Friday | St. Paul

1:00 – 4:00 pm

Registration (Field House)

1:00 – 6:30 pm

Marketplace Open (Field House)

4:00 – 5:00 pm 

Travelers’ Mass (Schoenecker Arena)

5:00 – 6:15 pm 

(“The View” in Anderson Student Center and “The Northsider” in Tommie North)

6:15 pm

Doors Open  (Schoenecker Arena)

6:45 -9:30 pm

General Session / Keynote / Eucharistic Adoration (Schoenecker Arena)

9:30 – 10:00 pm

Small Groups

10:00 – 11:00 pm

Pizza Pick-up  (Flynn Courtyard)

Marketplace Open  (Field House)

10:00 – 11:30 pm

Reconciliation  (Field House)

10:15 pm

Night Prayer  (Outdoor Amphitheater)

11:30 pm

     All Youth in Sleeping Areas


Friday Dinner 

4:15- 5:00 pm
BLUE/BLACK– Blair Shannon,YELLOW/PINK– Garst 

5:00-5:45 pm
RED– Blair Shannon, ORANGE– Garst 

5:45-6:30 pm
PURPLE– Blair Shannon, GREEN– Garst 

Saturday Breakfast
All groups staying off campus will eat breakfast in the hotels. 

BLUE/BLACK– Blair Shannon

RED/PURPLE– Blair Shannon


Saturday Lunch 

11:15-12:00pm  MALES
BLUE/BLACK/RED/PURPLE-Blair Shannon                  YELLOW/PINK/ORANGE/GREEN– Garst 

12:00pm-12:45pm  FEMALES
RED/BLUE– Blair Shannon

12:45pm-1:30pm  FEMALES
PURPLE/BLACK– Blair Shannon


Saturday Dinner 

5:00pm- 5:45pm
RED-Blair Shannon, ORANGE– Garst 

BLUE/BLACK– Blair Shannon

PURPLE– Blair Shannon,GREEN– Garst 


Sunday Breakfast
All groups staying off campus will eat breakfast in the hotels. 

