Adore Ministries

On behalf of Adore Ministries, I’d like to personally thank you for participating in the 3rd Steubenville Encounter Houston Conference.  

We are praying for your weekend, and we hope that you will come to experience the Lord in a new and powerful way. The mission of this conference has always been about the renewal of the Church, echoing in our time those supernatural words “Go, rebuild my church”, and we are excited to partner with Franciscan University on bringing this renewal front and center for so many. Adore has always been about this renewal, and in partnering on this conference, we hope to inspire many to take up this challenge in their everyday life. As missionaries, we have taken this message to heart whether it be through youth discipleship, family dinners, worship nights or conferences.

It is our joy to accompany so many on this journey. As you journey through this weekend, know that we are available to assist you in anything you might need, and if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to pull one of us aside. We are here to serve you, walk alongside you, and pray with you!  Once again, thank you for your yes, and may the Lord Jesus Christ pour out his blessing on you during this Encounter with Him.

Jonathan Alexander
President, Adore Ministries

Learn More about Adore Ministries Here