Family Discussions (For Parents)

Many parents find it difficult to start faith discussions with their teens. Often, it is something that was not a part of their own upbringings. If this is you, here are a few tips to help to ease any of your worries about having a fruitful faith-based discussion with your children:

  • Say a prayer to the Holy Spirit to inspire and guide your children and help them to be open to his grace.
  • Young people have profound spiritual hunger. While they might not have a strong devotion to the Catholic faith, they are looking for meaning and purpose in their lives. Talking to them about their thoughts and feelings regarding the faith helps them to seek and find the answers they need.
  • Even teens who are engaged in their faith have many deep questions and concerns. Being a young person today is hard. Much of what is going on in their lives is hiding beneath a veneer of “having it all together.” Sometimes it only takes one question and one moment for them to let you into their lives.
  • Despite what many in the media say, you still are the strongest influence on your children. Even just asking a question communicates that you care.
  • Give your teens freedom to be honest. Their answers may not be perfect, but you want honesty and authenticity. Affirm their honesty.
  • Spend more time listening than talking during small group time.
  • Be authentic about your own spiritual journey. Share about your faith when you were a teen. Answer the questions honestly along with your teens.
  • Be patient with your children if they don’t open up to you right away.