University of St Thomas Catholic Studies

St. Thomas Catholic Studies is the oldest, largest program of its kind. With Catholic studies, you find deeper integration of your faith, academics and professional pursuits for a meaningful life and career.

Catholic intellectual exploration and career preparation – why not both?

The world and Church need well-formed, ethical professionals to serve the common good. Our students are up to the challenge. Our graduates are in Fortune 500 boardrooms, run parishes and so much more.

Explore 2,000 years of Catholic thought and culture. Forge lasting friendships through St. Thomas Catholic Studies community activities and residential opportunities. Tap into leadership programs through the Center for Catholic Studies. Expand your horizons with our Rome program. Discover how “Christ is all, and in all” (Col. 3:11) in the wisdom you seek, work you choose and actions you take.


St. George Books


Phone Number:  763-754-9777


Address: 10904 Baltimore St. NE, Blaine, MN  55449

Store Hours: Mon – Fri  9:30 – 5:30, Saturday:  9:30 am-4:00 pm, Closed on Sunday


Diocese of Winona-Rochester

We are the Vocations Office for the Diocese of Winona-Rochester. We help men and women discern their vocation through counsel, events, prayer, location visits, and more.

The Diocese of Winona-Rochester was established on November 26, 1889 when Pope Leo XIII issued the apostolic constitution which erected the diocese, and set its geographical boundaries. The diocese encompasses the 20 southernmost counties of the state of Minnesota and measures 12,282 square miles of some of the Lord’s most beautiful country–bordered by the Mississippi River to the east and the Dakotas to the west. The diocese includes Blue Earth, Cottonwood, Dodge, Faribault, Fillmore, Freeborn, Houston, Jackson, Martin, Mower, Murray, Nobles, Olmsted, Pipestone, Rock, Steele, Wabasha, Waseca, Watonwan, and Winona Counties.

The diocese is home to 107 parishes, four high schools, 30 junior high, elementary or preschools, and Immaculate Heart of Mary Seminary in Winona.

Learn More

Freedom to Love

Freedom to Love forms young men in both the human and spiritual areas of their lives. Too often we attempt to overcome the lure of pornography through only one of these aspects of formation, making it much more difficult to find freedom from sexual temptation.
Freedom to Love combines the supernatural treasures of our Catholic faith along with sound human development in the natural realm.

Freedom to Love


YDisciple is a toolbox of training resources for adults and teaching resources for teens specifically designed with small groups in mind. And because YDisciple is largely digital it can work whether your small groups meet in person or online.

These resources include not only the highest caliber videos for young people but also leader guides to help adults facilitate meaningful discussion, participant guides to help teens grasp key concepts, and parent resources (in English & Spanish) to encourage parents to stay engaged.

YDisciple isn’t just another video resource. We understand that programs don’t make disciples. Only a disciple can. That’s why YDisciple couples video resources with extensive training and support for leaders.

YDisciple is faithful to the teaching of the Catholic Church.


Net Ministries

National Evangelization Teams

A vast majority of Catholic youth are disconnecting from the Church during their teenage years. Something clearly isn’t working.

At NET Ministries, we’re passionate about challenging young Catholics to love Christ and embrace the life of the Church.

That’s why, working alongside youth ministers, parishes, and schools, we help young people encounter the person of Christ through evangelization and discipleship.

Our ministry is carried out by retreat teams, discipleship teams, and YDisciple.


Students for Life of America

Kristan Hawkins launched Students for Life of America full-time in August 2006. Thanks to an angel investor, our organization was able to grow rapidly with the mission to build and become the voice of the Pro-Life Generation.

For the first several years of our organization, we were focused on growing the number and quality of Students for Life groups on college, high school, and graduate campuses. However, simply starting Students for Life groups is not our mission. Abolishing abortion is.

Students for Life has grown up to become one of the leading pro-life advocacy organizations in the world, driving the narrative for the entire movement and leading by example. Our staff size and budget is one of the largest in the entire pro-life movement. And our reach and success are recognized movement-wide.

We are humbled to report that a pro-life advocate cannot go to a pro-life march or any other event without witnessing our legacy of joyful, hopeful, young people proudly waving our signature black-and-white “I am the Pro-Life Generation” signs.


From Fr. Dave Pivonka, TOR

Peace and blessings! 

