Faith is a precious gift from God. As the largest religious media network in the world, EWTN has an important role in educating others about our Catholic faith and spreading the good news of salvation. Our rich and rewarding Catholic faith was communicated by our Lord to the Apostles, and has been handed down through the centuries by His humble servants under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. For the Catholic faithful, you’ll find a sincere presentation of the Church’s teachings in order to help strengthen your faith and lead a deeper commitment to a life pleasing to our Lord. For non-Catholics, we hope to answer your questions, resolve your curiosity and create a rich environment that will help you one day decide to join us. We invite you to explore our numerous pages of historical faith documents, prayers, teachings, information on saints and other current issues in Catholicism today.


Knights of Columbus

The Knights of Columbus is here to help. We offer the Catholic faith formation, financial protection, and family resources that can help you grow as a father, husband, and leader. With the Knights, you can become the man you want to be – and your family needs.


University of St. Thomas

University of St. Thomas: All for the Common Good

At St. Thomas we believe diversity, equity and inclusion are indispensable to academic excellence and the holistic development of our students. Our university community includes and welcomes ALL people.

With eight schools and colleges, St. Thomas offers a comprehensive university with undergraduate and graduate options.

With one campus along the Mississippi River in St. Paul, a second campus in the heart of downtown Minneapolis, and a third campus in Rome, St. Thomas offers an urban experience with lots of greenery thrown in. But you can’t believe everything you read on the internet. So come to campus and see it all for yourself.

Our two-year college, Dougherty Family College, is for students who want to obtain a four-year college degree. They receive financial, academic and professional support on the way to their goals.

All students can participate in Study Abroad, Research, and Internship opportunities, and access the Schulze School of Entrepreneurship, which helps spread the spirit of entrepreneurship and innovation across campus.

Contact Us!

Livin U

Livin is a Catholic ministry that works with youth and young adults to practically build the mind, body, and Soul. This is accomplished by talks, retreats, leadership training, and mentoring.


Net Ministries

National Evangelization Teams

A vast majority of Catholic youth are disconnecting from the Church during their teenage years. Something clearly isn’t working.

At NET Ministries, we’re passionate about challenging young Catholics to love Christ and embrace the life of the Church.

That’s why, working alongside youth ministers, parishes, and schools, we help young people encounter the person of Christ through evangelization and discipleship.

Our ministry is carried out by retreat teams, discipleship teams, and YDisciple.


Real Presence Radio

Real Presence Radio (RPR) is a lay apostolate Catholic talk radio network in the US with 27 signals in North Dakota, Minnesota, South Dakota Wisconsin and Wyoming. RPR is dedicated to sharing the love and knowledge of Jesus Christ and His Church.



St. George Books


Phone Number:  763-754-9777

Email: info@stgeorgebooks.com

Address: 10904 Baltimore St. NE, Blaine, MN  55449

Store Hours: Mon – Fri  9:30 – 5:30, Saturday:  9:30 am-4:00 pm, Closed on Sunday


University of St Thomas Catholic Studies

St. Thomas Catholic Studies is the oldest, largest program of its kind. With Catholic studies, you find deeper integration of your faith, academics and professional pursuits for a meaningful life and career.

Catholic intellectual exploration and career preparation – why not both?

The world and Church need well-formed, ethical professionals to serve the common good. Our students are up to the challenge. Our graduates are in Fortune 500 boardrooms, run parishes and so much more.

Explore 2,000 years of Catholic thought and culture. Forge lasting friendships through St. Thomas Catholic Studies community activities and residential opportunities. Tap into leadership programs through the Center for Catholic Studies. Expand your horizons with our Rome program. Discover how “Christ is all, and in all” (Col. 3:11) in the wisdom you seek, work you choose and actions you take.