RED/PURPLE– Blair Shannon

BLUE/BLACK– Blair Shannon

Z | Group Leader 2024

St. Johns

Zielenski: (918) 766-6478

Meal Band Color: ORANGE

**There is no assigned seating for the Men’s and Women’s sessions .

Friday PM Section:  OO

Row: 3 Seats: 1-15

Saturday AM Section: C

Row: 5 Seats: 10-24

Saturday Afternoon Section: M

Row: 4 Seats: 1-8

Row: 5 Seats: 1-7

Saturday PM Section: L

Row: 10 Seats: 1-15

Sunday AM Section: B

Row: 12 Seats: 1-15

St. Francis Borgia

Zurek: (402) 670-3413

Meal Band Color: PURPLE

**There is no assigned seating for the Men’s and Women’s sessions .

Friday PM Section:  QQ

Row: 4 Seats: 1-7

Saturday AM Section: L

Row: 10 Seats: 14-20

Saturday Afternoon Section: DDD

Row: 4 Seats: 9-13

Row: 5 Seats: 8-10

Saturday PM Section: M

Row: 12 Seats: 17-23

Sunday AM Section: B

Row: 10 Seats: 16-22

S | Group Leader 2024

St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Church

Santos-Heinen: (405) 250-3864

Meal Band Color: YELLOW

**There is no assigned seating for the Men’s and Women’s sessions .

Friday PM Section:  M

Row: 11-12 Seats: ALL SEATS

Row: 13 Seats: 1-9

Saturday AM Section: P

Row: 10-13 Seats: 5-14

Row: 14 Seats: 1-14

Saturday Afternoon Section: DDD

Row: 1-3 Seats: ALL SEATS

Row: 4 Seats: 1-8

Row: 5 Seats: 1-7

Saturday PM Section: C

Row: 6-7 Seats: ALL SEATS

Row: 8 Seats: 1-6

Sunday AM Section: L

Row: 1-3 Seats: 12-24

Row: 4 Seats: 17-24

Row: 5 Seats: 18-24

Fr. McGivney Catholic High School

Scheller: (618) 567-3553

Meal Band Color: ORANGE

**There is no assigned seating for the Men’s and Women’s sessions .

Friday PM Section:  N

Row: 14 Seats: 1-20

Saturday AM Section: L

Row: 3 Seats: 9-24

Row: 4 Seats: 21-24

Saturday Afternoon Section: C

Row: 13-14 Seats: 1-10

Saturday PM Section: M

Row: 6 Seats: 1-20

Sunday AM Section: P

Row: 12-13 Seats: 5-14

St. Anne Catholic Church, Memphis

Schenkel: (901) 336-8391

Meal Band Color: RED

**There is no assigned seating for the Men’s and Women’s sessions .

Friday PM Section:  OO

Row: 5 Seats: 1-17

Saturday AM Section: C

Row: 12 Seats: 1-17

Saturday Afternoon Section: B

Row: 1 Seats: 1-8

Row: 2 Seats: 1-9

Saturday PM Section: L

Row: 13 Seats: 1-7

Row: 14 Seats: 1-10

Sunday AM Section: BBB

Row: 7-8 Seats: 8-13

Row: 9 Seats: 9-13


Schmitz: (402) 541-9313

Meal Band Color: PURPLE

**There is no assigned seating for the Men’s and Women’s sessions .

Friday PM Section:  O

Row: 15-16 Seats: ALL SEATS

Saturday AM Section: A

Row: 9 Seats: 1-13

Row: 10 Seats: 1-14

Saturday Afternoon Section: M

Row: 11 Seats: 10-22

Row: 12 Seats: 10-23

Saturday PM Section: B

Row: 4 Seats: 10-20

Row: 5 Seats: 5-20

Sunday AM Section: L

Row: 9 Seats: 1-6

Row: 10 Seats: 1-21

St. Patrick’s Andalusia, IL

Simon: (309) 235-3374

Meal Band Color: PURPLE

**There is no assigned seating for the Men’s and Women’s sessions .

Friday PM Section:  B

Row: 3 Seats: 9-20

Saturday AM Section: L

Row: 4 Seats: 9-20

Saturday Afternoon Section: C

Row: 12-13 Seats: 19-24

Saturday PM Section: L

Row: 14 Seats: 13-24

Sunday AM Section: BBB

Row: 10 Seats: 1-12

MoredockSjoberg Family

Sjoberg: (573) 337-1775

Meal Band Color: ORANGE

**There is no assigned seating for the Men’s and Women’s sessions .

Friday PM Section:  B

Row: 7 Seats: 13-21

Saturday AM Section: OO

Row: 4 Seats: 1-9

Saturday Afternoon Section: A

Row: 11 Seats: 17-25

Saturday PM Section: M

Row: 12 Seats: 1-9

Sunday AM Section: P

Row: 6 Seats: 6-14

St. Mark Youth Ministry

Slott: (309) 643-9642

Meal Band Color: BLACK

**There is no assigned seating for the Men’s and Women’s sessions .

Friday PM Section:  N

Row: 13 Seats: 20-30

Row: 14 Seats: 21-32

Row: 15 Seats: 24-36

Row: 16 Seats: 27-38

Saturday AM Section: CCC

Row: 3 Seats: 5-13

Row: 4-6 Seats: ALL SEATS

Saturday Afternoon Section: O

Row: 5-9 Seats: ALL SEATS

Saturday PM Section: A

Row: 7 Seats: 1-11

Row: 8 Seats: 1-12

Row: 9 Seats: 1-13

Row: 10 Seats: 1-12

Sunday AM Section: M

Row: 1-2 Seats: ALL SEATS

Row: 3 Seats: 1-8

Immaculate Conception

Smith: (479) 883-5487

Meal Band Color: PURPLE

**There is no assigned seating for the Men’s and Women’s sessions .

Friday PM Section:  B

Row: 5 Seats: 17-20

Saturday AM Section: L

Row: 10 Seats: 21-24

Saturday Afternoon Section: P

Row: 15 Seats: 1-4

Saturday PM Section: M

Row: 10 Seats: 19-22

Sunday AM Section: B

Row: 7 Seats: 6-9

Gods Children

Smith: (314) 739-8363

Meal Band Color: GREEN

**There is no assigned seating for the Men’s and Women’s sessions .

Friday PM Section:  QQ

Row: 2-3 Seats: ALL SEATS

Saturday AM Section: A

Row: 14 Seats: 1-12

Row: 15 Seats: 1-13

Saturday Afternoon Section: M

Row: 4 Seats: 9-20

Row: 5 Seats: 8-20

Saturday PM Section: DDD

Row: 1 Seats: ALL SEATS

Row: 2 Seats: 1-12

Sunday AM Section: P

Row: 15 Seats: ALL SEATS

Row: 16 Seats: 1-11

MQA youth group

Smith: (785) 230-7010

Meal Band Color: GREEN

**There is no assigned seating for the Men’s and Women’s sessions .

Friday PM Section:  B

