Live Keynotes & Discussion Panel

View the Jesus 2020 Livestream

A recording of each keynote will be available to watch on demand approximately 15 mins after the session ends. 

Friday Keynote:
JESUS!! – Father Dave Pivonka

2020 is a year that all of us will remember . . . probably forever. It has perhaps been one of the most difficult and strange years of our whole lifetime. But we must never forget the powerful reality that JESUS is still LORD, even of 2020! And it’s not despite the difficulties, but actually because of them and through them!

Jesus is Lord, He is King, He is sovereign–over the pandemic, over all the chaos and uncertainty. With God, there is always more. More zeal. More chances to start anew. More Jesus!

Father Dave Pivonka, TOR, will speak on how Jesus, the King of Kings, calls us beyond a life that is insular, tired, and boring. Instead, He anoints us with the Holy Spirit and with fire, then sends us out in power to a world thirsting for the Gospel.

Saturday Session 1 Keynote:
For Such a Time as This -Peter Herbeck/Mary Bielski

Have you stopped to consider why? Why has everything that has taken place happened? Why are we here, right now, in this unique time in history? The words from the book of Esther ring true for us, “For such a time as this.” Perhaps we were born for such a time as this?

God has planned all along that in this very difficult time in history we would be here, that we would be alive right now and would be called to be beacons of hope and love in the midst of a hurting and broken world. God has put us here on this earth at this time for a reason, and each of us needs to reconnect with our fundamental calling and mission.

Peter Herbeck and Mary Bielski will help us understand that mission and more firmly respond to the call Jesus has placed on our lives.

Saturday Session 2 Video:
The CHARIS Commission -Bishop Peter Smith

The Catholic Charismatic Renewal has taken a step forward into the heart of the Church with the recent formation of CHARIS, at the direction of Pope Francis. CHARIS is designed to assist the vision and voice of the renewal as we seek to do the Lord’s work in bringing the baptism in the Holy Spirit to the whole Church!

Bishop Peter Smith, of the Archdiocese of Portland, Oregon, is an appointed representative of the Dicastery for Laity, Family, and Life as a member of the CHARIS leadership team. In this presentation, he will clearly explain the structure and organization of this new organization and its exciting mission to support and guide the Catholic Charismatic Renewal in its ministry to “Bring-Build-Serve” the body of Christ throughout the world.

Saturday Session 2 Keynote:
Dry Bones –Dr. Scott Hahn

In the book of Ezekiel, the Lord tells His prophet to look out over a valley of dry bones. As Ezekiel watches, the bones come back together and take on flesh, but he sees that there is no breath in them. Something very important is missing.

In this talk, Dr. Scott Hahn will offer a powerful theological reflection and personal witness and share how the Lord fulfilled His promise to Ezekiel that, “I will put my Spirit within you and you shall live.”

Saturday Discussion Panel:
CHARIS Bring-Build-Serve!

How has and is Jesus leading and empowering us to bring baptism in the Holy Spirit to the whole Church, build unity in the body of Christ, and serve the poor? In this discussion we will unpack the practical ways to step into the action of the CHARIS Commission to Bring-Build-Serve.

Hosts: John Beaulieu & Alicia Hartle

Panelists: Matt Lozano, Lauren Koath, Sister Marie Fidelis, DLJC, and Peter Mallampalli

Saturday Session 3 Keynote:
There’s More! – Jim Beckman

What are your dreams, the big goals you have set for yourself? There’s more for you. How’s your spiritual life going? Have you experienced the love of God? There’s even more! Ever feel like you are unworthy, or that you somehow have crossed that line where the mercy of God might run out for you? There is infinitely more! He is superabundant! Our God is not a God of limitations. And there is no end to His mercy, His grace, His power and His love for us.

And more importantly, there’s more that WE can give to access what God is offering to us. It’s a fundamental principle of the spiritual life: God can never be outdone in generosity. If you think you have even begun to receive all that God wants to give, think again; there’s more!

Jim Beckman will lead us in a powerful reflection to help us see the places in our hearts we still need to give to Jesus in order to experience His transforming love and become bold conduits of His mercy to others.

View the Night of Hope Livestream

Night of Hope Keynote:
Mary, Spouse of the Holy Spirit: Our Model of Receptivity and Fruitfulness –Mary Bielski

We look to Mary, the Mother of Jesus and the Spouse of the Holy Spirit as an intimate and powerful model of what it looks like to say “yes” to God with humility and docility, and without reservation. Being open and receptive to God takes courage, but the fruit of Mary’s yes was Jesus Christ’s entry into the world. Are you open to receiving the Holy Spirit? What will be the fruit of your response to the Holy Spirit? Are you willing to go where He sends you? Are you willing to be the person He has created you to be?

The time of eucharistic adoration, prayer, and empowerment that follows this talk will focus on the fact that now is the time to step out in hope and faith, now is the time to say “yes” to the Holy Spirit, and now is the time to deeply believe that God is worthy of trust and that Jesus truly is Lord!