Lauren Gothard

Lauren Gothard is a daughter of the abundantly generous Father. She has been seeking to know and serve the Lord for eight years since converting to the Catholic Church. She is passionate about seeing a Church fully alive in the joy, peace, and purpose that God has for us. Lauren is currently a full-time missionary for Damascus Catholic Missions Campus in Centerburg, Ohio. She spends most of her time loving on teens and creating environments where people can fall head over heels in love with God. She enjoys good coffee, acoustic vibes, and quality cheese.


Bishop Scott McCaig

Bishop Scott McCaig, CC, was born in Duncan, British Columbia, Canada, and grew up Kamloops, British Columbia and entered into full communion with the Catholic Church in 1987. After serving with NET Catholic Youth Ministries USA, he joined the Society of Apostolic Life the Companions of the Cross in 1989 and later served two terms as general superior (2006 to 2016). Bishop McCaig holds an undergraduate degree in history from Carleton University, a bachelor’s degree in sacred theology from the University of St. Paul, and a master of divinity degree from the University of Toronto. He was ordained to the priesthood in 1995, serving in numerous capacities. He was appointed by Pope Francis as Military Ordinary of Canada on April 8, 2016, and ordained to the episcopacy on the Feast of the Visitation, May 31, 2016. Bishop McCaig serves on several boards, has participated in many missionary outreaches, and assists in training missionaries with NET Ministries of Canada. In addition, he is episcopal advisor for the Spiritual Motherhood of Priests Apostolate in Ottawa, serves on the Committee for Ecumenical Dialogue for the Canadian Council of Catholic Bishops, and is liaison to the Catholic Charismatic Renewal for the Assembly of Catholic Bishops of Ontario.


Peter Herbeck

Peter Herbeck is the vice president and director of missions for Renewal Ministries. For the past 30 years, he has been actively involved in evangelization and Catholic renewal throughout the U.S., Canada, Africa, and Eastern Europe. Peter is a co-host for the weekly television programs The Choices We Face and Crossing the Goal. He also hosts the daily radio show Fire on the Earth. He is a frequent conference speaker, has authored When the Spirit Comes in Power and When the Spirit Speaks, and has produced CDs and booklets about discipleship and life in the Spirit. Peter and his wife, Debbie, have four children and reside in Ann Arbor, Michigan.


Debbie Herbeck

Debbie Herbeck has shared with many her personal journey of faith from Judaism to the Catholic Church. For the past 40 years, Debbie has worked extensively in youth and women’s ministry, speaking, leading mission trips, and mentoring high school and college age women. She is the founder and executive director of Pine Hills Girls’ Camp and the founder and leader of Be Love Revolution, a ministry that helps young girls encounter Christ and be his love in the world. Debbie has written five books and is a frequent author and speaker for Blessed is She. Debbie and her husband, Peter, live in Ann Arbor, Michigan, and have 4 young adult children and 10 grandchildren.


Verbum Bible Software

We are Verbum, the world’s leading Catholic Bible Software. Verbum is the premiere Catholic platform for praying, studying, and knowing God’s word. Verbum is not a subscription, but a lifetime resource for Catholic Scripture study that is orthodox, easy to learn, and vast in its depth.


Cafe & Bookstore Hours | Main Campus

Cupertino’s Café
Located upper level of the J.C. Williams Center

  • Friday, July 9
    • 8:00 AM – 7:00 PM
    • 9:00 PM – 11:30 PM
  • Saturday, July 10
    • 6:00 AM – 9:00 AM
    • 10:00 AM – 6:30 PM
    • 9:00 PM – 11:30 PM
  • Sunday, July 11
    • 6:00 AM – 9:00 AM

Franciscan University Campus Store
Located on the lower level of the J.C. Williams Center

  • Friday, July 9
    • 9:00 AM – 6:30 PM
  • Saturday, July 10
    • 7:00 AM – 6:30 PM
  • Sunday, July 11
    • 7:00 AM – 10:00 AM


Al Kresta

Al Kresta is a broadcaster and president and CEO of Ave Maria Communications. He hosts the nationally syndicated Catholic talk show Kresta in the Afternoon heard on over 400 stations and Sirius Radio weekdays from 4 to 6 p.m. Eastern Time. Al’s life and spiritual journey took on a new dimension in February 2003 when he lost his left leg to a virulent infection often referred to as the flesh-eating bacteria. His extended recovery and eventual return to broadcasting have given him new insights into the realities of suffering and hope. Al is the author of the best-selling book Dangers to the Faith: Recognizing Catholicism’s 21st Century Opponents and several others.


