S | Group Leader 2024

St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Church

Santos-Heinen: (405) 250-3864

Meal Band Color: YELLOW

**There is no assigned seating for the Men’s and Women’s sessions .

Friday PM Section:  M

Row: 11-12 Seats: ALL SEATS

Row: 13 Seats: 1-9

Saturday AM Section: P

Row: 10-13 Seats: 5-14

Row: 14 Seats: 1-14

Saturday Afternoon Section: DDD

Row: 1-3 Seats: ALL SEATS

Row: 4 Seats: 1-8

Row: 5 Seats: 1-7

Saturday PM Section: C

Row: 6-7 Seats: ALL SEATS

Row: 8 Seats: 1-6

Sunday AM Section: L

Row: 1-3 Seats: 12-24

Row: 4 Seats: 17-24

Row: 5 Seats: 18-24

Fr. McGivney Catholic High School

Scheller: (618) 567-3553

Meal Band Color: ORANGE

**There is no assigned seating for the Men’s and Women’s sessions .

Friday PM Section:  N

Row: 14 Seats: 1-20

Saturday AM Section: L

Row: 3 Seats: 9-24

Row: 4 Seats: 21-24

Saturday Afternoon Section: C

Row: 13-14 Seats: 1-10

Saturday PM Section: M

Row: 6 Seats: 1-20

Sunday AM Section: P

Row: 12-13 Seats: 5-14

St. Anne Catholic Church, Memphis

Schenkel: (901) 336-8391

Meal Band Color: RED

**There is no assigned seating for the Men’s and Women’s sessions .

Friday PM Section:  OO

Row: 5 Seats: 1-17

Saturday AM Section: C

Row: 12 Seats: 1-17

Saturday Afternoon Section: B

Row: 1 Seats: 1-8

Row: 2 Seats: 1-9

Saturday PM Section: L

Row: 13 Seats: 1-7

Row: 14 Seats: 1-10

Sunday AM Section: BBB

Row: 7-8 Seats: 8-13

Row: 9 Seats: 9-13


Schmitz: (402) 541-9313

Meal Band Color: PURPLE

**There is no assigned seating for the Men’s and Women’s sessions .

Friday PM Section:  O

Row: 15-16 Seats: ALL SEATS

Saturday AM Section: A

Row: 9 Seats: 1-13

Row: 10 Seats: 1-14

Saturday Afternoon Section: M

Row: 11 Seats: 10-22

Row: 12 Seats: 10-23

Saturday PM Section: B

Row: 4 Seats: 10-20

Row: 5 Seats: 5-20

Sunday AM Section: L

Row: 9 Seats: 1-6

Row: 10 Seats: 1-21

St. Patrick’s Andalusia, IL

Simon: (309) 235-3374

Meal Band Color: PURPLE

**There is no assigned seating for the Men’s and Women’s sessions .

Friday PM Section:  B

Row: 3 Seats: 9-20

Saturday AM Section: L

Row: 4 Seats: 9-20

Saturday Afternoon Section: C

Row: 12-13 Seats: 19-24

Saturday PM Section: L

Row: 14 Seats: 13-24

Sunday AM Section: BBB

Row: 10 Seats: 1-12

MoredockSjoberg Family

Sjoberg: (573) 337-1775

Meal Band Color: ORANGE

**There is no assigned seating for the Men’s and Women’s sessions .

Friday PM Section:  B

Row: 7 Seats: 13-21

Saturday AM Section: OO

Row: 4 Seats: 1-9

Saturday Afternoon Section: A

Row: 11 Seats: 17-25

Saturday PM Section: M

Row: 12 Seats: 1-9

Sunday AM Section: P

Row: 6 Seats: 6-14

St. Mark Youth Ministry

Slott: (309) 643-9642

Meal Band Color: BLACK

**There is no assigned seating for the Men’s and Women’s sessions .

Friday PM Section:  N

Row: 13 Seats: 20-30

Row: 14 Seats: 21-32

Row: 15 Seats: 24-36

Row: 16 Seats: 27-38

Saturday AM Section: CCC

Row: 3 Seats: 5-13

Row: 4-6 Seats: ALL SEATS

Saturday Afternoon Section: O

Row: 5-9 Seats: ALL SEATS

Saturday PM Section: A

Row: 7 Seats: 1-11

Row: 8 Seats: 1-12

Row: 9 Seats: 1-13

Row: 10 Seats: 1-12

Sunday AM Section: M

Row: 1-2 Seats: ALL SEATS

Row: 3 Seats: 1-8

Immaculate Conception

Smith: (479) 883-5487

Meal Band Color: PURPLE

**There is no assigned seating for the Men’s and Women’s sessions .

Friday PM Section:  B

Row: 5 Seats: 17-20

Saturday AM Section: L

Row: 10 Seats: 21-24

Saturday Afternoon Section: P

Row: 15 Seats: 1-4

Saturday PM Section: M

Row: 10 Seats: 19-22

Sunday AM Section: B

Row: 7 Seats: 6-9

Gods Children

Smith: (314) 739-8363

Meal Band Color: GREEN

**There is no assigned seating for the Men’s and Women’s sessions .

Friday PM Section:  QQ

Row: 2-3 Seats: ALL SEATS

Saturday AM Section: A

Row: 14 Seats: 1-12

Row: 15 Seats: 1-13

Saturday Afternoon Section: M

Row: 4 Seats: 9-20

Row: 5 Seats: 8-20

Saturday PM Section: DDD

Row: 1 Seats: ALL SEATS

Row: 2 Seats: 1-12

Sunday AM Section: P

Row: 15 Seats: ALL SEATS

Row: 16 Seats: 1-11

MQA youth group

Smith: (785) 230-7010

Meal Band Color: GREEN

**There is no assigned seating for the Men’s and Women’s sessions .

Friday PM Section:  B

Row: 10 Seats: 11-22

Saturday AM Section: O

Row: 5-6 Seats: 1-6

Saturday Afternoon Section: C

Row: 8 Seats: 13-24

Saturday PM Section: M

Row: 5 Seats: 1-12

Sunday AM Section: A

Row: 16 Seats: 27-38

Sacred heart, Warrensburg Missouri

Stark: (970) 697-4016

Meal Band Color: RED

**There is no assigned seating for the Men’s and Women’s sessions .

Friday PM Section:  P

Row: 15 Seats: 1-10

Saturday AM Section: L

Row: 14 Seats: 11-20

Saturday Afternoon Section: B

Row: 14 Seats: 15-24

Saturday PM Section: M

Row: 3 Seats: 11-20

Sunday AM Section: O

Row: 5 Seats: 1-10