Maybe this is your first Steubenville Conference. Maybe this is your 21st. Either way, I’m excited to welcome you—or welcome you back—to Franciscan University’s campus. God is going to do great things during each of the conferences, and I’m so glad you will be present to experience it. 

Every summer since my ordination, I’ve been a speaker for Steubenville Conferences. I’ve lost count, but my best guess is that I’ve been to over 100 conferences. So, I’d like to offer some advice for both the first timers and seasoned veterans like me. 

First, let go of all your plans and expectations. Give God permission to do whatever he wants to do. That said, there are some things I am certain will happen. Your spiritual life will be enriched, and you will worship with a community of other Catholics from all around the country who will inspire you. 

Second, take advantage of this conference as a time for prayer, fellowship, and refreshment. Be open to how Jesus wants to talk with you. He will surprise you if you let him. 

Also, have confidence. Have confidence that God has you here for a reason, that he is already at work in your life. God is good. He loves you, and you can trust in him. 

Thank you for joining us this summer. I hope to see you again next year for the 50th anniversary of Steubenville Conferences! 


Father Dave Pivonka, TOR
Franciscan University of Steubenville

Discipleship Quads

What is a Discipleship Quad?

A Discipleship Quad is a group of four people who journey together as disciples through weekly gatherings of fellowship, ongoing conversion, and learning. This 12-month path of accompaniment fosters growth through prayer, accountability, and authentic relationships.

Learn More

For whom is a Discipleship Quad?

A Discipleship Quad is for any person who has a desire to grow in faith as a Catholic and will commit to adhere to all components of the Discipleship Quad Commitment. A Quad can be made up of people at any level of spiritual maturity, from long-time, committed Catholics to those who are just beginning their spiritual journey with Jesus. In addition to growing as disciples, Quad members should desire to be formed as disciple-makers.

What are the benefits of participating in a Discipleship Quad?

The benefit of a Discipleship Quad to each individual person is knowing the love of Jesus Christ and deepening a relationship with him. Through the gift of fellowship with people who also desire this relationship, you will be well on your way to finding peace, joy, and fulfillment in life as part of a Discipleship Quad.

What are people saying about Discipleship Quads?

“I think my personal growth in a relationship with God is encouraged and enhanced by my participation in a Discipleship Quad. I see both the struggles and successes of the group members, and I am held accountable for my efforts in furthering my relationship with God. I am more confident that with the help of the Holy Spirit I will be able to share my faith with others in my church community and in my personal and family relationships. Without the group and the Discipleship Quad materials, I don’t think I would be learning and exploring God’s purpose for my life.” – Michele S.

“Sharing my daily journey with others and hearing their daily journey enables me to see more clearly God at work in my everyday life and in others’ lives. I believe God uses other people to speak to us. Having a trusted community where faith and his Word is discussed lets me hear God’s voice calling to me, nudging me to a closer relationship with him. It also gives me a safe space to practice sharing the Good News (not something that comes naturally) with the goal of being able to do that in the broader areas of my life … Discipleship Quads have ignited my faith, revived my love of the Church, and begun my discernment of how I can ‘pass this on’ next year with a new group. It provides a group that holds me accountable in my faith journey.” – Wendy S.

How can I start a Discipleship Quad?

  1. Review all the training resources and download the Discipleship Quad Guidebook for free on our website.
  2. Pray about who God wants you to invite to join the Quad and make a list of their names.
  3. Reach out to each person on your list and set up a time to talk about the Quad. Review the resources with them and send them the link to our website so they can read through the material on their own time.
  4. Follow up with each person three to five days after your initial conversation to see how they are feeling about joining the Quad and discuss any concerns they may have.
  5. Once you have commitments from three other members, determine a day, time, and location to meet each week.
  6. Have your first gathering!

Go to our website for more information on this process, as well as all the resources you need to launch your own Discipleship Quad. All resources are free!

If you have any further questions, please email us at


Oscar Rivera Jr.

Oscar Rivera Jr. (“Two Ten”) lives in Fall River, Massachusetts, with his wife. He serves as the director of Youth Ministry for the Diocese of Fall River. He grew up in the inner city of Waterbury, Connecticut; his method of avoiding the hood’s promises became God and hip-hop. For over a decade, he has been an international speaker and performer. Oscar’s life is devoted to the new evangelization, and his upbeat urban approach has made his message entertaining and easy to understand. Our faith is not boring and neither is Oscar.

What is LEAD?

