
  • Lanyards MUST be worn at all times.  If you lose your lanyard, immediately report to Central Office (youth must be accompanied by an adult chaperone).
  • Bag Size Limits: Bags should be “flat bags” like a cinch bag/drawstring backpack (picture below). No multi-zipper backpacks, oversized backpacks or large totes will be allowed.
  • Youth are not allowed to leave the inside of the conference site without a chaperone
  • No one without proper Conference Credentials will be allowed onto the conference grounds:
    -Participants: Lanyards for Participants: Lanyards will be required to be worn by all participants when on the conference site. The lanyard will be your conference credentials (instead of bracelets) this year. Chaperones will have one color identifier on their lanyard and young adults will have another. No one without a lanyard will be allowed into the conference.
    -Safe Environment Trained Persons:Volunteers are identified by their “uniform” and MUST wear their conference vests, scrub top or apron at all time as this is your “entry” to the conference. / Priests will be wearing lanyards./Mercy Crew is identified by their shirts./Logistics persons are identified by their shirts.
    -Non Safe Environment Trained Persons: Civic Staff: will have their I.D.s on and many will have Civic Center shirts/Production Staff: will have Gulf Coast Production shirts on/Catering: will have 360 catering shirts on.