Dr. Nina-Sophie Heereman

Dr. Nina Sophie Heereman is a Catholic biblical scholar from Germany. After completing law studies and serving for two years as junior lawyer, she experienced a powerful encounter with the Word of God and felt the call to dedicate her life fully to the Church in the new evangelization. She obtained a baccalaureate in theology from the Gregorian University, a licentiate in sacred Scripture from the Pontificial Biblical Institute and the doctorate in sacred Scriptures at the École biblique et archéologique de Jérusalem. Dr. Heereman has taught at the Collège des Bernardins in Paris and the Pontificial Biblical Institute in Rome and is currently an assistant professor of sacred Scriptures at St. Patrick’s Seminary and University in Menlo Park, California.


Curtis Mitch

Curtis Mitch is a writer and editor at the St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology. Among his publications, he is the main annotator for the Ignatius Catholic Study Bible (Ignatius Press), a co-author of commentaries on the Gospel of Matthew and the Book of Romans (Baker Academic), and a contributor of several book chapters in the Catholic for a Reason apologetics series (Emmaus Road). He earned a BA in religious studies at Indiana University of Pennsylvania and an MA in theology at Franciscan University of Steubenville. Curtis resides with his lovely wife, Stacy, and their nine children in Ohio.


Lisa Brenninkmeyer

Lisa Brenninkmeyer is the founder and chief purpose officer of Walking with Purpose (WWP). WWP is a Catholic women’s Bible study ministry which she began out of a desire to see women come to encounter Christ personally through Scripture. Over 45,000 adult women are currently participating in WWP parish or small group studies. Lisa has written nine Bible studies for adult women, six for young adult women, a complete set of offerings for middle school girls and two devotionals. Lisa’s first book, Walking with Purpose: Seven Priorities that Make Life Work, has sold over 80,000 copies to-date. She and her husband Leo have seven children and live in St. Augustine, Florida.


Si – St. Cloud | Groups

Sioux City Metro
Shane Deman

Section 4 Row 7-11 Seats 1-5
Section 4 Row 12 Seats 1-8
Section 4 Row 13-16 Seats All

Frances OTool

Section 4 Row 12 Seats 10-12

Spires of Faith Cluster
Casey McCarraher

Section 5 Row 13-16 Seats 1-5
Section 5 Row 17 Seats 1-2

Spirit of Life Catholic Area Faith Community
Ashley Nelson

Section 3 Row 6 Seats 4-12
Section 3 Row 7-8 Seats 5-12
Section 3 Row 9-10 Seats 6-12

Ss. Peter and Paul Catholic Church
Matt Larson

Section 130 Row A Seats 8-10
Section 130 Row B-C Seats 7-11

St. Anastasia
Jake Burmis

Section 3 Row 7-8 Seats 1-4
Section 3 Row 9-11 Seats 1-5

St. Andrew Catholic Church
Kent Yoder

Section 110 Row A Seats 1-6

St. Augustine & St. Edward
Jaci Brennan

Section 2 Row 1 Seats 1-7

St. Bridget River Falls WI
Amy Burns

Section 2 Row 11-12 Seats 6-12

St. Cloud Metro Area
Nikki Silbernick

Section 115 Row D-F Seats 1-9
Section 115 Row G-J Seats 1-8
Section 115 Row K Seats 1-4


St. M – Stam | Groups

Patti Eggers

Section 5 Row 15-17 Seats 6-12
Section 5 Row 18 Seats 6-10

St. Mary/St Patrick Youth Group
Renae Pinter

Section 3 Row 15-17 Seats 6-12
Section 3 Row 18 Seats 8-10

St. Mary’s & St. Michael’s
Vianney Nguyen

Section 130 Row B-D Seats 1-6

St. Mary’s Parish
Sue Stemper

Section 2 Row 7-8 Seats 1-4

St. Mary’s Youth
Mary Brandt

Section 4 Row 1-4 Seats 7-12
Section 4 Row 5 Seats 8-12
Section 4 Row 6 Seats 9-12

St. Mary’s, Winneconne
Kari Reindl

Section 145 Row L-N Seats 10-14

St. Nicholas
Angie Nicolai

Section 125 Row L-N Seats ALL

St. Robert/Holy Family Youth Ministry
Caitlin Raether

Section 3 Row 12 Seats 7-12

STAM Youth
Karissa Tousignant

Section 3 Row 15-16 Seats 1-5


Submit a Workshop Question | Restore Peace

Restore the Conversation: Real Prayer

God wants to speak with you. Maybe you feel that your prayer life is lacking or perhaps you don’t have a prayer life and want to start.  Perhaps when you come to prayer, you think, “well now what?” Let’s go back to the basics: God wants a personal relationship with you and prayer is how it happens. Come and restore your relationship and friendship with God and learn how to continually be restored in friendship with Him.