Franciscan LEAD is a dynamic Catholic leadership, evangelization, and discipleship development experience for high school students. Through a Franciscan LEAD retreat, teens learn how to to effectively witness the faith through personal testimony, sharing the gospel message, radical service, and authentic witness.

Check out the video to find out more!


From the Steubenville Conferences Team

Dear Friend,

We are so glad you chose to join us for a Steubenville Conference this summer!

Since the very first priests’ conference at Franciscan University in 1975, the Steubenville Conferences have grown to provide spiritual renewal each year to tens of thousands of high school youth, young adults, catechists, religious educators, priests, deacons, seminarians, religious men and women, and others.

This summer alone, we are offering five adult conferences and four youth conferences on Franciscan University’s campus, as well as 13 regional youth conferences at locations across North America. The University continues to expand its outreach efforts through the newly formed Franciscan Center for Evangelization & Renewal. The Center houses the Catechetical Institute, the Catechetical Review, the School of Spiritual Direction, and the Steubenville Conferences, each with their own exciting initiatives. We will be sharing more details soon!

In the meantime, know that you are always in our prayers—during the conference and beyond! Thank you again for joining us.

The Steubenville Conferences Office

Small Group Tips


Small group time is some of the most important time that will take place during the retreat. It is a chance for young people to share with one another their thoughts, feelings, and what God is doing in their hearts. By listening and loving them during this time, you incarnate the love of Christ and reinforce all other aspects of the retreat.



  • “To convert somebody, go and take them by the hand and guide them.” – St. Thomas Aquinas. You are there to walk with teens and guide them closer to Jesus.
  • To model availability and authenticity.
  • To serve.
  • To facilitate a conversation – a conversation where you are doing the majority of listening.



  • To help participants process their experience.
  • To answer their questions.
  • To share parts of your testimony.
  • To pray with the participants.



  • Find a quiet place to meet with minimal distractions.
  • Make sure that everyone is sitting on the same level and looking at each other.
  • Small groups should not be mixed gender. This will allow for greater intimacy and more directed conversations coming out of the men’s/women’s sessions.
  • Small groups should be around 6 people in size. With larger groups, comfort and intimacy can be lost.
  • If possible, try to your best to avoid assigning best friends or cliques to the same small group.



  • Begin with prayer. Model it in the first small group meeting and ask others to lead prayer in subsequent gatherings.
  • Learn names and spend time just getting to know the teens. They won’t care how much we know until they know how much we care.
  • If it’s the first or second small group for the weekend, play an ice breaker game or ask some icebreaker questions.
  • Start every small group with asking teens if they have any comments/questions from the talk – if there was anything they didn’t understand.
  • Use open-ended question and allow people to respond honestly, without judgment.
  • Be patient and don’t fear silence. They may be processing.
  • Keep speech positive. No negative humor.
  • Don’t allow one person to monopolize the discussion.
  • If someone derails the conversation, kindly say “Thank you so much for sharing! Let’s talk more about this later today!”
  • Don’t allow interruptions.
  • Do not correct in front of everyone.
  • If someone does not seem to want to talk in the small group, try engaging them one on one.



  • Don’t have an agenda. Have an open heart and let God lead.
  • Small group time is for them to speak and for you to listen. Do not preach or teach during this time.
  • Don’t worry. Don’t be afraid. God’s chosen you for this.
  • Don’t move on from a fruitful conversation.
  • Make the most of each small group meeting.
  • Everyone is encouraged to share, but no one has to.
  • Be honest and authentic – we are on this journey together.
  • Do not break the privacy or confidentiality of another member. Let the small group know that everything is confidential unless something that could be harmful to them or someone else is shared.
  • If someone shares about something harmful or is in imminent danger to themselves or another, tell the group leader. The group leader will then take any necessary next steps per diocesan safe environment policy.

Youth Conferences

For over 40 years, teens around the United States and Canada have had their faith awakened and their hearts set on fire through a personal encounter with Jesus at a Steubenville Youth Conference. 

This summer, tens of thousands of teens and their leaders will be a part of this movement of grace at Steubenville Youth Conferences across North America and local Steubenville Youth Retreats. 

Learn More 


Our Mission

Our Mission

Here at the Franciscan Center for Evangelization & Renewal, we seek to enkindle, accompany, and transform lives while afire with the Spirit. Steubenville Conferences, one of our many branches, works to lead souls into an amazing encounter with Jesus Christ.