Row: 10 Seats: 11-22

Saturday AM Section: O

Row: 5-6 Seats: 1-6

Saturday Afternoon Section: C

Row: 8 Seats: 13-24

Saturday PM Section: M

Row: 5 Seats: 1-12

Sunday AM Section: A

Row: 16 Seats: 27-38

Sacred heart, Warrensburg Missouri

Stark: (970) 697-4016

Meal Band Color: RED

**There is no assigned seating for the Men’s and Women’s sessions .

Friday PM Section:  P

Row: 15 Seats: 1-10

Saturday AM Section: L

Row: 14 Seats: 11-20

Saturday Afternoon Section: B

Row: 14 Seats: 15-24

Saturday PM Section: M

Row: 3 Seats: 11-20

Sunday AM Section: O

Row: 5 Seats: 1-10

O – Rid | Group Leader 2024

Sacred Heart, Cunningham

Osner: (316) 305-7126

Meal Band Color: GREEN

**There is no assigned seating for the Men’s and Women’s sessions .

Friday PM Section:  OO

Row: 1 Seats: 12-19

Saturday AM Section: L

Row: 9 Seats: 17-24

Saturday Afternoon Section: A

Row: 11 Seats: 1-8

Saturday PM Section: C

Row: 15 Seats: 1-8

Sunday AM Section: DDD

Row: 5 Seats: 6-13

St. Peters CYM

Osorio: (870) 404-8921

Meal Band Color: RED

**There is no assigned seating for the Men’s and Women’s sessions .

Friday PM Section:  BBB

Row: 5 Seats: 5-13

Saturday AM Section: OO

Row: 6 Seats: 10-18

Saturday Afternoon Section: N

Row: 11 Seats: 1-9

Saturday PM Section: B

Row: 4 Seats: 1-9

Sunday AM Section: M

Row: 6 Seats: 12-20

St. Philip Neri-Blessed Sacrament & Holy Name Parishes

Peklo: (402) 980-0539

Meal Band Color: ORANGE

**There is no assigned seating for the Men’s and Women’s sessions .

Friday PM Section:  M

Row: 8 Seats: ALL SEATS

Saturday AM Section: B

Row: 11 Seats: 1-18

Saturday Afternoon Section: PP

Row: 2 Seats: 12-24

Row: 3 Seats: 12-16

Saturday PM Section: AAA

Row: 1 Seats: ALL SEATS

Row: 2 Seats: 1-5

Sunday AM Section: O

Row: 15 Seats: 11-14

Row: 16 Seats: ALL SEATS

IC -Springfield

Pfaff: (417) 493-6657

Meal Band Color: PURPLE

**There is no assigned seating for the Men’s and Women’s sessions .

Friday PM Section:  C

Row: 9 Seats: ALL SEATS

Row: 10 Seats: 1-19

Saturday AM Section: A

Row: 14 Seats: 13-32

Row: 15 Seats: 14-36

Saturday Afternoon Section: L

Row: 5-6 Seats: 17-24

Row: 7-9 Seats: 16-24

Saturday PM Section: PP

Row: 2-3 Seats: ALL SEATS

Sunday AM Section: B

Row: 8-9 Seats: ALL SEATS

St. Mary Youth Group

Prentzler: (660) 728-0204

Meal Band Color: GREEN

**There is no assigned seating for the Men’s and Women’s sessions .

Friday PM Section:  B

Row: 6 Seats: 11-20

Saturday AM Section: M

Row: 11 Seats: 13-22

Saturday Afternoon Section: O

Row: 10 Seats: ALL SEATS

Saturday PM Section: A

Row: 6 Seats: 1-10

Sunday AM Section: P

Row: 8 Seats: 5-14

Diocese of Lincoln-Lincoln Group

Racicot: (402) 499-7961

Meal Band Color: BLACK

**There is no assigned seating for the Men’s and Women’s sessions .

Friday PM Section:  C

Row: 13-15 Seats: ALL SEATS

Saturday AM Section: BBB

Row: 1-4 Seats: ALL SEATS

Row: 5 Seats: 1-10

Saturday Afternoon Section: M

Row: 6-8 Seats: ALL SEATS

Saturday PM Section: B

Row: 12 Seats: 1-13

Row: 13-14 Seats: ALL SEATS

Row: 15 Seats: 1-2

Sunday AM Section: A

Row: 13 Seats: 12-30

Row: 14 Seats: 13-32

Row: 15 Seats: 14-36

Sacred Heart Norfolk NE

Ramold: (620) 515-5651

Meal Band Color: PURPLE

**There is no assigned seating for the Men’s and Women’s sessions .

Friday PM Section:  L

Row: 13 Seats: ALL SEATS

Row: 14 Seats: 1-21

Saturday AM Section: B

Row: 4-5 Seats: ALL SEATS

Row: 6 Seats: 1-5

Saturday Afternoon Section: N

Row: 15 Seats: 1-23

Row: 16 Seats: 1-22

Saturday PM Section: BBB

Row: 1 Seats: 1-8

Row: 2-3 Seats: ALL SEATS

Row: 4 Seats: 1-11

Sunday AM Section: OO

Row: 2-3 Seats: ALL SEATS

Row: 4 Seats: 6-16

The Outlet – Our Saviour Parish

Ratliff: (309) 371-7559

Meal Band Color: RED

**There is no assigned seating for the Men’s and Women’s sessions .

Friday PM Section:  P

Row: 10 Seats: 5-9

Row: 11 Seats: 5-14

Saturday AM Section: QQ

Row: 5 Seats: 1-15

Saturday Afternoon Section: N

Row: 9 Seats: 1-7

Row: 10 Seats: 1-8

Saturday PM Section: B

Row: 1 Seats: 1-15

Sunday AM Section: L

Row: 14 Seats: 10-24

Christ the King Church

Ridgeway: (501) 773-1013

Meal Band Color: YELLOW

**There is no assigned seating for the Men’s and Women’s sessions .

Friday PM Section:  B

Row: 9 Seats: ALL SEATS

Row: 10 Seats: 1-10

Saturday AM Section: L

Row: 1-4 Seats: 1-8

Saturday Afternoon Section: BBB

Row: 8 Seats: 8-13

Row: 9-10 Seats: ALL SEATS

Saturday PM Section: N

Row: 3 Seats: 7-12

Row: 4 Seats: 6-12

Row: 5 Seats: 4-12

Row: 6 Seats: 5-14

Sunday AM Section: C

Row: 2-5 Seats: 1-8


Lo – N | Group Leader 2024


Lozano: (314) 378-3475

Meal Band Color: PURPLE

**There is no assigned seating for the Men’s and Women’s sessions .

Friday PM Section:  P

Row: 16 Seats: 1-7

Saturday AM Section: OO

Row: 4 Seats: 10-16

Saturday Afternoon Section: A

Row: 4 Seats: 1-7

Saturday PM Section: M

Row: 12 Seats: 10-16

Sunday AM Section: B

Row: 12 Seats: 17-23

Illinois Valley Catholic Youth Group

Maus: (815) 252-0441

