Jimmy Mitchell

Jimmy Mitchell believes deeply in the power of beauty to change the world, and his gifts of storytelling and piano-playing bring him to every corner of the world. He’s the director of Campus Ministry at Jesuit High School in Tampa, founder of Love Good (an ongoing formation platform for Catholics who want to evangelize the post-Christian culture), and composer of film scores for countless movies that don’t exist. Whether he’s mentoring young men in virtue or interviewing a GRAMMY award-winning artist in his studio, Jimmy loves nothing more than helping others fall in love with God.



“Catecases” are Catholic smartphone accessories for the top-selling smartphones. We aim to provide solid protection and functional design that also displays elements of faith. We began in 2013 after just looking for a simple case that had a cross, or some element of our faith that we were happy to share.

Our Patrons are St. Therese, after whom we modeled our vision, and St. Joseph, who was a carpenter and found meaning in his work, teaching his kid a thing or two about working with earthly materials and fashioning them into something for practical use.

These simple reminders have more of an impact on our daily lives than we know. We receive stories from those who use our cases and are deeply touched. Whether a neat design kickstarted a conversation about the faith, or whether repeating the verse or phrase on the back during a trying time helps us continue to do what we do with excellence.


Father Jonathan St. Andre, TOR

Father Jonathan St. André, TOR, is the vice president of Franciscan Life at Franciscan University of Steubenville. He is a 1996 graduate of the University where he studied mental health, theology, and philosophy. Father Jonathan professed his vows in 2000 and received his MDiv degree in 2005 in preparation for the priesthood. He was ordained in 2006. Father Jonathan also has a master of arts in Franciscan Studies from St. Bonaventure University and is currently pursuing an education doctorate in leadership and organizations from the University of Dayton.

Fr. Jonathan has been blessed to serve in various ministries within his community including vocation formation, university campus ministry, and the formation of men in the novitiate. His interests include cycling and reading. He grew up in Northern Virginia and is the oldest of four children.


Sr. Mary Michael Fox, OP

Sister Mary Michael Fox, OP, has been a member of the Dominican Sisters of St. Cecilia (Nashville) for 30 years. During that time, she has been blessed to teach all ages from 3 to 93. Sister received a masters of arts degree in theology with a specialization in catechetics from Franciscan University and a PhD through the Maryvale Institute of Birmingham, England, where she examined the unique pedagogy of the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd.


Dcn. Harold Burke-Sivers

Deacon Harold Burke-Sivers is an internationally renowned speaker, author, and preacher. He holds a bachelor of arts degree in economics and business administration from the University of Notre Dame, and a master of theological studies degree from the University of Dallas. He has appeared as a guest on numerous international Catholic radio and television programs and is the host or co-host of several popular series on the Eternal Word Television Network. Deacon Harold, a Benedictine Oblate, is the author of five books, including Behold the Man: A Catholic Vision of Male SpiritualityFather Augustus Tolton: The Slave Who Became the First African American Priest and the acclaimed new book Our Life of Service: The Handbook for Catholic Deacons. He is a member of the Fellowship of Catholic Scholars and the Confraternity of Catholic Clergy.


Dcn. Ralph Poyo

Deacon Ralph Poyo grounds his ministry in his relationship with the Lord and the power of the Holy Spirit. Serving in ministry for more than 40 years, Deacon Poyo founded an apostolate called New Evangelization Ministries (NEM) that serves pastors and parish staff, equipping them with training, resources, and strategies for evangelization.  Deacon Poyo leads parish missions as well as retreats and conferences for priests, deacons, men, women, ministry volunteers, and parish staff around the country. NEM recently launched an evangelistic video project titled Call To The Deep and a new small group method titled Walking On Water. Visit the NEM website for more information: NEM.Training.


Alicia Hartle

Alicia Hartle serves as executive director of Pentecost Today USA (the National Service Committee of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal in the US) and is a founding member of an ecumenical household, The Oakland Prayer Group, Abba’s House, Unbound Pittsburgh-Greensburg, and Catholic Women’s Fellowship ministries. Born into the fire of Renewal in the Pittsburgh area, she has worked in ministry and business development on local, national, and international levels. Knowing God and making Him known are her greatest passions.