Visit our website for more information:


Franciscan Center for Evangelization & Renewal

Steubenville Conferences

114 Brady Circle East

Steubenville, OH 43952


Katie Prejean McGrady

Katie Prejean McGrady is an award-winning author of four books, international Catholic speaker, and host of The Katie McGrady Show on The Catholic Channel on Sirius XM. She writes for Blessed is She, Catholic News Service, and hosts Ave Explores for Ave Maria Press. Katie lives in Lake Charles, Louisiana, with her husband, Tom, and daughters, Rose and Clare.


Based in St. Paul, Minnesota, Sonar is a collection of musicians who seek to draw closer to Christ through music. Sonar’s engaging style draws inspiration from a breadth of genres from electronic dance music to country and bluegrass while finding roots in modern worship music and traditional hymns. Sonar is Nate Reinhardt (vocals/guitars), Caroline Metzinger (vocals/keyboards), Nate Lamusga (guitars/banjo), Christian Ankrum (bass/vocals), and Reese Kling (drums).


Join us for a true Pilgrimage of Faith!

Join Franciscan University Pilgrimages as we visit destinations throughout the world where faith is strengthened, spirits are encouraged, and souls are renewed. With Franciscan friars and expert guides, you will have the opportunity to learn more about our Catholic heritage and its roots. We walk where saints once trod. We visit shrines where amazing acts of faith were lived out. We experience the depth and richness of our Catholic traditions in a way that can only be experienced by visiting these holy places.

2024 Pilgrimages

Franciscan University Admissions

Embrace your unique talents and gifts.
Find your home in a community rooted in Christ. 
Let your life serve as a witness to the world.

Click here to apply for free today! 

Visit our  beautiful Ohio campus and picture yourself as a student here. 

Send me more information.

Your knowledge—illuminated by faith—comes alive and leads you confidently into the world when you study at Franciscan University of Steubenville. Here, your exceptional education in any of our 40+ academic majors is grounded in a passionately Catholic faith tradition that takes you beyond yourself and into the community where you can evangelize and transform the culture. From uniting faith and reason in the sciences, to caring for the whole person through nursing, or becoming a Catholic leader in the business world, along with many other career paths, YOU can find your personal vocation here at Franciscan.

Grow in wisdom, faith, maturity, strength, purpose, and dedication at Franciscan. How you live your life—where you go, what you do, who you are—builds on the life of Christ within you and what you embrace while you’re here. With the solid foundation of faith and reason you create at Franciscan University, you are the message the world is waiting for!


Office of Admissions1235 University BlvdSteubenville, OH 43952

Admissions: 740-283-6226

Visit our Website 

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Walking Tour

Tap here for the Walking Tour Map

The cross symbol  below represents the designated spiritual sites of pilgrimage located on Franciscan University’s campus. Related prayers and meditations for these sites can be found in the previous Prayer Reflections section of this program.

“When asked how the transformation of this institution came about during his presidency, [Father Michael Scanlan] responded, ‘All we did was pray, pray, pray…’ May we honor his memory and continue his amazing legacy.” – Father Nathan Malavolti, TOR

Christ the King Chapel includes a secluded Eucharistic Chapel whose stained-glass windows beautifully depict the seven sacraments.

Portiuncula Chapel is available for contemplative prayer, silent reflection, and frequent eucharistic adoration. A replica of the chapel rebuilt by St. Francis, it has been designated a pilgrimage site for a plenary indulgence by the Vatican.

Marian Grotto invites devotees to consider Mary’s unique place in redemption history.

Stations of the Cross are made of cast bronze and replicate those located in Medjugorje, Bosnia-Herzegovina.

Crèche is a rough stone enclosure that houses a nearly life-size manger scene. It is located near the Portiuncula Chapel and Tomb of the Unborn Child.

Tomb of the Unborn Child serves as a perpetual memorial to the innocent victims of abortion.

7. Rosary Circle beautifully displays an image of the rosary, the heart of Marian devotion. It also serves as the main hub for conference shuttle services.

8. St. Francis Residence Hall is the oldest of our residence halls and is named in honor of St. Francis of Assisi, the founder of the Franciscan order. It accommodates 137 residents.

9. Antonian Dining Hall

10. Marian Residence Hall, the second residence hall built, accommodates 177 residents. It is named after Our Lady, recognizing her special role in God’s plan of salvation.