Meal Band Color: PURPLE

**There is no assigned seating for the Men’s and Women’s sessions .

Friday PM Section:  A

Row: 5 Seats: 10-12

Row: 6 Seats: 11-14

Row: 7 Seats: 12-16

Row: 8 Seats: 13-18

Row: 9 Seats: 14-20

Row: 10 Seats: 15-22

Row: 11 Seats: 17-25

Row: 12 Seats: 14-27

Saturday AM Section: BBB

Row: 6-9 Seats: ALL SEATS

Row: 10 Seats: 1-4

Saturday Afternoon Section: L

Row: 10 Seats: 4-24

Row: 11 Seats: ALL SEATS

Row: 12 Seats: 14-24

Saturday PM Section: QQ

Row: 2-5 Seats: ALL SEATS

Sunday AM Section: C

Row: 10 Seats: 5-24

Row: 11 Seats: ALL SEATS

Row: 12 Seats: 13-24

Holy Trinity Marshfield

McCall: (417) 880-4386

Meal Band Color: PURPLE

**There is no assigned seating for the Men’s and Women’s sessions .

Friday PM Section:  C

Row: 11 Seats: 1-18

Saturday AM Section: N

Row: 5 Seats: 1-3

Row: 6 Seats: 1-4

Row: 7 Seats: 1-5

Row: 8 Seats: 1-6

Saturday Afternoon Section: B

Row: 9-10 Seats: 1-9

Saturday PM Section: P

Row: 15 Seats: 11-14

Row: 16 Seats: ALL SEATS

Sunday AM Section: AAA

Row: 9 Seats: 1-5

Row: 10 Seats: ALL SEATS

St. Brendan, Mexico

McKeown: (573) 253-7216

Meal Band Color: BLACK

**There is no assigned seating for the Men’s and Women’s sessions .

Friday PM Section:  PP

Row: 6 Seats: 1-10

Saturday AM Section: N

Row: 14 Seats: 11-20

Saturday Afternoon Section: B

Row: 12 Seats: 14-23

Saturday PM Section: M

Row: 1 Seats: 11-20

Sunday AM Section: P

Row: 11 Seats: 5-14

St. Francis of Assisi OKC

McWay: (405) 210-1737

Meal Band Color: ORANGE

**There is no assigned seating for the Men’s and Women’s sessions .

Friday PM Section:  B

Row: 4 Seats: ALL SEATS

Row: 5 Seats: 1-16

Saturday AM Section: A

Row: 12 Seats: 11-27

Row: 13 Seats: 12-30

Saturday Afternoon Section: M

Row: 9 Seats: 1-22

Row: 10 Seats: 1-14

Saturday PM Section: O

Row: 14 Seats: 6-14

Row: 15 Seats: 1-14

Row: 16 Seats: 2-14

Sunday AM Section: L

Row: 8-9 Seats: 7-24

St. John’s

Meyer: (785) 614-0831

Meal Band Color: BLACK

**There is no assigned seating for the Men’s and Women’s sessions .

Friday PM Section:  O

Row: 10 Seats: 7-10

Row: 11 Seats: 6-10

Saturday AM Section: OO

Row: 2 Seats: 1-9

Saturday Afternoon Section: N

Row: 6 Seats: 6-14

Saturday PM Section: L

Row: 11 Seats: 16-24

Sunday AM Section: C

Row: 2 Seats: 9-17

Enid Catholic Youth

Montes: (405) 446-0728

Meal Band Color: ORANGE

**There is no assigned seating for the Men’s and Women’s sessions .

Friday PM Section:  AAA

Row: 4 Seats: 6-13

Row: 5-8 Seats: ALL SEATS

Saturday AM Section: B

Row: 1-3 Seats: ALL SEATS

Saturday Afternoon Section: L

Row: 12 Seats: 1-12

Row: 13-14 Seats: ALL SEATS

Saturday PM Section: N

Row: 12 Seats: 18-27

Row: 13 Seats: 20-30

Row: 14 Seats: 21-32

Row: 15 Seats: 24-36

Row: 16 Seats: 25-38

Sunday AM Section: C

Row: 12 Seats: 1-12

Row: 13-14 Seats: ALL SEATS

Guerreros de Cristo

Montiel: (901) 620-7299

Meal Band Color: BLACK

**There is no assigned seating for the Men’s and Women’s sessions .

Friday PM Section:  CCC

Row: 1-4 Seats: ALL SEATS

Row: 5 Seats: 1-2

Saturday AM Section: C

Row: 9-11 Seats: 1-18

Saturday Afternoon Section: M

Row: 1-2 Seats: ALL SEATS

Row: 3 Seats: 1-14

Saturday PM Section: A

Row: 12 Seats: 11-27

Row: 13 Seats: 12-30

Row: 14 Seats: 15-32

Sunday AM Section: L

Row: 6-7 Seats: ALL SEATS

Row: 8 Seats: 1-6

St. John the Evangelist

Noonan: (785) 633-3691

Meal Band Color: BLACK

**There is no assigned seating for the Men’s and Women’s sessions .

Friday PM Section:  L

Row: 10 Seats: 21-24

Row: 11 Seats: 16-24

Saturday AM Section: A

Row: 3 Seats: 1-6

Row: 4 Seats: 1-7

Saturday Afternoon Section: AAA

Row: 10 Seats: ALL SEATS

Saturday PM Section: C

Row: 14 Seats: 12-24

Sunday AM Section: B

Row: 13 Seats: 18-23

Row: 14 Seats: 18-24

Ba – Bre | Group Leader 2024

Baka: (479) 409-7180

Our Lady of the Holy Souls

Meal Band Color: BLUE

**There is no assigned seating for the Men’s and Women’s sessions .

Friday PM Section:  CCC

Row: 5 Seats: 3-13

Row: 6 Seats: ALL SEATS

Saturday AM Section: N

Row: 15 Seats: 1-23

Saturday Afternoon Section: P

Row: 15 Seats: 6-14

Row: 16 Seats: ALL SEATS

Saturday PM Section: L

Row: 7 Seats: ALL SEATS

Sunday AM Section: M

Row: 12 Seats: ALL SEATS

Kenosha Catholic

Baumann: (262) 945-2067

Meal Band Color: BLACK

**There is no assigned seating for the Men’s and Women’s sessions .

Friday PM Section:  DDD

Row: 3-4 Seats: 1-6

Saturday AM Section: QQ

Row: 6 Seats: 1-12

Saturday Afternoon Section: A

Row: 16 Seats: 15-26

Saturday PM Section: L

Row: 6 Seats: 13-24

Sunday AM Section: B

Row: 11 Seats: 11-22

St. Margaret Mary Parish

Beasley: (402) 278-0083

Meal Band Color: ORANGE

**There is no assigned seating for the Men’s and Women’s sessions .

Friday PM Section:  M

Row: 9 Seats: ALL SEATS

Saturday AM Section: B

Row: 9-10 Seats: 1-11

Saturday Afternoon Section: PP

Row: 3 Seats: 17-19

Row: 4 Seats: ALL SEATS

Saturday PM Section: AAA

Row: 2-3 Seats: 6-13

Row: 4 Seats: 8-13

