Dress Code/Lanyards

Dress Code
All Steubenville Conference participants are expected to dress in a modest, respectful manner. Low-cut/revealing tops, short shorts, miniskirts, excessively baggy jeans, and any clothing with offensive language or obscene pictures are NOT allowed.  

Name Tag Lanyards
All participants are issued a name tag lanyard. The group’s lanyard color determines which meal shift they are assigned and their seating assignment during sessions. These name tag lanyards are also used for identifying conference attendees and must be worn for admittance into the Convention Center. 




Our Adoration Chapel is open whenever the building is open. It is located in the music room at the entrance of the performing art center. Come spend some quiet time with Jesus! Leave your prayer requests on the big sheet of paper; they will all be offered up at the closing Mass on Sunday. 


Emergencies/First Aid/Evacuation Plan

Emergency Phone Number

Call 911 for all medical emergencies. For non-medical emergencies (24 hours a day) call Amy Cummings at 651-231-6815.

First Aid
For all medical needs, please go to the First-Aid Station located in Riverview A. The hours are 7:00 a.m. to 11:30 p.m. Youth requiring first-aid care must be accompanied by an adult. Medication requiring refrigeration should be checked in with the nursing staff.

Evacuation Plan

  • The weather radio is monitored at all times.
  • Remain in your location until notified.
  • Directions will be given from the stage and overhead PA system.
  • You will be directed to emergency locations in interior hallways (NOT Taylor Arena).



The Marketplace is located in Grand Lobby South.

Marketplace Hours:

Friday, July 14th, 2023
Saturday, July 15th, 2023
Sunday, July 16th, 2023




Absolutely no smoking is permitted on the Gonzaga campus or on the Convention Center property. Use of marijuana will result in immediate dismissal from the conference.  

Wi-Fi Access
Wi-Fi is available at the Spokane Convention Center, no password necessary. It is not readily available in the dorms on Gonzaga’s campus. 



Our Marketplace is located on the upper level in the entrance of the venue. It is open Friday and Saturday any time the general sessions are not taking place. We have an amazing selection of books, apparel, accessories, jewelry, music, and more. 


St. Scholastica Monastery

We, the Sisters of St. Scholastica Monastery, Duluth, Minnesota, are monastic women who seek God in community through a life of prayer and work. Living in accordance with the Gospel, the Rule of St. Benedict, and the General and Specific Norms of the Monastic Congregation of St. Benedict, we respond to the needs of the Church and the world through our ministries.

Our days are centered on communal and personal prayer and on the meditative reading of scripture. As we grow ever closer to Christ, our eyes and ears are opened to others around us, and we hear God’s calling to become Christ in our human relationships. Thus our prayer leads directly to ministry and work.

Work is key to Benedictine spirituality. It is through creative and productive work that we become co-creators of God’s world. In St. Benedict’s time, only slaves and the poor had to work. St. Benedict, on the other hand, saw work as redemptive and creative, a way to pray while using one’s God-given talents. We encourage each other to develop our individual talents and rejoice in the sharing of these gifts through our variety of ministries.


Meals / Concessions

Meals will be served in Exhibit Hall A for Blue & Green Wristbands.
Meals will be served in Copper Ballroom for Red & Yellow Wristbands.

Meals include only one serving per participant; please do not get back in line for seconds.

Please follow the lines and directions of the volunteers for a smooth meal flow. Once you have picked up your meal, you can eat it at the tables nearby or anywhere around the Convention Center.

Concessions will be open in Exhibit Hall A with food available for purchase on Friday evening from 9:30-11:00pm and on Saturday from 1:30-4:00pm.

Participants with food allergies or dietary restrictions that were submitted via digital paperwork before the deadline will receive tickets at check-in to redeem at the dietary restrictions table where they will receive their modified meal.


