A – F | Parish Name

Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary – Toronto (1)
Marcellina Kristiani 

Friday Evening
row V  seats 17 – 22
row W  seats 17 – 22

Saturday Morning & Afternoon
row E  seats 32 – 37
row F  seats 32 – 37

Saturday Evening (After Dinner)
row EE  seats 23 – 28
row FF  seats 23 – 28

Sunday Morning
row F  seats 15 – 22
row G  seats 19 – 22

Archdiocese of Kingston – Kingston (2)
Nadia Gundert

Friday Evening
row V  seats 8 – 16
row W  seats 8 – 16
row X  seats 8 – 16

Saturday Morning & Afternoon
row F  seats 22 – 31
row G  seats 23 – 30
row H  seats 23 – 30

Saturday Evening (After Dinner)
row DD  seats 31 – 37
row EE  seats 29 – 37
row EF  seats 29 – 37

Sunday Morning
row C  seats 14 – 22
row D  seats 15 – 22
row E  seats 15 – 22

Archdiocese of Ottawa – Ottawa (3)
Ted Hurley

Friday Evening
row Q  seats 8 – 22
row R  seats 8 – 22
row S  seats 8 – 22
row T  seats 8 – 22
row U  seats 8 – 16

Saturday Morning & Afternoon
row A  seats 23 – 37
row B  seats 23 – 37
row C  seats 23 – 37
row D  seats 23 – 37
row E  seats 23 – 31

Saturday Evening (After Dinner)
row W  seats 23 – 30
row X  seats 23 – 30
row Y  seats 23 – 30
row Z  seats 23 – 30
row AA  seats 23 – 30
row BB  seats 23 – 30
row CC  seats 23 – 30
row DD  seats 23 – 30

Sunday Morning
row A  seats 1 – 7
row B  seats 1 – 7
row C  seats 1 – 7
row D  seats 1 – 7
row E  seats 1 – 7
row F  seats 1 – 7
row G  seats 1 – 7
row H  seats 1 – 7
row I  seats 1 – 7
row J  seats 1 – 7

CGCG-GCO Group – Mississauga(4)
Eric De Souza

Friday Evening
row V  seats 1 -7
row W  seats 1 -7
row X  seats 1 -7
row Y  seats 1 -7
row X  seats 1 -7
row AA  seats 1-3

Saturday Morning & Afternoon
row K  seats 23 – 32
row L  seats 23 – 32
row M  seats 23 – 32
row N  seats 23 – 32

Saturday Evening (After Dinner)
row X  seats 35 – 37
row Y  seats 31 – 37
row Z  seats 31 – 37
row AA  seats 31 – 37
row BB  seats 31 – 37
row CC  seats 31 – 37

Sunday Morning
row K  seats 1 – 7
row L  seats 1 – 7
row M  seats 1 – 7
row N  seats 1 – 7
row O  seats 1 – 7
row P  seats 1 – 3


Chinese Martyrs Catholic Church – Markham (5)
Agnes Au

Friday Evening
row AA  seats 5 – 7
row BB  seats 1 – 7
row CC  seats 1 – 7
row DD  seats 1 – 7
row EE  seats 1 – 7
row FF  seats 1 – 7

Saturday Morning & Afternoon
row M  seats 33 – 37
row N  seats 33 – 37
row O  seats 23 – 37
row P  seats 23 – 37

Saturday Evening (After Dinner)
row AA  seats 38 – 39
row BB  seats 38 – 44
row DD  seats 38 – 44
row EE  seats 38 – 44
row FF  seats 38 – 44

Sunday Morning
row C  seats 8 – 13
row D  seats 8 – 14
row E  seats 8 – 14
row F  seats 8 – 14
row G  seats 8 – 14
row H  seats 8 – 11

Diocese of London – London (6)
Claire Bondy

Friday Evening
row AA  seats 8 – 22
row BB  seats 8 – 22
row CC  seats 8 – 22
row DD  seats 8 – 22
row EE  seats 8 – 21
row FF  seats 8 – 20

Saturday Morning & Afternoon
row D  seats 38 – 40
row E  seats 38 – 44
row F  seats 38 – 44
row G  seats 38 – 44
row H  seats 38 – 44
row I  seats 38 – 44
row J  seats 38 – 44
row K  seats 38 – 44
row L  seats 38 – 44
row M  seats 38 – 44
row N  seats 38 – 44
row O  seats 38 – 44
row P  seats 38 – 44

