Dr. Marlon De La Torre

Marlon De La Torre is the department director of Evangelization and Catechesis for the Diocese of Fort Worth. For 23 years he has served as a professor of catechetics for diocesan seminary and deaconate formation as well as for the Catholic Distance University, parish/diocesan DRE, Catholic high school principal (Diocese of Memphis), and superintendent of Catholic Schools (Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph). His published/media credits include Screwtape Teaches the Faith, knowingisdoing.org, catholicmom.com, The Sower, NewAdvent.org, and EWTN Live. He holds an MA in theology/catechesis from Franciscan University, an MEd from University of Saint Mary, and a PhD in catechetics and doctrine from the University of Notre Dame-Australia. He and his wife, Amy, have four children, Miguel, Gabriella, Maria, and Gianna.


Dr. Martha Drennan

Dr. Martha Drennan graduated from Franciscan University of Steubenville in 1998 with a master of arts degree in theology and Christian ministry, specializing in catechetics. She also graduated from The Catholic University of America with a doctor of ministry degree. She serves as an adjunct professor with Franciscan University and writes material for the Franciscan at Home workshops with the Catechetical Institutes.


Marc Cardaronella

Marc Cardaronella is director of the Office of Catechesis and Faith Formation for the Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph, Missouri. He graduated from Franciscan University with a master’s degree in theology and catechetics and served for 12 years as a parish director of religious education. Marc is the author of Keep Your Kids Catholic: Sharing Your Faith and Making It Stick from Ave Maria Press. His articles have appeared in CATECHISTThe Catechetical Review, and numerous websites including Amazing CatechistCatholicMom.comThe Big Pulpit, and National Catholic Register. Marc writes about evangelization, catechesis, and forming kids within the family on his personal blog, MarcCardaronella.com.


Dr. Chris Burgwald

Dr. Chris Burgwald was born and raised in a small town in central Minnesota. While he was raised as a Catholic, he stopped practicing his faith in college until a “chance” encounter his junior year brought him back to the faith. The flame that was ignited then ultimately led him to doctoral studies in theology and an adult life spent deepening his own faith, sharing it with others, and equipping other Catholics to do the same. Chris and his wife, Germaine, and their five children live in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, where Chris has served the Diocese of Sioux Falls as the director of Adult Discipleship and Evangelization since 2002.


Gina Bauer

Gina Bauer is a dynamic presenter with 25 years of experience serving the Church as a youth director, religious educator, retreat director, youth ministry team trainer, consultant, and speaker. Gina is able to convey Catholic teachings in a compassionate, down-to-earth style that reaches the hearts of listeners, equipping them with practical tools to live holy lives in today’s culture. She received her undergraduate degree from the University of St. Thomas in St. Paul, Minnesota, and her master’s in theological studies from the University of Dallas Institute for Religious and Pastoral Studies. She and her husband, Duane, have four children and live in St. Paul, Minnesota.


St. Scholastica Monastery

We, the Sisters of St. Scholastica Monastery, Duluth, Minnesota, are monastic women who seek God in community through a life of prayer and work. Living in accordance with the Gospel, the Rule of St. Benedict, and the General and Specific Norms of the Monastic Congregation of St. Benedict, we respond to the needs of the Church and the world through our ministries.

Our days are centered on communal and personal prayer and on the meditative reading of scripture. As we grow ever closer to Christ, our eyes and ears are opened to others around us, and we hear God’s calling to become Christ in our human relationships. Thus our prayer leads directly to ministry and work.

Work is key to Benedictine spirituality. It is through creative and productive work that we become co-creators of God’s world. In St. Benedict’s time, only slaves and the poor had to work. St. Benedict, on the other hand, saw work as redemptive and creative, a way to pray while using one’s God-given talents. We encourage each other to develop our individual talents and rejoice in the sharing of these gifts through our variety of ministries.


Mary Bielski

Mary Bielski has spoken to over 200,000 teens around the nation at high school and young adult retreats and conferences, including Steubenville Youth Conferences, Life Teen-Inspiration, LA Congress, and parish and diocesan rallies. Mary talks on a variety of topics including conversion, prayer, the Holy Spirit, sacraments, chastity and Theology of the Body. Using funny stories and engaging analogies, Mary draws her audience to the beauty of our Catholic faith, a deeper love for Christ, the Eucharist, and the call to holiness.


Fr. Fernando Camou

Father Fernando Camou is the middle son of five children and was raised in Glendale, Arizona.  He has 15 nieces and nephews with whom he loves to compete. Father Fernando is always up for a jam session, playing drums, guitar, or bass. He marvels at the joy of being a priest of Phoenix, Arizona, since 2015, serving the Church in parish ministry, vocations work, high school chaplaincy, seminary formation, and as a student. He currently serves as rector of the Cathedral of St. Simon and Jude.