Franciscan Sisters, T.O.R.

Our community was founded in 1988 to renew the contemplative dimension of the Franciscan penitential form of life of the early friars and sisters of the Third Order Regular. Following our Seraphic Father St. Francis, we embrace the Third Order charism of penance by living a life of evangelical conversion in a spirit of prayer, poverty, and humility. As we daily contemplate Christ’s gracious gift of love offered on the cross and intercede for the needs of all mankind, we seek to give to others the mercy we have received. Under the patronage of our Sorrowful Mother and with the Eucharist as the focal point of our daily life, we live out our mission of standing with Mary at the foot of the cross, offering our life with Christ as a holocaust of love for the salvation of souls.

Visit our website

Franciscan University Pilgrimages

Join Franciscan University Pilgrimages as we visit destinations throughout the world where faith is strengthened, spirits are encouraged, and souls are renewed. With Franciscan friars as spiritual leaders and expert guides, you will have the opportunity to learn more about our Catholic heritage and its roots. We walk where saints once tread. We visit shrines where amazing acts of faith were lived out. We experience the depth and richness of our Catholic traditions in a way that can only be experienced by visiting these holy places. We ensure daily mass and prayer every day on pilgrimage, while fully experiencing the authentic culture you are placed in. It is a great time to experience fellowship with other pilgrims of faith traveling from all over the nation. You will have the opportunity to not only build relationships with Christ, but with your fellow pilgrims in a unique experience. We are excited to share with you our upcoming 2023-2024 pilgrimages to places like the Holy Land, Germany, Scotland, Italy, and hopefully more. If you are interested in any of our pilgrimages, or just want to learn more general information, you can contact the pilgrimage office at pilgrimages@franciscan.edu. You can also call  740-284-5812. Take this to prayer and see what the Lord has in store for you! We are excited to hopefully hear from you and invite you to join us for a once in a lifetime experience on a Franciscan University pilgrimage!

Visit Our Website



Meals | Allergies


All meals will be served in the lower level of Antonian Hall.

Mealtimes are built into the schedule throughout the conferences; see the “Schedule” button for entry times.

Admittance to meals will be scheduled at designated times by wristband color.

Extra food and coffee is available for purchase at Cupertino’s Café in the J.C. Williams Center.

Allergies and Dietary Needs 

Allergies must be reported to the Conference Staff prior to the start of the conference.

Our food service provider can accommodate allergies to milk, eggs, wheat, soy, fish, shellfish, peanuts, tree nuts, gluten, and dairy, as well as diabetic needs and low sodium diets.

To ensure safety, those with food allergies will receive a purple “X” on their wristband at check in and will utilize a separate line in Antonian Hall to obtain their food.


The Portiuncula Chapel

The Portiuncula
Located behind Christ the King Chapel.

“Rebuild My Church”
When St. Francis heard those words from the mouth of the Lord, speaking through the San Damiano crucifix in a small, dilapidated church, he took them to mean simply rebuilding that and other church structures like it. That first tiny Portiuncula, a holy place and the center of St. Francis’ activity, is recreated here on Franciscan’s campus as a grace-filled haven for quiet meditation and eucharistic adoration.

Additional Use of the Portiuncula
The Portiuncula is mainly reserved for quiet prayer and adoration. Any vocal prayer is not encouraged in the Portiuncula itself. However, sites outside of the main chapel such as the Marian Grotto, Tomb of the Unborn Child, créche, and Stations of the Cross are available for vocal prayer.

Flash Photography
To preserve the peace and calm that the Portiuncula provides those who wish to pray without distraction, flash photography and video recording are not permitted. If you are required to record for news purposes, public relations, or class projects, the Office of Chapel Ministry must approve this in advance.


Bus Drivers

Bus Drivers 

Weekend Parking 

  • Buses may park in any of the parking lots indicated below for the duration of the weekend. 
    • St. Joseph Center 
    • Behind the George Rice Music Center  
    • Turf Field Parking Lot 

Please do not park in the Franciscan Square parking lot! 


