Arrival / Check-In

Check in will take place from 2:00 to 4:30 p.m. on the Upper Level of the MassMutual Center, 1277 Main Street, Springfield, MA 01103. Only the group leader plus one additional chaperone (if necessary) and priest (if applicable) should go to check in and pick up all registration materials. Please be sure to have all digital paperwork submitted prior to arrival and bring a copy of your signed Safe Environment Form with you to check in. If possible, it is advised that you send the rest of your chaperones and teens to the hotel to check in.  If this is not possible, the group should wait on the bus/personal vehicle with remaining chaperones until you have completed conference check in.

The Group Leader Information Packet will be provided on Friday at check in.

Please see the Buses/Parking section for information on loading, unloading, and parking.