Rules and Regulations

All members are expected to conduct themselves in the best possible manner throughout the entire weekend. Each member should strive to behave within the teachings of Christ and the Catholic Church. Each parish/group accepts full responsibility for any damage or theft caused by members of their group; thus, group members must agree to the expected behavior.

Some Rules:

The Gaylord Rockies has graciously agreed to house the Steubenville of the Rockies Conference based on the high standard by which the participants of the conference have behaved. Thus, there are some expectations for those attending this conference.

1) There will be around 3,000 people in attendance, so please do not run in the hallways or inside the conference space.

2) Please comply with all conference signs (i.e. signs that request silence in certain areas for confessions/adoration).

3) Vandalism of any kind (such as having indoor water fights, purposely spilling or throwing foods/liquids, and damaging any property belonging to the Gaylord Resort or the Archdiocese of Denver) will not be tolerated in any way.

4) Please pick up your trash.

5) This conference requires that men are never in women’s rooms and vice versa.  Teens may convene in the gathering areas of the hotel if they have their chaperone’s permission but may not be in one another’s rooms.  Please remember to keep the noise levels down in the hotel, especially in the evening.

6) The weekend will be intense both emotionally and spiritually, so drink water, remain hydrated, and get a good amount of sleep!

7) Please keep your name tags/lanyards on at all times.   These are your tickets to the conference as well as your meal tickets.

8) Please never leave the conference premises (including the hotel) alone.

9) This weekend is for your spiritual growth! We ask that you please unplug the TV, or other electronics at home, turn your cell phone off, and let God work on you this weekend.

10) Please respect all people attending the conference.  This means no physical, emotional, or verbal insults or abuse.

11) You must sit in the assigned seats specifically for your group during every session.

12) Please do not stand on the chairs during the conference.

13) Please abide by the volunteers’ directions; this includes prayer ministers, safety team, and conference staff.

14) Please follow the schedule of events. This means attending all sessions and only going to confession or to the MarketPlace during scheduled times.

15) Smoking is only permitted in designated areas (and only if you are of age). All other substances (drugs and/or alcohol) are not permitted during the conference. The use of these substances is grounds for immediate dismissal from the conference.

16) No weapons of any kind may be possessed during the conference. Possession is grounds for immediate dismissal.

Behavior at the Hotel/Conference Center

Be courteous of other guests staying in the hotel.

Do not run down the halls.

Use elevators appropriately (no jumping in or on).

Observe quiet time policies and turn off your lights at the requested time.

Respect the property and use of public spaces in and around the hotel.

Be respectful and gracious to the hotel staff.

Smoking Policy

Except for designated outside areas, all conference venues are smoke-free facilities. During the sessions we ask all participants, including adult chaperones, to refrain from smoking.