We provide transportation for bus drivers to and from their bus and hotel on Friday afternoon and Sunday morning. This is on an on-call basis. If you need transportation, please contact the Transportation Team by calling 740-317-4340.

Sunday Mass 

Mass on Sunday at the University is at 10 a.m. in the JCWC Gentile Gallery (Lower Level JC)

Parking Sunday 

  • Please park in Parking Lot “H,” behind the Finnegan Fieldhouse, near the baseball field. There will be Security present to provide directions.  
  • We encourage you to bring the bus on campus Sunday morning starting at 6 a.m. All buses should be staged in Parking Lot “H”.  This helps make the loading of luggage smoother for the participants. Coordinate with your Group Leader about loading the buses. 
  • If you have any questions or concerns throughout the weekend, please call Conference Information Center at 740-283-6801. 

Arrival | Check-in


  • Buses: Enter campus by way of Franciscan Way West and proceed as directed by Campus Security to the staging area (Parking Lot H) where buses will park and Group Leaders will proceed to check in.
  • Cars/Vans: Enter campus by way of Franciscan Way West and park anywhere on campus (adhering to handicap and conference reserved signage). 

Check In 

Check in is on Friday from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. in the St. Joseph Center Seminar Room. Every group must check-in before they can participate in any aspect of the conference.

Upon arrival, all adult chaperones must present a valid form of ID and have their Adult Chaperone Verification Form stamped by the Registration Team. There is an ID check station in Parking Lot H for those traveling by bus. After the ID check/verification is complete, the Group Leader and one chaperone may proceed to the Seminar Room with all forms to checkin, where you will receive wristbands, Fast Pass entry times, and housing assignments for your group. We do not have room to accommodate everyone in the Seminar Room, so please make sure additional chaperones and all youth wait outside. 

Groups must be checkedin before they can attend the Travelers Mass at 4 pm. 


Make sure to bring the following forms: 

  • On-Site Breakdown Form
  • Adult Chaperone Verification Forms–one for each of your chaperones; have IDs ready also, unless already verified at Parking Lot H.
  • Sunday Lunch Form (for groups of 30 or more) 

Be sure your whole group has submitted Liability Forms via your Dashboard. 

Franciscan LEAD Participants

If your youth have attended Franciscan LEAD, they must be picked up by a chaperone at checkin on Friday, outside the St. Joseph Center. 

In case of rain, LEAD participants will be in the J.C. Williams Center. 

Group Leaders | Chaperones | Prayer Ministry

Group Leaders

Please see the attached document for your Group Leader Information Packet, should you need to reference it throughout the weekend: 2024 Group Leader Information Packet.

Group Leader informational meetings will be at 5:00 p.m. and 5:45 p.m. in the Aerobics Room, Second Floor, FFH.  Group leaders and new chaperones are expected to attend.

Adult Chaperone Responsibilities (incl. Group Leaders & Priests)

  • Know where your youth are at all times.
  • Effectively communicate said rules and regulations to all members of your group.
  • Adhere to all posted signage pertaining to the conference on the campus of Franciscan University, and ensure that the youth of your group do the same.
  • Attend to the needs of the youth throughout the duration of the conference weekend.
  • Lead small groups.
  • Be present and helpful to the youth, especially in dealing with points of confusion or misunderstanding.
  • Pray with and for the youth of your group throughout the duration of the conference.

Prayer Ministry

The First Line of Defense

Thank you for your yes to care for and minister to the youth at the Steubenville Youth Conference!

The Group Leader and adult chaperones are the primary ministers to the youth on the weekend. Please be sure to share all of this information with all adult chaperones and religious in your group.

The Team of Prayer Ministers

Prayer ministers will be wearing red shirts and will be available on Friday and Saturday night and Sunday morning. They may approach you to ask if you need assistance. Feel free to approach a prayer minister for help.

Role of Prayer Ministry

The role of prayer ministry is to serve and support you and your chaperones by offering spiritual assistance to the youth in your group. Prayer ministry is an extension of the ministry done by the ministry team from the stage and by you as the Group Leader and chaperones. They can assist you if there are several youth that need attention or if there is a particular situation that you and your chaperones are unsure how to handle.

