Oakland Diocese Vocations

Oakland Diocese Vocations

Who has a Vocation?
All the baptized have a vocation – a Call from God. Your vocation has two aspects: First, you have a call to holiness; to become a saint; to engage the Holy Spirit in a lifelong journey of conversion to Jesus Christ. Second, your call is to a particular ‘way of life’ in the Church: as a married person, as an unmarried (single) person, as a priest, or a deacon or a member of a religious congregation.

Why so many Vocations?
The Church needs good and holy priests, it needs good and holy religious, it needs good and holy married couples and all the other vocations mentioned above. Why? The different vocations complement each other and build upon each other. They make for a vibrant Church built of ‘living stones’ to carry the message of God’s love in Jesus to others.

How do I know my Vocation?
The process of coming to know your vocation is called discernment. It is a committed prayerful interaction with Jesus himself who invites you to, “Come, follow me.” It begins by getting to know Jesus personally; in the Bible, in prayer and in the sacraments of the Church. Jesus cannot lead us to our vocation unless we begin by ‘taking up our cross and following him.’

Consider Jesus’ action after he was baptized by John in the Jordan River. The Spirit led Jesus to the desert where he fasted and prayed for 40 days. This was the place where Jesus discerned his Father’s will. In a sense, we must spend our time in the desert too before God can reveal our particular vocation. This ‘desert’ is where we turn to God in prayer, where we ‘fast’ from distractions and temptations that draw us away from God, where we encounter God in quiet moments of peace.

God will use people in your life to help you discern your vocation. You may hear a comment like, “You would make a good priest” or “Have you ever thought about being a sister?” Pay attention to what others observe about you. It could be the Holy Spirit speaking through them.

Over and over Jesus said to his followers, “Do not be afraid.” He tells you that now. Don’t be afraid to turn to him. He wants only the best for you.

Why is my Vocation Important?
God created you to be joy-filled and to share your gifts and talents in order to be the light of Christ for others. This is the true meaning of life, its destiny and your opportunity to join Christ for eternity in heaven. God needs you! He has a plan to use your gifts and talents for His glory. So engage discernment of your vocation! It is a journey that leads you to your truest self – the self that God sees when He sees you.

Sacramento State Newman

Sacramento State Newman

Mission Statement
​The Newman Catholic Centers empower college students to form authentic Christian community, celebrate the diverse expressions of the Catholic faith, and discern their vocation as disciples of Jesus for the Church and for the world.

We envision the Newman Catholic Centers in the Diocese of Sacramento to be places where all young adult college students are invited to encounter Jesus Christ.  Through a relationship with Jesus they learn more about themselves and their call to build up the Church on campus, in their parish, and in the world.  The Newman Centers will proclaim the Catholic faith in both words and deeds, encouraging contemplation and action in the lives of students. Vocational discernment will be actively encouraged in order to develop passionate, life-long disciples of Jesus Christ.

Mission Youth

Mission Youth

Mission Statement
Mission Youth, engaging young people, adults and families, exists to spread Christ’s love through missions in the US and abroad serving communities in their specific needs. The encounter with Christ, others, and ourselves transforms and empowers us and those we serve.

Core Values
MY Missionaries leave their comfort zone and joyfully embrace the extreme conditions and sacrifice that the mission entails.
MY Missionaries are aware of their mission to spread the fire of Christ’s love by all of their words and actions.
MY Missionaries bring Christ’s message of salvation by their own joy and enthusiasm while on mission.
MY Missionaries embrace each person and culture, showing respect in their interactions with all the people they encounter on the mission trip.
MY Missionaries know that united with the team of missionaries, they will make a greater impact than what they could do alone.
Guiding Principles
MY missionaries bring the love of Christ on mission by bringing people to the sacraments, witnessing to the Gospel and engaging in humanitarian work.
MY missionaries respond to the real needs of the communities Mission Youth serves.
MY missionaries know that the mission brings together different people and cultures; being open to those relationships allows mutual enrichment and growth.
MY missionaries are aware that Mission Youth is a Catholic organization that offers moments of prayer and access to the sacraments while on mission.
MY missionaries are invited to take up the challenge of the mission to give the best of themselves and open their horizons.
MY missionaries should be aware of their surroundings and make decisions to ensure the safety of themselves and others while on mission.

Mission Youth and Regnum Christi
Mission Youth is a pastoral program directed by Regnum Christi, an apostolic movement recognized by the Universal Church.

Haiti Mission Booth

Haiti Mission Booth

Life Teen’s mission is universal: lead teens closer to Christ. The Great Commission’s call is distinct: “Go and make disciples of all nations.”
Together, these two charges have led us to the beautiful nation of Haiti. Will you join us?

On January 12, 2010, a magnitude 7.0 earthquake struck just 16 miles west of Port-au-Prince, the capital of Haiti. The earthquake leveled the beautiful country, and left more than 1.5 million people homeless, 316,000 dead and devastation across the land.  Life Teen sent multiple mission trips to the country to aid in the rebuilding efforts, and one fact quickly became clear: the people of Haiti, especially the teens, were hungry for Jesus Christ.  No Catholic Youth Ministry existed in Haiti, but after an earnest appeal from the Bishop of Haiti, the St. John Paul II Center for the New Evangelization was founded in Madian, Haiti.