Sunday AM Section: O

Row: 12-13 Seats: 1-10

Row: 14 Seats: 13-14

St. Mary’s Bellevue

Bennett: (402) 926-8965

Meal Band Color: RED

**There is no assigned seating for the Men’s and Women’s sessions .

Friday PM Section:  N

Row: 3 Seats: 7-12

Row: 4 Seats: 6-12

Row: 5 Seats: 4-12

Row: 6 Seats: 5-14

Row: 7 Seats: 6-16

Row: 8 Seats: 7-18

Row: 9 Seats: 8-20

Row: 10 Seats: 9-22

Row: 11 Seats: 10-25

Row: 12 Seats: 22-27

Saturday AM Section: C

Row: 1-4 Seats: ALL SEATS

Row: 5 Seats: 1-8

Saturday Afternoon Section: AAA

Row: 1-8 Seats: ALL SEATS

Saturday PM Section: P

Row: 6-13 Seats: 5-14

Row: 14 Seats: 1-14

Row: 15 Seats: 1-10

Sunday AM Section: PP

Row: 2-6 Seats: ALL SEATS

Row: 7 Seats: 1-4

St. Mark Church

Benoist: (417) 260-4393

Meal Band Color: YELLOW

**There is no assigned seating for the Men’s and Women’s sessions .

Friday PM Section:  C

Row: 11 Seats: 22-24

Saturday AM Section: BBB

Row: 5 Seats: 11-13

Saturday Afternoon Section: L

Row: 10 Seats: 1-3

Saturday PM Section: A

Row: 16 Seats: 15-17

Sunday AM Section: M

Row: 13 Seats: 1-3

Holy Rosary

Benson: (573) 406-9332

Meal Band Color: ORANGE

**There is no assigned seating for the Men’s and Women’s sessions .

Friday PM Section:  B

Row: 1-2 Seats: 1-15

Row: 3 Seats: 1-8

Saturday AM Section: N

Row: 14 Seats: 21-32

Row: 15 Seats: 24-36

Row: 16 Seats: 26-38

Saturday Afternoon Section: A

Row: 8 Seats: 1-12

Row: 9-10 Seats: 1-13

Saturday PM Section: M

Row: 1-3 Seats: 1-10

Row: 4 Seats: 1-8

Sunday AM Section: C

Row: 6 Seats: 1-14

Row: 7 Seats: ALL SEATS

St. Anthony’s

Beying: (316) 993-8695

Meal Band Color: PINK

**There is no assigned seating for the Men’s and Women’s sessions .

Friday PM Section:  N

Row: 5 Seats: 1-3

Row: 6 Seats: 1-4

Row: 7 Seats: 1-5

Row: 8 Seats: 1-6

Row: 9 Seats: 1-7

Row: 10 Seats: 1-8

Row: 11 Seats: 1-9

Row: 12 Seats: 1-17

Row: 13 Seats: 1-19

Saturday AM Section: DDD

Row: 1-6 Seats: ALL SEATS

Saturday Afternoon Section: OO

Row: 2-6 Seats: ALL SEATS

Saturday PM Section: B

Row: 5 Seats: 1-4

Row: 6-8 Seats: ALL SEATS

Row: 9 Seats: 1-12

Sunday AM Section: A

Row: 9 Seats: 12-13

Row: 10 Seats: 1-14

Row: 11 Seats: 1-16

Row: 12 Seats: 1-10

Row: 13 Seats: 1-11

Row: 14 Seats: 1-12

Row: 15 Seats: 1-13

St. Jude/St. Mary/St. Matthew

Bosse: (309) 243-7811

Meal Band Color: RED

**There is no assigned seating for the Men’s and Women’s sessions .

Friday PM Section:  BBB

Row: 6-10 Seats: ALL SEATS

Saturday AM Section: N

Row: 3 Seats: 7-12

Row: 4 Seats: 6-12

Row: 5 Seats: 4-12

Row: 6 Seats: 5-14

Row: 7 Seats: 6-16

Row: 8 Seats: 7-18

Row: 9 Seats: 12-20

Saturday Afternoon Section: P

Row: 9-13 Seats: 5-14

Row: 14 Seats: 1-14

Saturday PM Section: B

Row: 9 Seats: 13-22

Row: 10-11 Seats: ALL SEATS

Row: 12 Seats: 14-23

Sunday AM Section: A

Row: 3 Seats: 1-6

Row: 4 Seats: 1-7

Row: 5 Seats: 1-9

Row: 6 Seats: 1-10

Row: 7 Seats: 1-11

Row: 8 Seats: 1-12

Row: 9 Seats: 1-9

St. Vincent de Paul, Cape Girardeau, MO

Brey: (573) 979-4616

Meal Band Color: BLUE

**There is no assigned seating for the Men’s and Women’s sessions .

Friday PM Section:  C

Row: 1-4 Seats: 1-11

Row: 5 Seats: 1-7

Saturday AM Section: N

Row: 10 Seats: 9-22

Row: 11 Seats: 10-25

Row: 12 Seats: 18-27

Row: 13 Seats: 20-30

Saturday Afternoon Section: B

Row: 2 Seats: 10-20

Row: 3-4 Seats: ALL SEATS

Saturday PM Section: BBB

Row: 7-10 Seats: ALL SEATS

Sunday AM Section: L

Row: 12-13 Seats: ALL SEATS

Row: 14 Seats: 1-3

Fr. Rick Martignetti, OFM

Father Rick Martignetti, OFM,  is a Franciscan priest in the Order of Friars Minor who holds a doctorate in sacred theology and Franciscan spirituality from the Pontifical University Antonianum in Rome. He has served God through preaching, teaching, campus ministry, spiritual direction, retreat ministry, formation work, youth ministry, and pilgrimage work. He is currently director of Campus Ministry at Ave Maria University in Florida. His latest book, Perfect Love: 40 Stories and Reflections Inspired by Saint Bonaventure’s De Perfectione Vitae, is available from Tau Publishing. Check out his 2-Minute Homilies on YouTube or through his blog,

Mike Gormley

Michael Gormley,  or “Gomer” as his friends call him, struggled with faith, belief, and the existence of God for years. He eventually found his way to God through studying whether the resurrection of Jesus Christ was real. He has degrees in philosophy and theology, a family, works at a parish with adults, and runs three side businesses: the Catching Foxes Show, Every Knee Shall Bow, and

Sunday | Main Campus


Breakfast (See “Meal Times”)


Marketplace Open  (JCWC & FFH)


Main Doors Open
(FFH; See “Session Entry Times”)


Morning Session
Celebration of Holy Mass

Eucharistic Adoration

Noon-1:00 pm

Lunch To Go  (See “Meal Times”)

Noon-2:00 pm

Dorm Checkout/Bus Load-in

Recharge – 2024

This year, we have some opportunities to recharge and enjoy some time with your friends around Franciscan University’s campus.