Remaining Present

If a prayer minister does assist your youth, it is ideal to have an adult chaperone from your group present to watch over and pray with them also. It is good for the youth to have a familiar person present. In addition, it is the adult chaperone who will be going home with the youth. Therefore, he or she can continue to pray for and with the youth at home if needed. If this is not possible, know that the prayer minister will encourage the youth and let them know that group leaders and chaperones are there for them, if need be.


We are all called to be “ambassadors for Christ” (2 Corinthians 5:20).

Being an Ambassador is one of the best ways you can live out the call of St. Francis to “Go, rebuild the Church.”

What we offer:

  • Hands-on support and encouragement
  • Resources and materials to assist you along the way
  • Accountability and one-on-one coaching

What we ask:

  • That you remain prayerful and discern God’s call for you in this role.
  • Step out in faith to invite those from your faith, family, and local community to join you at our conferences.
  • Sit back and let God do the rest!

The Steubenville Conference Ambassador program is completely FREE to participate in.

Watch this 3-minute video that provides a brief overview of the program.  <<Click here >> 

Learn More

Enroll Today 




For the Ambassador, some benefits include: 

  • The joy of knowing that you are serving the Lord and bringing your brothers and sisters in Christ to a renewed encounter with the love of Jesus.  
  • Access to resources and hands-on coaching to help you spread the word and support you every step of the way. 
  • Perks and benefits for continuing to grow your group, including expedited check-in, reserved seating, and more!  

For those in your group, some benefits include: 

  • A renewal of joy and faith  
  • Authentic fellowship  
  • Fostering community as you and your group journey through the conference together.  

Many prayer groups, fellowship groups, and Discipleship Quads have been born out of the Steubenville Conference experience. The grace received at one of our conferences has helped set entire parishes on fire for God. 

Learn More


If you have purchased a meal plan, your name badge will be necessary for admission into all meals. If you have not purchased a meal plan, breakfast, lunch, and dinner can be purchased in Antonian Hall for $9, $12, and $15, respectively. Otherwise, please consider visiting Cupertino’s Café or the Pub (both located in the J.C. Williams Center) or the retailers at Franciscan on the Square (near the University’s entrance) for food and beverages. See “Cafe and Campus Store Hours” under the “Information” button for the hours of operations for the Cupertino’s Café and the Pub.

  • Meal Location Information
    • If you have been with us in the past, you would know that we have had very long lines for food throughout this conference.  To alleviate these long lines, we have added a second location for food service.  If you have a meal plan, your two options for lunch and dinner throughout the weekend are the Cafeteria or the Tent.
    • At the Cafeteria, we have staggered entrance times to alleviate long lines there.  These times are posted on signs throughout campus.  We will also have push notifications identifying these times.  Please honor these times based on the sticker that is on your nametag (blue and yellow).  These times only apply to lunch and dinner at the cafeteria.  The tent will not have staggered times, and the mealtimes for the tent are the same as the cafeteria.  
    • If you do not have a meal plan and want to eat on campus, you can only purchase food at the retail locations on campus and at the Tent.  Only those with meal plans can eat at the cafeteria.  
  • For those that are waiting for their time to go to dinner, we would encourage you to visit our bookstore which includes titles from many of the presenters this weekend or to visit the Port Chapel area which includes the Tomb of the Unborn Child, Our Lady of Guadalupe image, Stations of the Cross and Marian Grotto.

Apostolate for Family Consecration

The Apostolate for Family Consecration® (AFC) supports and challenges Catholic families to grow in holiness, grow in truth, and grow together so that they can become fully alive in Christ. We offer Catholic family vacations, retreats, and resources to lead families to an encounter with Jesus and form them in the truths of our Catholic Faith.The AFC is a private association of Christ’s faithful founded in 1975 by Jerry and Servant of God Gwen Coniker.

Visit Our Website


Members of the media, please contact John Romanowsky in the Marketing and Communications Department at 740-284-5893 or jromanowsky@franciscan.edu before conducting interviews or publishing reports. No commercial use of conference activities may be made without authorization.