St. Joseph Scavenger Hunt

Throughout the Mayo Civic Center, there are 10 hidden images of St. Joseph. Once you find an image, scan the QR code for your next clue! After you have found all 10 titles of St. Joseph, come to the PFY Headquarters. The first 700 people to find all 10 titles will get a prize!


St. Co – St. Ja | Groups

St. Columbkille
Jessica Rauen

Section 5 Row 11-12 Seats 1-5

St. Francis de Sales
Loree Nauertz

Section 2 Row 13-14 Seats 6-12

St. Francis de Sales (Lake Geneva)
Marianne Weber

Section 3 Row 13-14 Seats 6-12

St. Francis of Assisi Parish
Therese McNally

Section 5 Row 7-9 Seats 1-5

St. Francis Youth Group
Cyndi Bayer

Section 5 Row 3-4 Seats 8-12

St. Henry’s Church
Lisa Hendrickx

Section 110 Row L-N Seats All

St. Hubert Catholic Community
Lydia Shields

Section 125 Row J-K Seats 5-14

St. James Basilica
Whitney Somsen

Section 2 Row 16 Seats 1-7
Section 2 Row 17 Seats ALL
Section 2 Row 18 Seats 1-8

St. James Coffee
Melissa Scaccio

Section 2 Row 2 Seats 1-5
Section 2 Row 3 Seats 1-4


St. Jo – St. L | Groups

St. Joachim Catholic Church
Sharon Schouweiler

Section 2 Row 1 Seats 8-12

St. John the Baptist Parish
David Alcott

Section 5 Row 5-7 Seats 7-12

St. John the Baptist, Mankato, MN
(9th Grade Y Disciple Confirmation Group)
Olivia Lippert

Section 2 Row 5-6 Seats 1-5

St. Joseph Community
Kayla Rooney

Section 125 Row C Seats 1-7

St. Joseph the Worker Holy Family
Valerie Koch

Section 2 Row 4 Seats 1-4

St. Jude of the Lake & St. Pius X
Will Murley

Section 130 Row L-M Seats 1-10
Section 130 Row N Seats All

St. Katharine Drexel Parish – Sioux Falls
Curt Lauret

Section 145 Row A-K Seats 1-5

St. Ladislaus
Dawn Cherek

Section 5 Row 8-10 Seats 7-12

St. Leonards/OLV
Peter Bellavance

Section 6 Row 6 Seats 4-6
Section 6 Row 7-11 Seats All
Section 6 Row 12 Seats 4-6


Dress Code

Dress Code 

All participants, including adults, are expected to dress appropriately in modest attire. Low-cut tops, miniskirts, short shorts, or clothing with offensive language or obscene pictures are not permitted. Shoes must be worn at all times. 


Father Leo Patalinghug

Father Leo Patalinghug is a priest member of a community of consecrated life called Voluntas Dei. He founded, an international apostolate connecting food and faith. He’s an internationally renowned speaker, best selling author, TV and radio host, and a theological and cultural contributor to the media. His unique background as a martial arts instructor and former breakdancer helps him connect with people of all backgrounds. In addition, he has appeared on The Food Network, where he won Throwdown with Bobby Flay.  Father Leo uses food, faith, and fun to bring people closer to the Lord’s Table.



WAL is a contemporary Catholic-Christian band from Los Angeles, California, comprised of music artists, songwriters, and worship leaders who serve their local parishes as coordinators of youth ministry. For over 15 years, WAL has been serving the Church both nationally and internationally through God’s gift of song and carries with them an energetic sound that rejoices in the goodness of our Lord. WAL strives to have their music draw each of your hearts to a knowledge and deep acceptance that we are all infinitely, passionately, and unconditionally loved by God.



Restore the Conversation: Real Prayer

God wants to speak with you. Maybe you feel that your prayer life is lacking or perhaps you don’t have a prayer life and want to start.  Perhaps when you come to prayer, you think, “well now what?” Let’s go back to the basics: God wants a personal relationship with you and prayer is how it happens. Come and restore your relationship and friendship with God and learn how to continually be restored in friendship with Him.

Restore Peace

Life is busy – and it only seems to be getting busier. Amid the chaos, anxiety, and lack of control, God has a plan; and that plan is one of peace, simplicity, trust, and surrender. As life attempts to toss us about, we can learn to make Jesus our anchor so that we can experience His peace that surpasses all understanding.


