Steubenville Live Code of Conduct

Please read the following rules carefully, as they provide information about engaging in the interactivity aspects of Steubenville Live, the livestreamed high school youth conference hosted by Franciscan University of Steubenville, in a way that is respectful and lawful. By using, or submitting material to, Steubenville Live (via the below detailed interactivity tools and methods) you agree that you have read, understood, accept, and agree to abide by, the below rules.

The interactive tools and methods include:

  1. The live chat, live Q&A, and live polls accessible by logging into the livestream of Steubenville Live.
  2. Prayer intentions, group discussions (available via the “Connect” button on the Steubenville Live app),  features/games (available via the “Interact” button on the Steubenville Live app) and any other buttons available via the Steubenville Live app that may allow interactivity with other viewers, groups, or individuals.
  3. Any social media posts (graphics or text) containing Franciscan University of Steubenville, Steubenville Conferences, or Steubenville Live references, tags, and/or hashtags.

Please use all platforms and tools available for interactivity in congruence with Steubenville Live with great charity and responsibility.  We, the Steubenville Conference Office, are pleased to allow our Steubenville Live viewers to interact with us and one another, and it is our mission to uphold an environment of positivity and encouragement throughout the duration of Steubenville Live. Furthermore, by engaging in these interactivity tools and methods, you agree to post, send and receive messages, and content that are proper and related to the particular topic being streamed at Steubenville Live.

The purpose of these interactive tools and methods are as follows:

    1. Live Chat – The live chat allows Steubenville Live viewers to engage with one another throughout the duration of the conference weekend – to create a space for community, positivity, and support for one another. Avoid crude, explicit, provocative or suggestive language.
    2. Q&A – The Q&A opportunities are provide education and deeper understanding of the content being discussed throughout the talks and sessions during Steubenville Live. Please use these opportunities to ask questions that will further your own and other’s understanding of the Catholic faith. Avoid crude, explicit, provocative, or suggestive language.
    3. Polls – The Steubenville Conference Office will utilize polls throughout Steubenville Live to collect live viewer data so we can better understand our viewers and their needs. Please respond to such polls with honesty and integrity.
    4. Steubenville Live App – We have created all elements of the Steubenville Live app with the intention to allow for a highly engaging and interactive virtual conference. This app provides Steubenville Live participants with access to all the necessary information and interactive features  you will need in order to have the best possible conference experience.
    5. Social Media – The use of social media within the Steubenville Live experience allows interaction between participants, ministry team members, and staff and creates a space for participants to share about their experience of the event. Avoid crude, explicit, provocative, or suggestive language.

When using these interactivity tools and methods (as defined above), you agree that you will not post, send, submit, publish, or transmit  material that:

  1. You do not have the right to post, including proprietary material of any third party, such as files containing software or other material protected by intellectual property laws (or by rights of privacy or publicity);
  2. Advocates illegal activity or discusses an intent to commit an illegal act;
  3. Is vulgar, obscene, pornographic, or indecent;
  4. Does not pertain directly to this event (Steubenville Live);
  5. Threatens or abuses others, libels, defames, invades privacy, stalks, is obscene, pornographic, racist, abusive, harassing, threatening or offensive;
  6. Seeks to exploit or harm children by exposing them to inappropriate content, asking for personally identifiable details or otherwise;
  7. Harvests or otherwise collects information about others, including e-mail addresses, without their consent;
  8. Violates any law or may be considered to violate any law;
  9. Impersonates or misrepresents your connection to any other entity or person or otherwise manipulates headers or identifiers to disguise the origin of the content;
  10. Falsifies or deletes any author attributions, legal or other proper notices or proprietary designations or labels of the origin or source of software or other material contained in a file that is permissibly uploaded;
  11. Advertises any commercial endeavor (e.g., offering for sale products or services) or otherwise engages in any commercial activity (e.g., conducting raffles or contests, displaying sponsorship banners, and/or soliciting goods or services) except as may be specifically authorized on by Steubenville Live;
  12. Solicits funds, advertisers or sponsors;
  13. Includes programs that contain viruses, worms and/or Trojan horses or any other computer code, files or programs designed to interrupt, destroy or limit the functionality of any computer software or hardware or telecommunications;
  14. Disrupts the normal flow of dialogue, causes a screen to scroll faster than other users are able to type, or otherwise act in a way which affects the ability of other people to engage in real time activities via this site;
  15. Includes MP3 format files;
  16. Amounts to a pyramid or other like scheme, including contests, chain letters, and surveys;
  17. Disobeys any policy or regulations including any code of conduct or other guidelines, established from time to time regarding use of these interactivity tools and methods or any networks connected to the site on which Steubenville Live will be streamed; or
  18. Contains hyperlinks to other sites that contain content that falls within the descriptions set forth above.


Should anyone be found to misuse the interactive tools and methods (defined above), the Steubenville Conference Office reserves the right to delete and/or report such inappropriate comments, questions, responses, and/or posts from the live chat, Q&As, polls, Steubenville Live app, and/or social media. Should a viewer be found to misuse the interactive tools and methods on numerous occasions, the viewer will be banned/blocked from utilizing the interactive tools for the duration of the conference.