Workshop Q&A: Tap here to ask a question!



Submit a Workshop Question | Restore the Conversation

Restore the Conversation: Real Prayer

God wants to speak with you. Maybe you feel that your prayer life is lacking or perhaps you don’t have a prayer life and want to start.  Perhaps when you come to prayer, you think, “well now what?” Let’s go back to the basics: God wants a personal relationship with you and prayer is how it happens. Come and restore your relationship and friendship with God and learn how to continually be restored in friendship with Him.

Workshop Q&A: Tap here to ask a question!



Megan Mohan

Megan Mastroianni has spoken to people all over the country and beyond about the mercy and love of God. She is very passionate about her relationship with Christ and has a sincere desire to inspire people to deeper intimacy with him. Megan currently lives in Philadelphia with her husband and baby girl and is currently doing the full-time mommy thing.


St. Joseph Scavenger Hunt

Throughout the Mayo Civic Center, there are 10 hidden images of St. Joseph. Once you find an image, scan the QR code for your next clue! After you have found all 10 titles of St. Joseph, come to the PFY Headquarters. The first 700 people to find all 10 titles will get a prize!


St. Co – St. Ja | Groups

St. Columbkille
Jessica Rauen

Section 5 Row 11-12 Seats 1-5

St. Francis de Sales
Loree Nauertz

Section 2 Row 13-14 Seats 6-12

St. Francis de Sales (Lake Geneva)
Marianne Weber

Section 3 Row 13-14 Seats 6-12

St. Francis of Assisi Parish
Therese McNally

Section 5 Row 7-9 Seats 1-5

St. Francis Youth Group
Cyndi Bayer

Section 5 Row 3-4 Seats 8-12

St. Henry’s Church
Lisa Hendrickx

Section 110 Row L-N Seats All

St. Hubert Catholic Community
Lydia Shields

Section 125 Row J-K Seats 5-14

St. James Basilica
Whitney Somsen

Section 2 Row 16 Seats 1-7
Section 2 Row 17 Seats ALL
Section 2 Row 18 Seats 1-8

St. James Coffee
Melissa Scaccio

Section 2 Row 2 Seats 1-5
Section 2 Row 3 Seats 1-4


St. Jo – St. L | Groups

St. Joachim Catholic Church
Sharon Schouweiler

Section 2 Row 1 Seats 8-12

St. John the Baptist Parish
David Alcott

Section 5 Row 5-7 Seats 7-12

St. John the Baptist, Mankato, MN
(9th Grade Y Disciple Confirmation Group)
Olivia Lippert

Section 2 Row 5-6 Seats 1-5

St. Joseph Community
Kayla Rooney

Section 125 Row C Seats 1-7

St. Joseph the Worker Holy Family
Valerie Koch

Section 2 Row 4 Seats 1-4

St. Jude of the Lake & St. Pius X
Will Murley

Section 130 Row L-M Seats 1-10
Section 130 Row N Seats All

St. Katharine Drexel Parish – Sioux Falls
Curt Lauret

Section 145 Row A-K Seats 1-5

St. Ladislaus
Dawn Cherek

Section 5 Row 8-10 Seats 7-12

St. Leonards/OLV
Peter Bellavance

Section 6 Row 6 Seats 4-6
Section 6 Row 7-11 Seats All
Section 6 Row 12 Seats 4-6


Dress Code

Dress Code 

All participants, including adults, are expected to dress appropriately in modest attire. Low-cut tops, miniskirts, short shorts, or clothing with offensive language or obscene pictures are not permitted. Shoes must be worn at all times. 


Father Leo Patalinghug

Father Leo Patalinghug is a priest member of a community of consecrated life called Voluntas Dei. He founded, an international apostolate connecting food and faith. He’s an internationally renowned speaker, best selling author, TV and radio host, and a theological and cultural contributor to the media. His unique background as a martial arts instructor and former breakdancer helps him connect with people of all backgrounds. In addition, he has appeared on The Food Network, where he won Throwdown with Bobby Flay.  Father Leo uses food, faith, and fun to bring people closer to the Lord’s Table.



WAL is a contemporary Catholic-Christian band from Los Angeles, California, comprised of music artists, songwriters, and worship leaders who serve their local parishes as coordinators of youth ministry. For over 15 years, WAL has been serving the Church both nationally and internationally through God’s gift of song and carries with them an energetic sound that rejoices in the goodness of our Lord. WAL strives to have their music draw each of your hearts to a knowledge and deep acceptance that we are all infinitely, passionately, and unconditionally loved by God.