Thursday Workshop 7 | 8:00am – 9:15am

8:00am – 9:15am                    

Workshop 7:

1. (CM) Intentional Spiritual Conversations
Andre Regnier
(JCWC: St. Leo Room)

2. (CT1) The Ecclesial Method: Opening Souls to the Beauty and Power of God’s Revelation
“The content of catechesis cannot be indifferently subjected to any method.” (GDC 149) Every good catechist seeks in some organized fashion to give growth to the seed of faith, to nourish hope, and to develop a deeper desire to love God and neighbor. In this workshop, we will explore a method that is highly suited to the goals of catechesis, and flows from a study of how the Church’s many catechetical saints sought to pass on the beauty, truth, and goodness of Christ’s saving revelation.
Dr. James Pauley
(JCWC: Gentile Gallery)

3. (CT2) Scripture: The Driving Force of Doctrine
Marc Cardaronella
(JCWC: International Lounge)

4. (CS) Created in His Image: Educational Implications for Learning about God and the World
Dr. Gerard O’Shea
(Fieldhouse Aerobics Room, 2nd floor)

5. (DO) Pastoral Accompaniment: The Necessary Steps to the New Evangelization
As seen in the lives of the Apostles and the life of Jesus Himself, accompaniment is one of the most powerful methods we have to make disciples, but it can sometimes be difficult to envision what accompaniment looks like for a diocesan official. This workshop will examine both the fundamental characteristics of accompaniment as well as what accompaniment looks like when practiced by a diocesan official.
Dr. Chris Burgwald
(Egan Hall – Room 218)

6. (HFF) Donde Empezar en el Ministerio Hispano: Hispanic Ministry:  Where to Begin?
The Son of God became man and united himself to specific social and cultural conditions of a specific time and place; this is the original “inculturation” of the Word of God and the model for all evangelization by the Church. In this workshop, we will gain common language and understanding regarding Hispanic ministry and will set some pastoral principles that are helpful in developing or starting a Hispanic ministry in the context of a multicultural Church.
Paola Quintero-Araujo
(Cosmas & Damian Hall – Room 300)

7. (PCL1) Getting Parents Involved as Primary Educators
Martha Drennan
(Cosmas & Damian Hall – Pugliese Auditorium)

8. (PCL2) The Human Person: God’s Masterpiece
Who am I? What is my nature? What has God created me for? Who has God created me for? The answers to these questions affect not only how I think about myself, but also how I think about those whom I catechize and how I encourage each of those whom I have the privilege of teaching to think about themselves. In this workshop, we will discuss the unique answers that the Christian faith gives to these questions, answers that highlight the incredible dignity of every person.
Ann Lankford
(Cosmas & Damian Hall – Room 206)

9. (RCIA1)  Pastoral Components of the Christian Initiation Process
Each period of the RCIA process has it’s own Pastoral components. This workshop gives an overview of what is needed, including the practical realities of gathering information to helping the inquirers know and be known by the parish community.
Patty Norris
(Fieldhouse Performance Room, 2nd floor)

10. (RCIA2) Pastoring from the Rite of Election to the Point of Initiation through the Neophyte Year
Lori Smith
(Fieldhouse Baron Room, 2nd floor)

11. (RT) Temptation and Discernment in the Two Principle Areas of the Christian Life: Ministry and Prayer
Christian spiritual discernment, drawing upon the teachings of the Spanish saints and mystics Ignatius of Loyola, John of the Cross, and Teresa of Avila. Learn how to apply their insights on the major temptations faced today in the areas of ministry and prayer. The workshop will discuss activism, entrenchment, pastoral envy, discouragement in prayer, misuse of prayer methods, and many similar problems, showing how to distinguish good spirits from evil.
Bob Siemens

12. (YM 1) Effective Catechesis in Youth Ministry
“The most effective catechetical programs for adolescents are integrated into a comprehensive program of pastoral ministry for youth… (NDC p. 201).” The craft of passing on the faith is never a generic work. It is specifically attuned to those being drawn towards the Lord’s goodness. This workshop looks at the distinct features of adolescent catechesis as discussed by the National Directory for Catechesis, with practical examples of how to utilize them in a youth ministry setting.
Dr. Eric Westby
(St. Joseph Center: Classroom A)

13. (YM 2) Mobilizing Teens for Service, Leadership, and Vocation
We will focus on how we can help equip teens for service, leadership, and Vocation. As Youth ministers, we are called to help teens grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ and the Church. In teaching and guiding teens in prayer and the sacramental life of the Church, helping them to understand and use the gifts that God has given to them and how God is calling each one to take their place in his great plan of salvation to serve is to reign!
Gina Bauer
(St. Joseph Center: Classroom B)

14. (OT) God’s Call to Holiness: The Culmination in a Life Dedicated to Teaching the Mysteries of the Faith
John called Christ the “Word.” What we know about the Divine Mystery is because, beginning with God and his work through those whom he called, someone told us. God moves in our hearts as he discloses himself through his words and deeds. Students examine our words and deeds to find the authenticity of what we are saying and doing. Above all, teaching Christ is personal, requiring self-donation to the Cross and to those to whom we witness the faith.
Dr. Andrew Minto
(St. Joseph Center: Totino Room)

15. (OT) How Your Parish, School, and Diocese Can Benefit by Using Franciscan’s Catechetical Institute
New to the Catechetical Institute (CI) and our mission? We form those who form others in the Catholic faith. This presentation will give you an introduction to all of the facets of the CI so that you can find more easily the tools you need to form disciples and apostles for the new evangelization.
Mark Ginter
(Egan Hall – Room 213)

16. (OT) Theology of the Family
“Marriage and the family constitute one of the most precious of human values” (FC1). It is in the family that life and faith are passed on and that God’s plan of salvation continues to play out through human history. Understanding what the family reveals about God and His plan as well as the challenges facing families today are essential for catechists to be able to joyfully articulate the family’s mission in the modern world.
Dr. Ryan Hanning
(Finnegan Fieldhouse – Main Stage)