Ask a question here!



Restore the Conversation: Real Prayer

God wants to speak with you. Maybe you feel that your prayer life is lacking or perhaps you don’t have a prayer life and want to start.  Perhaps when you come to prayer, you think, “well now what?” Let’s go back to the basics: God wants a personal relationship with you and prayer is how it happens. Come and restore your relationship and friendship with God and learn how to continually be restored in friendship with Him.

Restore Peace

Life is busy – and it only seems to be getting busier. Amid the chaos, anxiety, and lack of control, God has a plan; and that plan is one of peace, simplicity, trust, and surrender. As life attempts to toss us about, we can learn to make Jesus our anchor so that we can experience His peace that surpasses all understanding.


Ask a question here!



Restore the Conversation: Real Prayer

God wants to speak with you. Maybe you feel that your prayer life is lacking or perhaps you don’t have a prayer life and want to start.  Perhaps when you come to prayer, you think, “well now what?” Let’s go back to the basics: God wants a personal relationship with you and prayer is how it happens. Come and restore your relationship and friendship with God and learn how to continually be restored in friendship with Him.

Restore Peace

Life is busy – and it only seems to be getting busier. Amid the chaos, anxiety, and lack of control, God has a plan; and that plan is one of peace, simplicity, trust, and surrender. As life attempts to toss us about, we can learn to make Jesus our anchor so that we can experience His peace that surpasses all understanding.


Ask a question here!


Submit a Workshop Question | Restore Peace

Restore the Conversation: Real Prayer

God wants to speak with you. Maybe you feel that your prayer life is lacking or perhaps you don’t have a prayer life and want to start.  Perhaps when you come to prayer, you think, “well now what?” Let’s go back to the basics: God wants a personal relationship with you and prayer is how it happens. Come and restore your relationship and friendship with God and learn how to continually be restored in friendship with Him.

Workshop Q&A: Tap here to ask a question!



Submit a Workshop Question | Restore the Conversation

Restore the Conversation: Real Prayer

God wants to speak with you. Maybe you feel that your prayer life is lacking or perhaps you don’t have a prayer life and want to start.  Perhaps when you come to prayer, you think, “well now what?” Let’s go back to the basics: God wants a personal relationship with you and prayer is how it happens. Come and restore your relationship and friendship with God and learn how to continually be restored in friendship with Him.

Workshop Q&A: Tap here to ask a question!



Submit a Workshop Question | Restore Peace

Restore the Conversation: Real Prayer

God wants to speak with you. Maybe you feel that your prayer life is lacking or perhaps you don’t have a prayer life and want to start.  Perhaps when you come to prayer, you think, “well now what?” Let’s go back to the basics: God wants a personal relationship with you and prayer is how it happens. Come and restore your relationship and friendship with God and learn how to continually be restored in friendship with Him.

Workshop Q&A: Tap here to ask a question!



Submit a Workshop Question | Restore the Conversation

Restore the Conversation: Real Prayer

God wants to speak with you. Maybe you feel that your prayer life is lacking or perhaps you don’t have a prayer life and want to start.  Perhaps when you come to prayer, you think, “well now what?” Let’s go back to the basics: God wants a personal relationship with you and prayer is how it happens. Come and restore your relationship and friendship with God and learn how to continually be restored in friendship with Him.

Workshop Q&A: Tap here to ask a question!



William Christopher Hoag

Dr. William Christopher Hoag  has ministered in diocesan, school, and parish settings for 25 years in the areas of catechesis and liturgy. He currently serves as the catechetical director for St. Bernadette Parish in Westlake, Ohio. He is also a member of the online faculty for Franciscan University’s MACE and MA theology programs. Dr. Hoag previously served as associate director of Catechesis for the Cleveland Diocese for seven years. His areas of theological interest include catechesis, liturgy, and ecclesiology. He was certified as a lay ecclesial minister for the Diocese of Cleveland in 2009 and has been a participant of the Bosco Conference since 2004, completing the Diocesan Officials track in 2019.


