Buses / Parking

Car/Van Parking
All vehicles carrying 15 or fewer passengers are required to load/unload/park in the garage. This will allow for increased safety and greater mobility for all. Parking in the garage is free.


Bus Parking
If your bus driver is NOT attending the conference, ask him or her to park the bus at a different location. See the staging and pedestrian safety instructions below.

If your bus driver IS attending the conference, he or she will either park behind the ICC or at the DART Station across the street. Please follow the instructions of the volunteers. You will load/unload in the drive on the East side (along Las Colinas Blvd.) of the Convention Center. The Dart Station parking is 1/4 mile from ICC (East down NW Hwy 114).  The driver can either choose to walk back from the DART Station or call Patrick Cable at 972-816-9777 for transportation. See the staging and pedestrian safety instructions below.


Bus Staging
If your bus is NOT parked at the Irving Convention Center, your driver can stage your bus for loading no earlier than 30 minutes prior to dismissal. Your driver needs to stay with the bus while waiting. The bus can be staged in the loading/unloading area on the east side of the Convention Center and on the west side of the parking garage.  Drivers should watch for signage indicating no parking areas.


Pedestrian Safety
Please use sidewalks and crosswalks, especially the crosswalks leading to the Convention Center.  It is not safe to cross outside of a crosswalk. Our conference volunteers will not be helping people cross the street. Be sure your teens are together with chaperones when walking to and from the Convention Center.