Saturday Evening (After Dinner)
row P  seats 23 – 32
row Q  seats 23 – 37
row R  seats 23 – 37
row S  seats 23 – 37
row T  seats 23 – 37
row U  seats 23 – 37

Sunday Morning
row K  seats 8 – 22
row L  seats 8 – 22
row M  seats 8 – 22
row N  seats 8 – 22
row O  seats 8 – 22
row P  seats 13 – 22

Diocese of Pembroke – Pembroke (7)
Yvette Bourque

Friday Evening
row Q  seats 1 – 7
row R  seats 1 – 7

Saturday Morning & Afternoon
row I,J  seats 23 – 29

Saturday Evening (After Dinner)
row V  seats 31 – 37
row W  seats 31 – 37

Sunday Morning
row G  seats 15 – 18
row H  seats 13 – 22

Diocese of Sault Ste. Marie – North Bay (8)
Fr. Daniele Muscolino

Friday Evening
row V  seats 23 – 30
row W  seats 23 – 30
row X  seats 23 – 30
row Y  seats 23 – 29
row Z  seats 23 – 29
row AA  seats 23 – 29

Saturday Morning & Afternoon
row A  seats 1 – 7
row B  seats 1 – 7
row C  seats 1 – 7
row D  seats 1 – 7
row E  seats 1 – 7
row F  seats 1 – 7

Saturday Evening (After Dinner)
row A  seats 23 – 30
row B  seats 23 – 30
row C  seats 23 – 30
row D  seats 23 – 30
row E  seats 23 – 30
row F  seats 23 – 25

Sunday Morning
row K  seats 30 – 37
row L  seats 30 – 37
row M  seats 31 – 37
row N  seats 31 – 37
row O  seats 31 – 37
row P  seats 31 – 37

Epiphany of Our Lord – Scarborough (9)
Nicolette Alphonso

Friday Evening
row X  seats 17 – 22
row Y  seats 19 – 22

Saturday Morning & Afternoon
row G  seats 33 – 37
row H  seats 33 – 37

Saturday Evening (After Dinner)
row X  seats 41 – 44
row AA  seats 40 – 44

Sunday Morning
row P  seats 5 – 7
row Q  seats 2 -7


Friday | East


(Tsongas Center Lobby)


Dinner – Open Dining
(Assigned Dining Halls)


Arena Open

Marketplace Open


Evening Session
Called to Belong


(West Concourse)

Small Groups

Marketplace Open


Opportunity for Eucharistic Adoration


All Youth in Sleeping Areas

Saturday | East


(See Grid)


Arena Open


(West Concourse)

Marketplace Open


Morning Session

Celebration of Holy Mass


Women’s Session
Belong Together:
Authentic Friendship

Men’s Lunch
(Assigned Dining Halls)

(West Concourse)


Women’s Lunch
(Assigned Dining Halls)

Women’s Reconciliation
(West Concourse)

Small Groups


Men’s Reconciliation
(West Concourse)

Men’s Small Groups


Men’s Session
Belong Together:
Authentic Friendship


Arena Open for Women


General Session
Belong Together:
Family Ties


Open Time: Recharge

(West Concourse)

Small Groups

Marketplace Open

Youth Minister Gathering


Dating 101

Eternity 101: Heaven, Hell,
and Purgatory

(Campus Recreation Center)

         Priest Gathering


(See Grid)

(West Concourse)

Marketplace Open


Arena Open


Evening Session
Belonging to Christ, Our Hope

Eucharistic Holy Hour
and Procession


(West Concourse)

Small Groups

Marketplace Open


All Youth in Sleeping Areas

Sunday | East


(See Grid)


Arena Open


(West Concourse)

Marketplace Open


Morning Session
Belonging to the Body of Christ

Celebration of Holy Mass


Lunch to Go
(Tsongas Center Lobby)

Andrew Laubacher

Andrew Laubacher, aka ALOB, was raised in Ventura, California, where he attended Mass, played many sports, hung at the beach and was always into music. He attended Catholic school before switching to a public school because he was “tired of the Catholic rules.” In high school, he partied hard. After a serious wake-up call, he decided to attend a Steubenville Youth Conference where he found God. That changed ALOB’s life. ALOB received degrees in theology and philosophy from Franciscan University. Today, his mission is to introduce the freedom and love of Christ through worship music and preaching to modern culture.


Creative Fundraising Ideas are Baked into our DNA

The story of The Funds2Orgs Group developed through the years. It started with a single shoe that washed ashore after the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami. At the time, Wayne Elsey was the president of an international shoe manufacturing company.