Friday | Northwest


Registration Check-in / First Interstate for the Performing Arts


     Dinner/ Riverfront Park


     Doors Open


General Session
Keynote: Not Forgotten
Eucharistic Adoration


        Small Groups / Reconciliation / Marketplace Open


DJ Bernal

DJ Bernal has the great privilege to routinely travel for ministry events serving youth, young adults, and adult groups at conferences, retreats, and parish events. D.J.’s ministry focuses on a relationship with Christ and with his people (Rom. 8:38-39). He works as a senior consultant, helping leaders empower and engage teams through change management, leadership program facilitation, and business coaching. He also founded a Catholic-Christian clothing line called “AGOH Apparel” (After God’s Own Heart). Visit his website for more information, DJBernal.com, or follow him on Instagram: @D.J.Bernal.


Mary Bielski

Mary Bielski has spoken to over 200,000 teens around the nation at high school and young adult retreats and conferences, including Steubenville Youth Conferences, Life Teen-Inspiration, LA Congress, and parish and diocesan rallies. Mary talks on a variety of topics including conversion, prayer, the Holy Spirit, sacraments, chastity and Theology of the Body. Using funny stories and engaging analogies, Mary draws her audience to the beauty of our Catholic faith, a deeper love for Christ, the Eucharist, and the call to holiness.


Rules and Regulations

Life Teen is committed to creating an unforgettable and life-changing experience for the youth we serve at Steubenville Conferences, and effective relational ministry is key to creating this experience.

All participants are expected to maintain a Christ-centered atmosphere and treat others with respect and kindness.

Safe Environment Guidelines
All adults attending a Steubenville Conference hosted by Life Teen are responsible for setting and maintaining clear, appropriate boundaries in all ministry relationships, following the Safe Environment guidelines laid out here. In addition to those Safe Environment standards, all groups should adhere to the policies defined by their home diocese. Any suspected inappropriate behavior should be reported to a member of the event staff.

Chaperone Supervision
Adult chaperones must be with youth at all times during the conference. Youth should not wander around the facility without a chaperone present. It is the chaperone’s responsibility to keep the youth safe and supervised at all times throughout the weekend.

Please be sure to always maintain groups of three or more. An adult and a teen should never be alone without another person present. If, for pastoral purposes, an adult needs to have a private conversation with a minor, this must be done in the line of sight of others.

Teens are expected to remain present for every session. If it becomes necessary to leave, teens must be accompanied by an adult chaperone and at least one other individual.

Participants will not possess or be under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Except for designated outside areas, all conference venues are smoke-free facilities. Group leaders and chaperones will not smoke or use tobacco products, including vaping, or use profanity in the presence of teens. Weapons are not permitted at the event.


In the Marketplace, t-shirts, books, and other religious items will be available for purchase. Cashless only.

The Marketplace hours are as follows:




The sale and distribution of any items without prior permission is strictly prohibited.

Chapel/Prayer Ministry

The Eucharistic Adoration Chapel is open throughout the conference weekend.

Groups are encouraged to write a prayer and light a candle in the Chapel at some point during the weekend. Small group leaders are especially encouraged to visit the chapel as a group on Friday evening.

Prayer ministers are available to pray with teens, youth ministers, and chaperones during the weekend, as well as collect prayer intentions to share with our intercessory team. Ministers wear red shirts and can be found in conference sessions or outside the Chapel.


Meals will be served in Hall B. Groups may eat in Hall A, the hallways, or outside courtyard.  Please be sure to clean up your space!

Friday Dinner: 4:30-6:30pm
Please eat when your group arrives. Check-in must be completed and wristbands worn to enter the dinner line.

Saturday Lunch
Men: 11:00am-Noon
Women: 12:15-1:15pm

Saturday Dinner: 5:15-7:00pm
5:15pm – Yellow
5:30pm – Green
5:45pm – Blue
6:00pm – Red


The sacrament of reconciliation is offered at all times when groups are out of session, as follows:




Rachel Leininger

Rachel Leininger serves as a full-time mama, speaker, and author. Some of her favorite things include Cardinals baseball, coffee, the virtue of chastity, and baked goods. She and her professional nerd husband, David, live in St. Louis, Missouri, with their three hilarious and adorable baby girls. You can connect with her on Twitter and Instagram at @raleininger.



Wristbands must be worn at all times while at the conference.

Your wristband color identifies your seating section and meal times.

If your wristband breaks, please bring the broken wristband with you to the Guest Services desk to receive a new one.