Thursday Workshops 3:45pm – 5:00pm

Mother Church as Wisdom Within Reach: Recognizing the Treasure in Our Midst (Wisdom 6:12-20)
Fieldhouse Performance Room, 2nd Floor
Gina Loehr
The Church mediates the wisdom of God to us in tangible ways that enrich our personal faith. The maternal nature of the church in particular reflects the feminine images and metaphors for divine wisdom found throughout scripture. We will explore wisdom in relation to Mother Church and how they both nurture and support us, with attention to the sensus fidei and a discussion of the Book of Wisdom 6:12-20.

“You Have Excelled them All” (Prov. 30:29): Incarnating Wisdom in the Woman
JCWC:  Gentile Gallery
Dr. Nina Hermaan

Courting Lady Wisdom: Wisdom as Nuptial Mystery through Salvation History
Finnigan Fieldhouse
Dr. André Villeneuve

Receiving the Word and Handing the Word on to Others: Learning from Mary
Fieldhouse Aerobics Room, 2nd Floor
Dr. Petroc Wiley
“No one”, said St John Paul II, “has been ‘taught by God’ to such depth” as the Blessed Virgin (Catechesi tradendae 73). Mary is the great learner of the Word. And because she receives at such depth she uniquely can teach us what it is to hand on to others the Word at depth.

The Wisdom from Above: Prayer and the Acquisition of Wisdom
Anthony Giambrone, OP
The third chapter of the Epistle of James contrasts two types of wisdom: a wisdom that is “earthly, spiritual, devilish” and the true wisdom, which “comes down from above,” rich with a plenitude of fruits. At the beginning of the letter, James promises that if anyone is lacking in such wisdom it may be had from God by rightly asking. This talk will thus explore St. James’ notion of wisdom and how it is had, concentrating on God as giver and the science of “rightly asking.”