Wayne went on to establish one of the largest nonprofits in the United States, helping people affected by some of the world’s most significant natural disasters, including the Indian Ocean tsunami, Hurricane Katrina and the 2010 earthquake in Haiti. He led efforts to ship over 20 million pairs of shoes to people and places hurt by natural disasters.

Creative fundraising ideas can come in many forms.

Some people are just not satisfied. That’s Wayne. He thought there was a way to help organizations raise money and make a global impact. He created Funds2Orgs with a team of dreamers who believe they could change the world. That single for-profit social enterprise eventually developed into The Funds2Orgs Group, which includes the Sneakers4Funds, ShoesWithHeart and Cash4Shooz brands.

The core of The Funds2Orgs Group business model is shoe drive fundraisers. The other components are to provide an economic opportunity for micro-entrepreneurs in developing nations and to help the environment by repurposing shoes. The Funds2Orgs Group helps YOU raise money with creative fundraising ideas, without asking for money or selling anything.


Meal Times

The below location for your wristband color will be the same for the entire conference weekend. Meal times may vary by color, see below for details.
Red, Orange, Yellow: Fox DH
Green, Blue, Purple: Hawk’s Nest DH

Friday Dinner: Open Dining
All colors may enter at their designated location; see above.

Saturday Breakfast
       Red and Green: 6:30-7:10am
       Orange and Blue: 7:10-7:50am
       Yellow and Purple: 7:50-8:30am

Saturday Lunch
All colors may enter at their designated location (above) at the time listed below. 
       Men: 11:15am-12:15pm
       Women: 12:15-2:00pm

Saturday Dinner
       Red and Green: 5:15-5:55pm
       Orange and Blue: 5:55-6:35pm
       Yellow and Purple: 6:35-7:15pm

Sunday Breakfast
       Yellow and Purple: 6:45-7:25am
       Red and Green: 7:25-8:05pm
       Orange and Blue: 8:05-8:45am

Sunday Lunch: Open Dining To Go
All colors may enter at their designated location; see above.

Ryan Hanning

Ryan Hanning teaches theology, church history, and Catholic studies and writes and speaks internationally on modern objections to religious faith. He serves as the assistant vice president and director of Cultural Advancement at the University of Mary Tempe, where he is also a faculty member in the School of Arts and Sciences and the School of Education. He is a certified presenter for Havard Virtuous Leadership Institute, a faculty member for the Kino Catechetical Institute, and a fellow of the Institute for Catholic Theology. He holds degrees from Arizona State University and Northern Arizona University and a PhD from Maryvale Institute in England. Ryan currently resides in Mesa, Arizona, with his wife, Rebecca, and their nine home-schooled children.

Prayer Ministry

First Line of Defense

Thank you for your yes to care for and minister to the youth at the Steubenville Youth Conference!

The group leader and adult chaperones are the primary ministers to the youth on the weekend. Please be sure to share all of this information with all adult chaperones and religious in your group.

The Team of Prayer Ministers

Prayer ministers will be wearing orange shirts and will be available on throughout the weekend.  They may approach you to ask if you need assistance. Feel free to reach out to a prayer minister for help.

Role of Prayer Ministry

The role of prayer ministry is to serve and support you and your chaperones by offering spiritual assistance to the youth in your group. Prayer ministry is an extension of the ministry done by the ministry team from the stage and by you as the group leader and chaperones. They can assist you if there are several youth who need attention or if there is a particular situation that you and your chaperones are unsure how to handle.

Remaining Present

If a prayer minister does assist your youth, it is ideal to have an adult chaperone from your group present to watch over and pray with them as well, as it is good for the youth to have a familiar person present. In addition, it is the adult chaperone who will be going home with the youth. Therefore, he or she can continue to pray for and with the youth at home if needed. If this is not possible, know that the prayer minister will encourage the youth and let them know that group leaders and chaperones are there for them if need be.


Friday | NorCal


Group Leaders’ Meeting
(Contra Costa Salon)


Travelers’ Mass
(Contra Costa Salon)


(Mercy Lane)




Main Doors Open


Evening Session
Called to Belong


Opportunity for Eucharistic Adoration
(Salon 2)


(Mercy Lane)

Small Groups

Marketplace Open


All Youth to Sleeping Areas

Sunday | South

6:30- 8:30am


Marketplace Open


Main Doors Open


Morning Session
Belonging to the 
Body of Christ


Celebration of Holy Mass

Bob Rice – Steubenville Worship

Bob Rice desires to share the love of God using every talent with which he has been blessed. He is an internationally known speaker, acclaimed musician, inspirational teacher, and innovative writer. Bob received his PhD in Evangelisation (not a typo; that’s how the Brits spell it) from Liverpool Hope University and currently is the director of the Master of Arts in Catechetics and Evangelization Program at Franciscan University of Steubenville. He is married to Jennifer and they have seven children. You can keep up with him at bob-rice.com.