Recharge opportunities:

  • Karaoke – Feeling the urge to have some fun singing with your friends? Join us for karaoke located on the main stage in the FFH!
  • Service Project – So many kids at the Children’s Hospital in our area have no one to recognize them or pray for them.  Take a moment to write a letter to them, mentioning how you will be keeping them in your prayers throughout the rest of this weekend!
  • Scavenger Hunt – Use the cell app button for the Scavenger Hunt to engage in questions and riddles taking you all over campus.  Found the answers to them all?  Go to the Transportation Tent to receive your prize!
  • Sports – Frisbees will be available to use outside the J.C. Williams Center.  Basketball and volleyball will be offered above the cafeteria, next to St. Thomas More Hall.
  • Campus Store – Don’t forget to stop by the campus store while you are here.  It will be open today from 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
  • Small groups – don’t forget to continue to take time to meet in small groups.  Use a portion of this time to discuss how things have been going throughout the weekend.

Scavenger Hunt Instructions

Welcome to the 2024 Main Campus Scavenger Hunt!  

To get started, grab your phone to take pictures or snag a pen and some paper to write down your answers. There are three sections to this scavenger hunt. After you complete each section and show the pictures or answers to each clue, you’ll get a related prize!

Prizes can be collected at the Transportation Tent at the Rosary Circle. 

Find a friend and put your thinking caps on! Let’s do this! 

Scavenger Hunt Clues

After completing each section, you can collect your prize at the Transportation Tent located at the Rosary Circle outside the J.C. Williams Center.

Section 1: Mary

Clue #1:

In this building weary students lay their heads to rest
And its name many would consider the best!
This residence hall is named after our Blessed Mother,
Mary, a woman unlike any other!

Take a picture at this place once it’s been found
Or for those without cameras, write the location name down!

Clue #2:

Behind the chapel and beyond the Stations of the Cross,
You will find a grotto with stones that are covered with moss!
Go and find this beautiful outdoor space
With a statue of Our Lady creating a prayerful place!

Take a picture at this place once it’s been found
Or for those without cameras, write the location name down!

Clue #3:

No need to travel too far for clue #3
The next destination also features Mary.
Go to the place that has the Holy Family, the animals, and the men that are wise.
Finding this memorable scene will help you win your first prize!

Take a picture at this place once it’s been found
Or for those without cameras, write the location name down!

Section 2: The Saints

Clue #4:

Now you’ll go back to another residence hall
That houses only women in the spring and the fall.
This building is named after the patron saint of politicians
Go to this hall to continue your mission!

Take a picture at this place once it’s been found
Or for those without cameras, write the building name down!

Clue #5

This saint’s name is also in our university name,
Keep following the clues and you’ll have another prize to claim!
Locate the statue of the saint who preached to the birds,

He praised God for his creations through his prayers and his words.

Take a picture at this statue once it’s been found
Or for those without cameras, write the saint’s name and location down!

Clue #6

Next find the statue of the beloved Polish pope
Who spoke on Theology of the Body and in many inspired hope!
He stands by the building where students study for hours
In a nice shady area surrounded by flowers.

Take a picture at this statue once it’s been found
Or for those without cameras, write the saint’s name and location down!

Section 3: The Church

Clue #7

The Church is the Body of Christ, yes this is true
We were made part of God’s family through baptism too!
To complete this clue, find a stranger and make them a friend
Get to know them a bit before this weekend ends!

Get a picture with your new friend
Or for those without a camera, write down their name and where they’re from!

Clue #8

At this last location, you must lift your eyes
for this monument reaches into the Steubenville sky!
Reminding us of when Jesus Christ gave us his all,
A giant metal cross stands over 50 feet tall!

Take a picture here once it’s been found
Or for those without cameras, write the name and location down!


The Bookstore is located in the Plaster Student Union, 4th Floor Union Club. The bookstore will be open the following hours: 


  • 1:00-6:30pm
  • 9:50-11:30pm


  • 12:00-2:30pm
  • 4:45-7:15pm
  • 10:00-11:30pm


  • 7:45-8:45am
  • 12:00-1:00pm

Saturday | Rockies

6:30 – 8:00 am

Marketplace Open
(Aurora Exhibit Hall 2

7:00 – 8:30 am

(Aurora Exhibit Hall 1-3

8:15 am

Main Doors Open
(Adams Ballroom)

8:45 – 10:45 am

Morning Session

Celebration of Holy Mass

11:00 am – Noon

Women’s Session: Femininity Illuminated
(Adams Ballroom)

Men’s Lunch, Confessions, and Small Groups
(Aurora Exhibit Hall 1-3)

12:15 – 1:15 pm

Men’s Session: Masculinity Illuminated
(Adams Ballroom)

Women’s Lunch, Confessions, and Small Groups
(Aurora Exhibit Hall 1-3)

(Juniper Ballroom)

1:15 – 1:45 pm

Men’s Small Group

1:30 – 4:00 pm

Open Time: Recharge
– 1:30 PM – 2:30 PM Group Leader Session: Jim Beckman (Spruce 3-4)
2:45 PM – 3:30 PM Giancarlo Bernini Magic Show (Adams Ballroom)
– Marketplace Open
– Confessions
(Juniper Ballroom)