“Catecases” are Catholic smartphone accessories for the top-selling smartphones. We aim to provide solid protection and functional design that also displays elements of faith. We began in 2013 after just looking for a simple case that had a cross, or some element of our faith that we were happy to share.

Our Patrons are St. Therese, after whom we modeled our vision, and St. Joseph, who was a carpenter and found meaning in his work, teaching his kid a thing or two about working with earthly materials and fashioning them into something for practical use.

These simple reminders have more of an impact on our daily lives than we know. We receive stories from those who use our cases and are deeply touched. Whether a neat design kickstarted a conversation about the faith, or whether repeating the verse or phrase on the back during a trying time helps us continue to do what we do with excellence.


Dcn. Harold Burke-Sivers

Deacon Harold Burke-Sivers is an internationally renowned speaker, author, and preacher. He holds a bachelor of arts degree in economics and business administration from the University of Notre Dame, and a master of theological studies degree from the University of Dallas. He has appeared as a guest on numerous international Catholic radio and television programs and is the host or co-host of several popular series on the Eternal Word Television Network. Deacon Harold, a Benedictine Oblate, is the author of five books, including Behold the Man: A Catholic Vision of Male SpiritualityFather Augustus Tolton: The Slave Who Became the First African American Priest and the acclaimed new book Our Life of Service: The Handbook for Catholic Deacons. He is a member of the Fellowship of Catholic Scholars and the Confraternity of Catholic Clergy.


Dcn. Ralph Poyo

Deacon Ralph Poyo grounds his ministry in his relationship with the Lord and the power of the Holy Spirit. Serving in ministry for more than 40 years, Deacon Poyo founded an apostolate called New Evangelization Ministries (NEM) that serves pastors and parish staff, equipping them with training, resources, and strategies for evangelization.  Deacon Poyo leads parish missions as well as retreats and conferences for priests, deacons, men, women, ministry volunteers, and parish staff around the country. NEM recently launched an evangelistic video project titled Call To The Deep and a new small group method titled Walking On Water. Visit the NEM website for more information: NEM.Training.


Alicia Hartle

Alicia Hartle serves as executive director of Pentecost Today USA (the National Service Committee of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal in the US) and is a founding member of an ecumenical household, The Oakland Prayer Group, Abba’s House, Unbound Pittsburgh-Greensburg, and Catholic Women’s Fellowship ministries. Born into the fire of Renewal in the Pittsburgh area, she has worked in ministry and business development on local, national, and international levels. Knowing God and making Him known are her greatest passions.


Matt Fradd

Matt Fradd is a Catholic Australian author, podcaster, and university professor. He has written and contributed to numerous books including Does God Exist? A Socratic Dialogue on the Five Ways of Thomas Aquinas, Marian Consecration with Aquinas, and The Porn Myth. Matt earned his undergraduate and graduate degrees in philosophy from Holy Apostles College & Seminary where he now teaches. He lives with his wife, Cameron, and their four children in Georgia.


Jon Niven

Jon Niven is a gifted musician and songwriter who has helped usher thousands of people into the heart of Jesus with his gift for leading worship. The prayerfulness and humility he conveys in worship are unmistakable and help lead the worshiper into a deep encounter with God. As the co-founder of LIFT Ministries, Jon has led worship for countless retreats, adoration services, healing services, and Masses. He is currently the Director of Worship at St. Elizabeth Seton Parish in Naples, Florida. He resides in Naples with his wife and 2 children.


Fr. Rufino Corona, TOR

Fr. Rufino Corona is a friar on the campus of his alma mater, Franciscan University of Steubenville. Shortly after his graduation, he entered the Third Order Regular of St. Francis and was ordained in 2020. Having grown up in California as a self proclaimed “conference kid,” Fr. Rufino is excited to minister at the conferences for the first time this summer.

Derya Little

Born and raised in Muslim Turkey, Derya Little rejected her family’s Islamic faith and became an atheist after her parents’ divorce. During her stormy adolescence, she tried to convince a Christian missionary that there is no God but was converted to Christ instead. While serving as a Christian youth minister, Derya began to compare the teachings of Protestantism and Catholicism, and during her doctoral studies in England, she entered the Catholic Church. Little has an MA in history and a PhD in politics. Her books include her conversion story, From Islam to Christ, as well as A Beginner’s Guide to the Traditional Latin Mass, At His Feet: Drawing Closer to Christ, and the YA fiction series Two Fallen Worlds.


Vocations Information for Northwest

Connect with your diocesan vocation office
It is tough to hear God with all the noise and distractions in our world today. And even when we do hear something, how do we know what to do about it—or if it is really God? How can we know for sure? 

It’s normal to have questions and fears. That’s why each bishop appoints at least one priest in the diocese as vocation director to help young people like you make sense of your experiences and understand how God is speaking to your heart. 


For more information or to speak with the vocation director, visit www.SpokaneVocations.org. If you are from outside the Diocese of Spokane, we will be happy to connect you with the vocation director in your own diocese.  

Vocations Information for Northwest 





