
6:30 am – 8:30 am

8:30 am-Noon
Registration and Housing Check-In
(St. Joseph’s Center – Seminar Room)

8:30 am – Noon
Gathering Music – WAL

Holy Mass Sacrifice of the Mass

Celebrant/Homilist: Cardinal Blase Cupich, Archdiocese of Chicago

“Pope Francis’ Understanding of Vocations” – Cardinal Blase Cupich

Moderated Panel Discussion:

  • Fr. Joseph Espaillat
    Archdiocese of New York
  • Dr. Tracey Lamont
    Loyola University New Orleans
    (Loyola Institute for Ministry)
  • Katie Prejean McGrady
    Mother, Author, and Educator
    Pre-Synod Delegate
  • Barbara McCrabb
    USCCB Catholic Education
    Higher Education
  • Brian Rhude
    Catholic University of America Student, Post-Synod Delegate
  • Darius Villalobos
    NFCYM Multicultural Ministry Coordinator,
    National Dialogue Core Team

Noon – 1:30 pm

12:15 pm – 1:30 pm
Academic Lunch Gathering (Antonian Hall)

1:30 pm – 3:00 pm
Praise and Worship – WAL

Moderated Panel Discussion:

  • Nicole Perone Grosso, Archdiocese of Hartford; Pre-Synod Delegate
  • Danielle Brown, USCCB Ad Hoc Committee on Racism
  • Jason Evert, Chastity Educator and Motivational Speaker
  • John Grosso, Diocese of Bridgeport Digital Director
  • Kristin Witte, Catholic Relief Services
  • Dr. Theresa Farnan, Author, Educator, and Advocate for Disabilities

3:20 pm – 5:00 pm
Breakout Conversations:
(Finnegan Fieldhouse & Finnegan Fieldhouse Aerobics Room, 2nd floor)

  • Junior High Ministry
  • Confirmation Preparation
  • High School Youth Ministry
  • Catholic High Schools
  • College Campus Ministry
  • Pastoral Juvenil Hispana
  • Intercultural Competencies
  • Urban Ministry
  • Young Adult Ministry
  • Religious Discernment
  • Marriage Discernment
  • Youth on the Margins
  • Academics
  • Evangelization/Adult Faith

5:00 pm – 6:45 pm

6:45 pm – 9:15 pm
Praise and Worship – WAL

“Roots, Love, and Mission: On the Road Together” – Dr. Timone Davis,  Loyola University Chicago

Holy Hour

  • Presider: Fr. Dave Pivonka, TOR, Franciscan University

9:15 pm – 10:45 pm
(Outside Fieldhouse & JC Williams Center)
Everyone is welcome to attend – Please come fellowship and meet new friends! Cash bar and food available for purchase.