The benefit of a Discipleship Quad to each individual person is knowing the love of Jesus Christ and deepening a relationship with him. Those who have experienced that love and made the decision to follow Christ would never go back to a life without him. The reason for this is that

their lives were changed forever after knowing his unconditional love. The truth is that this life is available to everyone who genuinely wants to grow in faith and have a relationship with our Lord and Savior. The Discipleship Quad is a proven way to help others experience such a relationship.

Jesus is critical to our ongoing growth in faith and, as such, our peace, joy, and fulfillment in life. Community—fellowship with those on the same journey—is also important. As part of a Discipleship Quad, you will get to learn with and from others, pray for and with one another, and share life with those who will become good friends, in an otherwise incredibly busy and complicated world.