Schoenstatt Sisters of Mary

Schoenstatt’s goal is the moral and spiritual renewal of society. We want to help bring about the Kingdom of the Father on earth by forming personalities and communities firmly rooted in Christian principles and values.

Mary is our way to this goal. Through the covenant of love with her, we want to create and foster a Marian culture in our world – a culture of Marian love for God, Marian faithfulness, Marian nobility, Marian freedom and generosity, Marian purity. We want to give the world a Marian face.

As a secular institute, we have a special mission to be the arm of the Church in the world. We want to influence and shape all levels of society and all aspects of human life with a Christian spirit. By our being and actions, and as instruments of the Blessed Mother, we want to bring the message of God’s love to every corner of the world.

Schoenstatt Sisters of Mary