes the Sneakers4Funds, ShoesWithHeart and Cash4Shooz brands.

The core of The Funds2Orgs Group business model is shoe drive fundraisers. The other components are to provide an economic opportunity for micro-entrepreneurs in developing nations and to help the environment by repurposing shoes. The Funds2Orgs Group helps YOU raise money with creative fundraising ideas, without asking for money or selling anything.


Meal Times

The below location for your wristband color will be the same for the entire conference weekend. Meal times may vary by color, see below for details.
Red, Orange, Yellow: Fox DH
Green, Blue, Purple: Hawk’s Nest DH

Friday Dinner: Open Dining
All colors may enter at their designated location; see above.

Saturday Breakfast
       Red and Green: 6:30-7:10am
       Orange and Blue: 7:10-7:50am
       Yellow and Purple: 7:50-8:30am

Saturday Lunch
All colors may enter at their designated location (above) at the time listed below. 
       Men: 11:15am-12:15pm
       Women: 12:15-2:00pm

Saturday Dinner
       Red and Green: 5:15-5:55pm
       Orange and Blue: 5:55-6:35pm
       Yellow and Purple: 6:35-7:15pm

Sunday Breakfast
       Yellow and Purple: 6:45-7:25am
       Red and Green: 7:25-8:05pm
       Orange and Blue: 8:05-8:45am

Sunday Lunch: Open Dining To Go
All colors may enter at their designated location; see above.

Ryan Hanning

Ryan Hanning teaches theology, church history, and Catholic studies and writes and speaks internationally on modern objections to religious faith. He serves as the assistant vice president and director of Cultural Advancement at the University of Mary Tempe, where he is also a faculty member in the School of Arts and Sciences and the School of Education. He is a certified presenter for Havard Virtuous Leadership Institute, a faculty member for the Kino Catechetical Institute, and a fellow of the Institute for Catholic Theology. He holds degrees from Arizona State University and Northern Arizona University and a PhD from Maryvale Institute in England. Ryan currently resides in Mesa, Arizona, with his wife, Rebecca, and their nine home-schooled children.

Prayer Ministry

First Line of Defense

Thank you for your yes to care for and minister to the youth at the Steubenville Youth Conference!

The group leader and adult chaperones are the primary ministers to the youth on the weekend. Please be sure to share all of this information with all adult chaperones and religious in your group.

The Team of Prayer Ministers

Prayer ministers will be wearing orange shirts and will be available on throughout the weekend.  They may approach you to ask if you need assistance. Feel free to reach out to a prayer minister for help.

Role of Prayer Ministry

The role of prayer ministry is to serve and support you and your chaperones by offering spiritual assistance to the youth in your group. Prayer ministry is an extension of the ministry done by the ministry team from the stage and by you as the group leader and chaperones. They can assist you if there are several youth who need attention or if there is a particular situation that you and your chaperones are unsure how to handle.

Remaining Present

If a prayer minister does assist your youth, it is ideal to have an adult chaperone from your group present to watch over and pray with them as well, as it is good for the youth to have a familiar person present. In addition, it is the adult chaperone who will be going home with the youth. Therefore, he or she can continue to pray for and with the youth at home if needed. If this is not possible, know that the prayer minister will encourage the youth and let them know that group leaders and chaperones are there for them if need be.