Bo – Ci | Group Leaders 2024

St. Agnes Cathedral Parish

Bohrer: (417) 296-0177

Meal Band Color: GREEN

**There is no assigned seating for the Men’s and Women’s sessions .

Friday PM Section:  C

Row: 5 Seats: 9-13

Row: 6 Seats: 8-19

Row: 7 Seats: 10-19

Saturday AM Section: NN

Row: 7 Seats: 13-18

Row: 8 Seats: 10-20

Row: 9 Seats: 11-20

Saturday Afternoon Section: M

Row: 13 Seats: 1-13

Row: 14 Seats: 1-14

Saturday PM Section: A

Row: 15 Seats: 1-13

Row: 16 Seats: 1-14

Sunday AM Section: AAA

Row: 1 Seats: All Seats

Row: 2-3 Seats: 1-7

St. Mary’s – West Point

Borchers: (402) 841-9925

Meal Band Color: BLUE

**There is no assigned seating for the Men’s and Women’s sessions .

Friday PM Section:  MM

Row: 9 Seats: 1-9

Row: 10-11 Seats: All Seats

Row: 12 Seats: 1-3

Saturday AM Section: L

Row: 9 Seats: 15-24

Row: 10 Seats: All Seats

Row: 11 Seats: 10-24

Row: 12 Seats: 10-14

Saturday Afternoon Section: CC

Row: 8-9 Seats: All Seats

Row: 10 Seats: 1-16

Saturday PM Section: P

Row: 11 Seats: 5-8

Row: 12-13 Seats: 5-14

Row: 14 Seats: All Seats

Row: 15-16 Seats: 1-8

Sunday AM Section: AA

Row: 9 Seats: 1-9

Row: 10-11 Seats: All Seats

CYOC Catholic Youth of Osage County

Borgmeyer: (573) 619-3765

Meal Band Color: RED

**There is no assigned seating for the Men’s and Women’s sessions .

Friday PM Section:  B

Row: 11 Seats: 1-7

Row: 12 Seats: 1-13

Saturday AM Section: DD

Row: 11 Seats: 11-30

Saturday Afternoon Section: C

Row: 5 Seats: 17-24

Row: 6 Seats: 13-24

Saturday PM Section: P

Row: 8-9 Seats: 5-14

Sunday AM Section: CCC

Row: 2-3 Seats: 7-13

Row: 4 Seats: 8-13

San Ramon Catholic Church

Bradley: (806) 577-8643

Meal Band Color: RED

**There is no assigned seating for the Men’s and Women’s sessions .

Friday PM Section:  A

Row: 3 Seats: 1-6

Row: 4 Seats: 1-7

Saturday AM Section: DDD

Row: 5 Seats: 1-6

Row: 6 Seats: 1-7

Saturday Afternoon Section: LL

Row: 11 Seats: 1-13

Saturday PM Section: NN

Row: 3 Seats: 9-14

Row: 4 Seats: 9-15

Sunday AM Section: M

Row: 14 Seats: 1-13

St. Bridget of Kildare-Pacific

Brickler: (314) 780-8898

Meal Band Color: BLUE

**There is no assigned seating for the Men’s and Women’s sessions .

Friday PM Section:  DD

Row: 7 Seats: 1-6

 Saturday AM Section: L

Row: 1 Seats: 1-6

Saturday Afternoon Section: AA

Row: 10 Seats: 1-6

Saturday PM Section: BBB

Row: 10 Seats: 1-6

Sunday AM Section: MM

Row: 2 Seats: 8-13

St. Mary’s Catholic Church

Brown: (580) 761-7174

Meal Band Color: RED

**There is no assigned seating for the Men’s and Women’s sessions .

Friday PM Section:  KK

Row: 14 Seats: 1-25

Saturday AM Section: B

Row: 9 Seats: 1-7

Row: 10 Seats: 1-8

Saturday Afternoon Section: NN

Row: 6 Seats: All Seats

Row: 7 Seats: 1-8

Saturday PM Section: PP

Row: 8 Seats: 14-19

Row: 9 Seats: All Seats

Sunday AM Section: L

Row: 9 Seats: 14-24

Row: 10 Seats: 11-24

Ambassadors for Christ

Buford: (337) 654-1142

Meal Band Color: RED

**There is no assigned seating for the Men’s and Women’s sessions .

Friday PM Section:  NN

Row: 9 Seats: 18-20

Saturday AM Section: B

Row: 5 Seats: 11-13

Saturday Afternoon Section: QQ