3:45 pm

Main Doors Open
(Adams Ballroom)

4:00 – 5:15 pm

General Session
Keynote: The Darkness has not Overcome

5:15 – 7:15 pm

(Aurora Exhibit Hall 1-3)

Marketplace Open

(Juniper Ballroom)

Small Groups

6:45 pm

Main Doors Open
(Adams Ballroom)

7:15 – 9:45 pm 

Evening Session
Keynote: The Road Illuminated

Eucharistic Holy Hour and

Prayer: Calling on the Holy Spirit

9:45 – 11:30 pm

Small Groups

Marketplace Open

(Juniper Ballroom)

David Calavitta

David Calavitta is a passionate Catholic in love with Christ and his Church. He’s also very much in love with his wife, Brittany, and their two sons.  In addition to his speaking ministry, he currently serves as the director of Design and Marketing for Life Teen International.

Session Entry Times | Meal Times

To ensure safe entrance into Finnegan Fieldhouse (FFH) as well as to promote fairness in prime seating during the conference, groups will be admitted into the Main Venue sessions at the following times per wristband color:

Friday Evening Session 

Blue 5:45pm, Yellow 6:00pm,

Green 6:15pm, Red 6:30pm 

Saturday Morning Session 

Green 7:45am, Red 8:00am,

Blue 8:15am, Yellow 8:30am  

Saturday Evening Session 

Red 6:15pm, Green 6:30pm,

Yellow 6:45pm, Blue 7:00pm  

Sunday Morning Session 

Yellow 7:45am, Blue 8:00am,

Red 8:15am, Green 8:30am  

All meals are served in Antonian Hall at the following times per wristband color.

Friday Dinner 4:30-7:00pm
Blue 4:30pm, Yellow 4:50pm,
Green 5:10pm, Red 5:30pm                      

Saturday Breakfast 6:30-8:30am
Green 6:30am, Red 6:50am,
Blue 7:10am, Yellow 7:30am

Saturday Men’s Lunch 11:15am-12:15pm
Red and Green 11:00am,
Blue and Yellow 11:30am

Saturday Women’s Lunch 12:15pm-1:15pm
Red and Green 12:15pm,
Blue and Yellow 12:45pm

Saturday Dinner 5:15-6:45pm
Red 5:15pm, Green 5:30pm,
Yellow 5:45pm, and Blue 6:00pm

 Sunday Breakfast 7:00-9:00am
7:00am, Blue 7:20am,
Red 7:40am, Green 8:00am

Sunday Lunch Noon-1:00pm
All groups will receive “Lunch To Go.”

Sunday Morning/Afternoon Questions (maybe for the ride home)

Sunday Morning/ Afternoon Questions (possibly during the ride home):

  • What was one commitment you made to Jesus this morning during our time of prayer? What is your plan to ensure you follow through on that commitment?
  • What did your experience at this conference show you about God’s love?
  • What is one thing you can do to foster your relationship with Jesus after the conference and every day?
  • How can you continue to foster a relationship with the Holy Spirit?
  • What are some challenges you are going to face returning home?
  • What will you do if you struggle to live your life in Christ or if the circumstances at home make it challenging to live your faith?
  • How will you stay connected with your youth group, friends, and community members who are striving to live as followers of Christ?
  • How can you bring this conference experience back to your parish, youth group, high school, family, friends, etc.? How can you share this faith with others?
  • What did you hear this weekend that gives you hope for going back home today?
  • When you encounter those areas of darkness that you came into the conference weekend with, what is your ‘action plan’? How will you seek Christ as the one true light?
  • If you could ask the Holy Spirit for two things, what would they be?
  • Continue to ask questions based on what you know about each of the youth in your small group and
    how they experienced this weekend conference.

Note: be sure to follow up with those young people in your group who gave their life to Jesus for the first time during the commitment call, or those who expressed a desire to come into full communion with the Catholic Church through the Baptism Call.

Saturday Night Questions

Goal: To show how an encounter with the Holy Spirit has the power to transform our lives.

Saturday Night Keynote Scripture: The Road to Emmaus (Lk. 24:29-35)

  • What stood out to you when we read the Road to Emmaus together?
    • Was there a time in your life when you felt like the disciples on the Road to Emmaus? How do you think the Holy Spirit was at work in your life then? How have you seen the Holy Spirit at work prior to this conference weekend?


  • What was your adoration experience like tonight?
  • Has your image of Jesus changed after the talk and eucharistic adoration? How?
  • Has your image of the Holy Spirit changed after the talk and eucharistic adoration? How?
  • What did God do in your heart tonight during eucharistic adoration? Did he speak anything specifically to you?

Help the youth understand that, even if they didn’t feel anything, God is still working in their lives and calling them to an intimate relationship with him.

  • Do you have any questions about what you experienced tonight?
  • Are you hesitant to journey with Jesus and the Holy Spirit? Why or why not?

Saturday Afternoon Questions

Saturday Afternoon Questions:

Goal: to show how Jesus, through his cross and Resurrection, has overcome sin and death by suffering with us. Through this session, our hope is to continue to remove barriers and develop an expectant and eager faith in Christ.

Saturday Afternoon Keynote Scripture: Luke 22:39-46 (Agony in the Garden) & John 20:11-18 (Appearance to Mary Magdalene)


  • In what ways do you or people you know try to avoid or ignore suffering? Why do we tend to hide from and avoid suffering?
  • Which “Garden” do you find yourself in? Why?
    • Eden – distant from God, feeling cut off, abandoned, or that you cannot approach God as a Father or friend.
    • Gethsemane – life sometimes feels really dark or heavy; there may be a lot going on that’s overwhelming and stressful; lack in trust that God is who he says he is.
    • Empty Tomb – there’s joy and a feeling of closeness with Jesus. While issues may exist, they may not feel so intimidating.
  • What is preventing you or what hesitations do you have when thinking about entering into and embracing the garden of the empty tomb?
  • Just as through the cross suffering and death is transformed into glory and resurrection, what do you hope that Jesus’ cross will ‘transform’ in your life? What areas of darkness do you want him to bring light into?

