Alcohol, Drugs and Weapons

All local laws concerning alcohol, drugs and weapons will be strictly enforced. Possession and/or consumption of alcohol or drugs is prohibited at all Steubenville Youth Conferences. We have a zero tolerance policy, and youth or adults found consuming alcohol will be sent home.

  • Violation of Policy: If a teen is found in possession of drugs, alcohol or weapons; or has
    consumed drugs or alcohol or is a danger to themselves or others, their parents will be called to come pick them up. Teens may not return to the conference. Teens will be kept with officers at the conference security office in order to keep them safe. Teens will be released only to parents or approved adults to be removed from the conference site. During the time the teen is with site security, parents will incur a $30/hour charge.
  • At the discretion of Partnership for Youth staff and/or site public safety personnel some offences may be reported to and handled by local law enforcement.