Row: 9 Seats: 15-17

Saturday PM Section: AAA

Row: 5 Seats: 11-13

Sunday AM Section: C

Row: 2 Seats: 13-15

SppCC Waterloo

Burkart: (618) 616-7594

Meal Band Color: RED

**There is no assigned seating for the Men’s and Women’s sessions .

Friday PM Section:  L

Row: 6 Seats: All Seats

Row: 7 Seats: 1-13

Row: 8 Seats: 1-12

Saturday AM Section: N

Row: 15 Seats: 1-23

Row: 16 Seats: 1-26

Saturday Afternoon Section: DD

Row: 9 Seats: All Seats

Row: 10 Seats: 1-26

Saturday PM Section: PP

Row: 3 Seats: 10-19

Row: 4 Seats: 9-19

Row: 5 Seats: All Seats

Row: 6 Seats: 11-19

Sunday AM Section: B

Row: 1-2 Seats: All Seats

Row: 3 Seats: 1-9

St. Liborius Youth Ministry

Calvert: (618) 772-8647

Meal Band Color: RED

**There is no assigned seating for the Men’s and Women’s sessions .

Friday PM Section:  A

Row: 5 Seats: 10-12

Row: 6 Seats: 11-14

Saturday AM Section: PP

Row: 8 Seats: 13-19

Saturday Afternoon Section: M

Row: 15 Seats: 8-14

Saturday PM Section: AA

Row: 2 Seats: All Seats

Sunday AM Section: DD

Row: 15 Seats: 24-30


Carroll: (636) 795-4713

Meal Band Color: BLUE

**There is no assigned seating for the Men’s and Women’s sessions .

Friday PM Section:  DD

Row: 5 Seats: 7-23

Row: 6 Seats: All Seats

Row: 7 Seats: 18-23

Saturday AM Section: A

Row: 6 Seats: 1-10

Row: 7 Seats: 1-11

Row: 8 Seats: 1-12

Row: 9 Seats: 1-13

Saturday Afternoon Section: N

Row: 15 Seats: 4-23

Row: 16 Seats: 1-26

Saturday PM Section: MM

Row: 6 Seats: 1-8

Row: 7 Seats: 1-7

Row: 8-9 Seats: All Seats

Sunday AM Section: OO

Row: 2-4 Seats: All Seats

Coronation of our Lady

Celio: (925) 324-9395

Meal Band Color: PURPLE

**There is no assigned seating for the Men’s and Women’s sessions .

Friday PM Section:  P

Row: 14 Seats: 1-5

Row: 15-16 Seats: All Seats

Saturday AM Section: LL

Row: 11 Seats: 16-24

Row: 12 Seats: All Seats

Saturday Afternoon Section: A

Row: 12 Seats: 1-10

Row: 13 Seats: 1-11

Row: 14 Seats: 1-12

Saturday PM Section: CC

Row: 7 Seats: 13-18

Row: 8 Seats: 6-18

Row: 9 Seats: 7-20

Sunday AM Section: CCC

Row: 4 Seats: 1-7

Row: 5-6 Seats: 1-13

Lourdes Central Catholic

Chaney: (402) 209-1965

Meal Band Color: RED

**There is no assigned seating for the Men’s and Women’s sessions .

Friday PM Section:  MM

Row: 3 Seats: 6-10

Row: 4-6 Seats: All Seats

Row: 7 Seats: 6-13

Saturday AM Section: O

Row: 13 Seats: 1-5

Row: 14-16 Seats: All Seats

Saturday Afternoon Section: DD

Row: 12 Seats: All Seats

Row: 13 Seats: 1-17

Saturday PM Section: M

Row: 8 Seats: 10-21

Row: 9 Seats: 10-22

Row: 10 Seats: 9-22

Row: 11 Seats: 14-22

Sunday AM Section: AA

Row: 2-7 Seats: All Seats

St Patrick/Vagabond

Cipriano: (412) 216-3540

Meal Band Color: RED

**There is no assigned seating for the Men’s and Women’s sessions .

Friday PM Section:  OO

Row: 11 Seats: 1-25

Saturday AM Section: N

Row: 15 Seats: 24-36

Row: 16 Seats: 27-38

Saturday Afternoon Section: AA

Row: 9 Seats: 5-21

Row: 10 Seats: 15-22

Saturday PM Section: NN

Row: 6 Seats: 8-14

Row: 7 Seats: 10-17

Row: 8 Seats: 11-20

Sunday AM Section: B

Row: 4 Seats: 1-5

Row: 5 Seats: All Seats