Saturday | South




(Holiday Inn)

Marketplace Open


Main Doors Open


Morning Session

Celebration of Holy Mass


Women’s Session
Belong Together:
Authentic Friendship

Men’s Lunch


Women’s Lunch

Men’s Reconciliation
(Holiday Inn)

Small Groups


Men’s Session
Belong Together:
Authentic Friendship

Women’s Reconciliation
(Holiday Inn)


Main Doors Open


General Session
Belong Together:
Family Ties


Open Time: Recharge

Small Groups

Marketplace Open


Dating 101

Eternity 101: Heaven, Hell,
and Purgatory

(Holiday Inn Ballroom)



(Holiday Inn)

Marketplace Open


Main Doors Open


Evening Session
Belonging to Christ, Our Hope

Eucharistic Holy Hour
and Procession


(Holiday Inn)

Small Groups

Marketplace Open


All Youth in Sleeping Areas

Ben Walther

A minister and educator for over 15 years, Ben Walther is invested in the mission of the new evangelization. After producing two albums as an independent Christian musician, Ben joined the Oregon Catholic Press family and released his album Make Your Home in Me in 2013. It debuted at No. 12 on the iTunes Christian charts. In June 2016, he released Ablaze, again partnering with Catholic music publisher OCP. A graduate of Franciscan University of Steubenville, Ben is honored to now serve the Walsh University community as the director of Campus Ministry. He and his family live in North Canton, Ohio.

Leading Small Groups

If you are leading a Small Group for the first time, here are a few tips to help!

  • Remember to keep your questions open ended (avoid yes or no questions).
  • Silence is okay in a small group. Sometimes the youth need time to think and process before answering.
  • As the leader of the small group, avoid talking too much. This is a time for the youth to process their thoughts. If they have questions or need mentoring, give a shorter answer and let them know you can talk more together after the small group.
  • The Small Group questions are meant to be a springboard for you to ask further questions and facilitate conversation among your group. Feel free to ask follow-up questions as they process. You can ask even more specific questions from the keynote content. 

For the Small Group Questions click the “Small Group Questions” icon on the main menu. 

S – U | Parish Name

Sacred Heart (Alb)
Brenda Sais

Friday – Saturday

K     2     5-12

K   3   8-12

Saturday – Sunday

G   4   8-12

G   5   5-12

Sacred Heart (CW)
Lisa Scheler

Friday – Saturday

C     1     1-10

Saturday – Sunday

E   14   1-10

Sacred Heart (Clovis)
Samantha Lucero

Friday – Saturday

F     1     1-6

J   6   1-20

J   7   9-20

Saturday – Sunday

F   1   1-6

D   8   9-20

D   9   1-14

D   10   16-20

Sacred Heart (Fruita)
Colleen Nycum

Friday – Saturday

E     4     1-10

E   5   1-20

E   6   1-20

Saturday – Sunday

J   8   1-20

J   9   1-20

J   10   1-10

Sacred Heart (Roggen)
Ed Green

Friday – Saturday

I     12     12-20

Saturday – Sunday

C   6   12-20

Sacred Heart (SD)
Jason Artz

Friday – Saturday

I     6     16-20

I   7   15-20

Saturday – Sunday

C   11   1-6

C   12   1-5

Sacred Heart of Mary
Shaun Clynke

Friday – Saturday

F     2     1-6

F   3   1-12

Saturday – Sunday

K   4   7-12

K   5   1-12

Santa Maria de la Paz
Tommy Baca

Friday – Saturday

H     11     10-12

H   12   1-12

H   13   1-12

Saturday – Sunday

B   8   1-17

B   9   1-10

Seven Dolors
Maria McAnerney

Friday – Saturday

G     1     1-10

Saturday – Sunday

B   5   11-20

Skutt High School
Christine French

Friday – Saturday

I     9     1-9

Saturday – Sunday

C   9   12-20

Spirit of Christ
Richard Deanda

Friday – Saturday

I     3     7-20

I   4   1-20

I   5   13-20

Saturday – Sunday

C   13   1-8

C   14   1-20

C   15   5-20

USAF Catholic Community
Mary Francine Crawford-Guarnera

Friday – Saturday

D     1     11-20

Saturday – Sunday

E   8   11-20