For the small group leader: briefly share a time when you experienced the transforming power of Jesus’ cross in your life. What was that like? What did you feel or experience? How was life different after?


  • What stood out to you in praying through the Scripture of the appearance of Jesus to Mary Magdalene?
  • Was that experience of praying with Scripture new? What did you enjoy/ find difficult?

If time allows, lead your group through a prayerful reading of Scripture (Luke 22:39-46; the Agony in the Garden).

Women’s Session Questions

Women’s Session Questions:

Goal: For the young women to realize how, through Mary’s fiat, their femininity has also been redeemed. Where Eve’s inheritance is that of concupiscence and sin, through our baptism we’re able to share in Mary’s inheritance from the Father.

Women’s Session Scripture: Ephesians 5:14 – “Awake, O sleeper, and arise from the dead, and Christ will give you light.”

Take some time to discuss the morning:

  • From Mass this morning, what is one thing that struck you from the Mass or the homily
    • Why?
  • How can the Mass help illuminate our minds to who Jesus is?
    • Follow up with an encouragement on how to participate more fully in Mass at your home parish.
  • In what ways do you see the inheritance of Eve ‘take flesh’ in your life?
  • In what ways do you see the inheritance of Mary ‘take flesh’ in your life?
    • In what ways do you hope to grow more like Mary in her expression of authentic femininity?

For the small group leader: We encourage you to briefly share how the contrast between Eve’s inheritance and Mary’s inheritance has impacted your own life.

  • Who are some people in your life who live out an authentic femininity? In what ways do you see them live our authentic femininity?
  • What was your experience of the prayer time after the talk?
  • Did God say anything particular to you? Did anything stick out to you in the time of prayer?
  • How can you pray with your friends more after this weekend? How can this kind of prayer be incorporated more in your youth ministry?

Men’s Session Questions (after the session)

Men’s Session Questions (after the session):

Goal: For the young men to realize how, through Christ, our masculinity has been redeemed. Where Adam’s inheritance is that of concupiscence and sin, through our baptism we’re able to share in Christ’s inheritance from the Father.

Men’s Session Scripture: Romans 8:16-17 – “The Spirit itself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God, and if children, then heirs, heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ, if only we suffer with him so that we may also be glorified with him.” / Ephesians 5:14 – “Awake, O sleeper, and arise from the dead, and Christ will give you light.”

Note: if you didn’t get to use the questions above earlier, feel free to include them now.

  • In what ways do you see the inheritance of Adam ‘take flesh’ in your life?
  • In what ways do you see the inheritance of Jesus ‘take flesh’ in your life?
    • In what ways do you hope to grow more like Jesus in his expression of authentic masculinity?
  • In your own life, do you find that there’s a battle between the masculine inheritance of Adam vs. Jesus?
    • In what way?

For the small group leader: We encourage you to briefly share how the contrast between Eve’s inheritance and Mary’s inheritance has impacted your own life.

  • Who are some people in your life who live out an authentic femininity? In what ways do you see them live our authentic femininity?
  • What was your experience of the prayer time after the talk?
  • Did God say anything particular to you? Did anything stick out to you in the time of prayer?
  • How can you pray with your friends more after this weekend? How can this kind of prayer be incorporated more in your youth ministry?

Men’s Session Questions (prior to the session)

Men’s Session Questions (prior to the session):

Take some time to discuss in the morning:

  • From Mass this morning, what is one thing that struck you from the Mass or the homily? Why?
  • How can the Mass help illuminate our minds to who Jesus is?
    • Follow up with an encouragement on how to participate more fully in Mass at your home parish.
  • What comes to mind when you hear “masculine inheritance”? In other words, can one’s masculinity (or expression of masculinity) be influenced by or inherited from others? Why/ How?
  • What does this masculine inheritance look like in your family, friends, school, or yourself?

Note: you can also use some of the questions below to help them begin to consider the content that will be presented.

Friday Evening Questions

Goal: To invite young people into an open, honest moment of self-reflection on their own faith. Have them ask the question, first, “Do I truly believe in God?” and second, “Do I trust God?”.

Friday Night Keynote Scripture: Mark 10:46-52 (The Healing of the Blind Man, Bartimaeus).

Entering into the Conference Weekend:

  • Where are you (physically, spiritually, emotionally) coming into this conference weekend?
  • What are two words you would use to describe your relationship with God right now?
  • How have you seen Jesus working in your life during the past few months?

Experience of Praise and Worship:

  • Describe your experience of praise and worship this evening.
    • What was something the worship leader said that struck you? Have you ever prayed like this before? What did you enjoy about this style of prayer? Why? What was difficult about praying like this? Why?


  • What struck you from the Gospel reading of Jesus Healing the Blind Man, Bartimaeus
    • Who do you relate with most in the story? Why?
    • What are those things in your life rebuking you and telling you to be silent? What are those things in your life attempting to undermine your understanding of Jesus?
  •  Just as Jesus comes to Bartimaeus and brings light/ restores his sight, we have those things in our lives which provide meaning/ purpose/ light. What are those?
    • Do these things, in turn, illuminate God or obscure Him? Do they help us see God for who he really is? Or, do they make us blind to who he is?
  • If you could pick two words to describe who God is to you/ your relationship with him, what words would you pick? Why?
  • If Jesus were to ask you the same question he asked Bartimaeus, “What can I do for you?” how would you respond? What would you ask for?
  • For the small group leader: we encourage you to share parts of your story of how Jesus came and brought sight to your own life. At the end of this small group session, please share your story with your young people. In addition, invite them to share their own stories of how Jesus has worked, or hope he will work, in their life this weekend.