Buses / Parking

View the Parking Map

Car/Van Parking
All vehicles carrying 15 or fewer passengers will park at the Banknorth Lot, 230 Dwight St. It is about a one-block walk from the lot to the MassMutual Center. The best pedestrian route to walk from the Banknorth Lot to the MassMutual Center is via Market St. Parking is free in this lot for the weekend except on Friday afternoon. Any vehicle that leaves the lot before 6:00pm on Friday will be charged a $5/vehicle fee. The gate will remain open after 6:00pm on Friday throughout the rest of the weekend with no fees charged.

To avoid the Friday afternoon $5 parking fee, there are two options:

1. It is strongly encouraged that you check in at your hotel first before coming to the MassMutual Center so that once you have parked you can remain parked for the rest of the evening.

2. For those who are unable to do so, we have arranged a temporary parking area on Main St. near the main entrance of the MassMutual Center.  Group leaders may temporarily park personal vehicles there only while checking in. These spaces are limited and will be available on a first-come, first-serve basis.

Bus Staging
Your driver can stage the bus for loading no earlier than 30 minutes prior to dismissal. Your driver needs to stay with the bus while waiting. The bus can be staged in the loading/unloading area on Dwight Street. Please note that Dwight Street is a one-way street that runs West to East.

Bus Identification
Group leaders should have the driver’s contact information and place a sign in the front window of the bus identifying the group leader’s name and parish for arrival and departure. Ex. Mary Smith, St. Paul, Waterford, CT.

Bus Parking
Parking for buses is not available at the MassMutual Center. Bus drivers should park at the hotel or find a different location to park the bus.

Pedestrian Safety
The only hotel we recommend groups walk back and forth from is the Sheraton Springfield Monarch Place. All other hotels are not comfortable walking distance or well-lit secure routes, so should be driven to and from. Please use sidewalks and crosswalks, especially the crosswalks leading to the MassMutual Center.  It is not safe to cross outside of a crosswalk. Our conference volunteers will not be helping people cross the street. Be sure your teens are together with chaperones.