11. Trinity Residence Hall is situated near the edge of the campus plateau. Trinity accommodates 147 residents. It is named for the Holy Trinity: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

12. Sand Volleyball Courts

13. St. Thomas More Residence Hall is the largest of our residence halls, accommodating 312 residents. St. Thomas More Hall is named for a lay Franciscan martyred during the reign of Henry VIII.

14. SS. Kolbe and Clare Residence Halls accommodate 131 students and two guest apartments. These halls are named for the 20th-century Franciscan martyr, St. Maximilian Mary Kolbe, and St. Clare, foundress of the Second Order of Franciscans.

15. SS. Louis and Elizabeth Residence Halls are home to 180 students. The University’s newest residence halls are named for King Louis of of France and Queen Elizabeth of Hungary, secular Franciscans who grew in holiness through fidelity to their lay vocations.

16. Piazza dei Santi

17. Finnegan Fieldhouse serves as the main event facility for most of our conferences. It houses two full-sized basketball courts, racquetball courts, a spacious fitness center, aerobics room, physical therapy performance room, and athletic offices.

18. J.C. Williams Center is the principal social hub for the entire University family and includes University Bookstore–located on the ground floor.

Mail Room–located on the ground floor.

Information Desk–located centrally on the upper floor and site of Lost and Found. First Aid–located on the upper floor.

The Pub and Cupertino’s Café –located on the upper floor. Exhibitor Tables–on both floors; location for free resources from various Catholic ministries and exhibitors.

19. John Paul II Library features a statue of St . John Paul II near the entrance.

20. SS. Cosmas and Damian Science Hall is our newest academic building and houses technology-based laboratories. Pugliese Hall, a multi-media auditorium, is located in the lower level.

21. Starvaggi Hall houses the Admissions Office, Human Resources, and Information Technology Services on the top floor. The ground floor accommodates the Enrollment Services Office, Community Relations Office, and other administrative offices of the University.

22. Egan Hall is the main classroom building, which also contains faculty offices and Anathan Theatre.

23. St. Joseph Center houses the permanent offices of Franciscan University Advancement Office, the Marketing and Communications Department, and additional faculty offices and classrooms. It is also the location of Conference Registration and Check In.

24. Assisi Heights is the location of the Christian Outreach Office, the St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology, Alumni Center, and Campus Security.

25. Physical Plant Services Building

26. Memorial Field

27. Intramural Fields

28. Softball Field

29. Vaccaro Baseball Field is the site of play for our local American Legion team.

30. Practice Soccer Field

31. Game Soccer Field

32. Holy Spirit Friary is the private residence of the Franciscan friars. We request that you respect the cloistered atmosphere of the friary.

33. The Steel Cross was inspired by a similar cross in Medjugorje, Bosnia-Herzegovina.

34. Sandella’s Flatbread Café provides various sandwiches and specialty drinks on the upper floor.

35. Scotus Hall

36. Vianney Hall

37. St. Bonaventure Hall

38. Franciscan Square is the home of the new University Inn.

39. Padua Hall is situated on the lower campus and is named for St. Anthony of Padua. The hall is home to older undergraduate students.

A. Main Entrance

B. West Entrance

Missing Teen Policy

It is our primary goal to keep all young people safe while attending a Partnership for Youth Steubenville
Youth Conference. In the unlikely event of a teen being reported missing during the conference:

  • PFY Safety/Security Coordinator is notified
  • Gather details regarding when/where/by whom the youth was last seen
  • Confirm teen’s access to cell phone/internet/other communication
  • Security will check First Aid Station, Counselor, and Housing locations
  • After 30 minutes, notify venue safety/security staff
    o With venue staff determine when police are called
    o Once police have been notified, they will take over
  • After 60 minutes, Group Leader will be required to notify parent/guardian
  • Once teen is found, escort youth to Group Leader and request that parent/guardian be notified
  • Depending on circumstances, teen may be sent home

Chris O’Hara

Chris O’Hara has been working with Catholic youth for 15 years after rediscovering his faith at a Steubenville Youth Conference in High School. He works in the Archdiocese of Halifax-Yarmouth office of Pastoral Life and New Evangelization and teaches courses at Atlantic School of Theology. Chris has worked with Catholic Christian Outreach, FacetoFace Ministries, St. Therese Institute of Faith and Mission, and Franciscan LEAD. He loves hockey and board games, and has three kids with his beautiful wife Becca, who he met in Steubenville Ohio! We are so excited to have Chris join our Steubenville team this year as a speaker.