Mark & Katie Hartfiel

It was the night before her wedding and Katie knew that the next time she saw her husband-to-be he would be standing at the end of a long aisle.  Katie handed Mark a gift that she had been preparing for him since high school; a binder of letters to her future spouse. The pages within were eager to reveal the secrets of a love that began years before the couple had ever laid eyes on one another. Thousands of miles away a teenage boy began his transformation to a life in Christ. In fact the very week that Katie began praying most intensely for her future husband, was the exact week of Mark’s conversion.
Katie Hartfiel
received her theology degree from Franciscan University of Steubenville and spent the following seven years serving as a youth minister in Houston. She now feels blessed to spend her days with her husband, Mark, and their four children, while still getting to travel to speak about Jesus. For more on Katie, her books, and your first chapters free, visit