Tom Quinlan

Tom Quinlan has a heart for parish catechetical leadership, having served as parish DRE (in the Chicago Archdiocese) and diocesan director (in Joliet, Illinois) for 25 years. He now serves in leadership formation, adult formation, evangelization, and pastoral renewal for the 24 parishes in the Des Moines metro area. Tom is particularly committed to bringing an evangelizing catechesis to family and parent formation ministry in our country. He has spoken in dioceses across the U.S. and Canada and is the author of three books, including Excellence in Ministry: Best Practices for Successful Catechetical Leadership (Loyola Press, 2017). Tom and his wife, Kristi (a former DRE), are loving life in Iowa with their two little boys, Danny and Matthew.


Rania Garnem

Rania Garnem has been handing on the faith in Catholic high schools since 2006. After earning her MA in theology and Christian Ministry with a specialization in catechetics from Franciscan University, she went on to teach for six years at St. Pius X High School, a co-ed archdiocesan school in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Since that time, she has been teaching at Jesuit High School, an all-boys college preparatory school in Tampa, Florida. Rania has taught a variety of courses in theology and has taught students in every grade level of high school.


Maureen and Jim Otremba

Maureen and Jim Otremba have been married since 1995. Both hold master’s degrees in Catholic theology and have appeared on EWTN. They have co-authored a Catholic, catechetical pre-marriage inventory called Fully Engaged (, which is used throughout the U.S. Maureen has held numerous Catholic ministry positions, including teaching, catechetical work, and pastoral care. Jim also holds a master’s in applied psychology, is a licensed therapist, and works as a Catholic coach. He is a regular guest on Relevant Radio and is finishing his doctorate in psychology. Together, they bring their personal and professional teachings to thousands of Catholics each year throughout the country through workshops, Catholic workbooks, and retreats. Learn more about the Otrembas at


Luke Crawford

Luke Crawford  has been at the forefront of Catholic educational leadership for the last 15 years. Most recently, Luke served as president of North Catholic High School in the Diocese of Pittsburgh. After graduating from Franciscan University, Luke taught high school theology for eight years and filled a variety of leadership roles, including director of Mission Integration and Campus Ministry, religion department chair, dean of students, and principal. During the six years that Luke served as principal and then president of NCHS, the school grew from 270 to 630 students. Luke has an intense passion for Catholic education and evangelization. His greatest joy is family life, which he shares with his beautiful wife, Katy, and their five sons and two daughters.


Larann Wilson

Dr. Larann Wilson’s personal and professional mission is based on Matthew 28:18-20: to share the good news of Jesus Christ and to lead people into a deeper relationship with our Lord through daily conversion, knowledge, prayer, and the sacramental life. She holds her master of arts from Franciscan University with a specialization in catechesis and her doctorate of ministry from The Catholic University of America. Dr. Wilson serves as director of Parish Leadership Engagement in the Archdiocese of Oklahoma City where she supports pastors, principals, and ministry leaders in their roles in evangelization and catechesis. Originally from Connecticut, Dr. Wilson now calls Oklahoma home.


Justin Frato

Justin Frato is the adult faith formation and RCIA coordinator at St. Laurence Catholic Church in Sugar Land, Texas, as well as a mentor for Franciscan University’s Catechetical Institute. He holds an MA in theology and Christian Ministry from Franciscan University and has served in professional catechetical work for over 20 years. Driven by his passion for the new evangelization; Justin speaks, writes, and has co-hosted a radio show on this topic. He and his wife, Meghan, have been married 18 years and have five children.


Damon and Melanie Owens

Damon and Melanie Owens are founders of Joyful Ever After ( and hosts of The Catholic Marriage Summit ( Since 1993, Melanie, full-time homeschooling mother of eight, and Damon, first executive director of the Theology of the Body Institute, have trained over 20,000 couples in marriage, NFP, and theology of the body. Presenters at the 2015 World Meeting of Families and the 2017 USCCB Convocation of Catholic Leaders, Damon and Melanie keep a full international speaking schedule on the good news of marriage, sexuality, theology of the body, theology of the family, adoption, and NFP. In 2018, Pope Francis honored Damon with the papal Benemerenti Medal. Damon and Melanie have been married for 27 years and currently live outside Philadelphia with their children.


Eric Gallagher

Eric Gallagher is a husband and father living in South Dakota. He has been in full-time ministry since 2003 and is currently serving the Diocese of Sioux Falls as the director of Youth Discipleship and Evangelization. Eric holds a master of arts in theology from the Augustine Institute. Eric is also the founder of ComeFollow.Me, a platform that assists those desiring to grow as disciples of Christ through online resources and community.