How to Lead a Small Group

Remember to:

  • Keep your questions open-ended. Avoid yes/no questions.
  • Be comfortable in the silence. Silence is okay in a small group. Sometimes people need time to process the questions before answering them.
  • Avoid talking too much. This is a time for your group members to process their thoughts. If they have questions or need mentoring, give a shorter answer and let them know you can talk more together after the small group time. Remember that this is a journey and allow them to be where they are in the journey. Exemplify patience!
  • Choose the questions you think are best for your group. The questions in the next section are meant to prompt you to ask further questions and facilitate conversation among the group. You do not need to ask every question. Feel free to ask follow-up questions as your group members process their experiences. You can ask even more specific questions about the keynote content.
  • Focus on your small group. Your primary concern should be developing relationships with your small group. If everyone does this, each group member has someone that is focused on getting to know them.

Some Dos and Don’ts:

  • Don’t be afraid; you’ve been given this small group for a reason.
  • Don’t be dominant; this is your group members’ time to process the talks.
  • Don’t push too hard; take note if someone isn’t talking and approach them outside of small group time.
  • Don’t make your small group your identity.
  • Don’t be afraid to let your group members sit in silence.
  • Don’t move on from a fruitful conversation just to get through all the small group questions.
  • Don’t get into individual conversations that exclude the rest of the group.
  • Do love your group members for who they are and where they are.
  • Do find out about the family lives and spiritual lives of your group members.
  • Do seek out the quiet ones and get them involved.
  • Do listen more than you speak; watch your group members and respond to their needs.
  • Do create an accepting environment.
  • Do be real; be yourself.
  • Do pray for each member of your small group.
  • Do model the behavior you expect from your group members.
  • Do ask open-ended questions that need more than a one-word answer.