Just as St. Paul writes “I have become all things to all, to save at least some” in 1 Corinthians 9:22, so too does the Life Teen base and missionaries in Haiti impact and interact with the community.  With multiple families and full-time Life Teen missionaries, both Haitian and American, living on the base, a full Catholic School welcoming students, and mission trip groups regularly visiting the base, the JP2 Center for the New Evangelization is a living, breathing part of the Haitian community.  No two days look the same in Haiti, but the mission always remains constant: lead teens closer to Christ. Sometimes it’s through renting a tanker truck to provide clean water to all in need after a hurricane, weekly Bible studies, hosting Life Teen Haiti Summer Camp, walking with teens to school, or even just providing a quiet place to pray. God has called Life Teen to Haiti and we’ve been blessed by the abundant blessings & glory He has shown in this mission!

Franciscan University Admission Dept.

Franciscan University Admission Dept.

Embrace your unique talents and gifts.
Spur your mind to enlightenment.
Help your convictions gain strength.
Let your life serve as a witness to the world.
Your knowledge — illuminated by faith — comes alive and leads you confidently into the world when you study at Franciscan University of Steubenville. Here, your exceptional education is grounded in a passionately Catholic faith tradition that takes you beyond yourself and into the community where you can evangelize and transform the culture.

Grow in wisdom, faith, maturity, strength, purpose, and dedication at Franciscan. How you live your life — where you go, what you do, who you are — builds on the life of Christ within you and what you embrace while you’re here. With the solid foundation of faith and reason you create at Franciscan University, you are the message the world is waiting for!


Diocese of Sacramento

Diocese of Sacramento

The Office of Youth and Young Adult Ministry seeks to recruit, train, empower, and support ministry leaders to minister effectively to youth (in junior high and high school) and young adults (age 18 to 39).  We seek to evangelize our young people, train and mentor them in the Catholic way of life and help them to discern how Jesus is calling them to use their God-given gifts for the good of all God’s people.

Catholic Youth Ministry has 3 Main Goals:
Goal 1: Empowerment
To empower young people to live as disciples of Jesus Christ in our world today. (RTV 9)
Goal 2: Participation
To draw young people to responsible participation in the life, mission, and work of the Catholic faith community. (RTV 11)
Goal 3: Growth
To foster the total personal and spiritual growth of each young person. (RTV 15)

Our department is here to help you accomplish this in your parish or ministry.  We do this by evangelizing young people through large Diocesan events, recruiting, training and forming youth ministry leaders, and supporting parishes and ministries in planning and hiring for youth ministry.  We are guided by Bishop Soto’s strategic plan.


Lifeteen Catholic Youth Ministry

As a Eucharist-centered movement within the Roman Catholic Church, Life Teen leads teenagers and their families into a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ and His Church. With the Blessed Virgin Mary as our intercessor and guide, Life Teen seeks to unleash the fullness of the Sacramental power present within the young Church.

Lifeteen Store

Northwest Sponsors

  • Kaufer’s Catholic Books and Supplies 

    “Kaufer’s Catholic Books, Gifts and Supplies” has served the Catholic community since 1904. From books to rosaries, medals, and statuary, Kaufer’s has the largest selection of Catholic gifts and sacramentals in the region. They also provide churches with needed supplies like candles, hosts, and furnishings. Visit our Spokane store at 907 W Boone Ave (west of the Spokane Arena) or our website at www.KauferCo.com. We mail anywhere! You can call us too: 1-800-873-7375 or 509-326-7070. Kaufer’s. Serving the needs of Catholics for 116 years. Still family owned and operated. 


    Raise the Bar Designs, Inc. 

    Raise The Bar Designs, Inc. is a Catholic family owned full service graphics company.  We specialize in screenprinting, embroidery, ad specialties, and graphic design.  Our desire is to give glory to God through all of our services and to help the many parishes we serve bring their youth closer to Jesus.  Contact Bob Falkner at raisethebardesigns@gmail.com. 

A – C

Adventures In The Great Mystery

LOOKING FOR A NEW WAY TO TEACH ABOUT THE CATHOLIC LIFE OR TOB? This Catechetical Novel and its discussion guides will help you engage, inspire, and inform individuals and groups, ages 14 to 104.

Designed by a team trained in theology, Adventures in the Great Mystery is an action-packed story about Catholic college students, a story which pulls readers into the excitement and beauty of following Jesus in the Catholic Church. The first novel, The Five Questions, contains personal reflection questions after each chapter, group discussion questions for four meetings, and two hundred footnotes to Scripture, the Catechism, and the writings of saints and popes. Special group discussion questions are available for Lent and for Theology of the Body classes. Through the eyes of the characters, readers will experience and learn about the sacraments, various types of prayer, ethical decision-making, discernment of vocation, offering up suffering, and much more. Less-catechized readers will find a great introduction to the Catholic faith; well-catechized readers will find inspiration to build both their personal prayer life and their apostolic activity. Staff members are ready to design discussion questions with your class or group’s specific needs in mind.

For lists of topics covered, comments from readers, and sample discussion questions, or to contact our staff, visit AdventuresInTheGreatMystery.com. For sale at the Franciscan bookstore during all conferences.

Catholic Apologetics Institute of North America (CAINA)

In support of the Catholic Church’s New Evangelization, the Catholic Apologetics Institute of North America (CAINA) provides informative and interesting presentations and writings to help Catholics better understand and uphold our faith heritage to an increasingly secular society in need of hope and the Christian vision.

Church of Saint Paul

Family Formation is designed to help parents respond to the Church’s call to be the first and foremost educators of their children and to help families grow in the transforming love of God by understanding and living the Catholic Faith.