Tuesday Workshop 3

2:00 pm – 3:15 pm

Workshop 3:

1. (CM) Discipleship: The Key to Multiplication
Spiritual addition is when a Christian helps someone come to the point of conversion – that is, they choose to be a disciple of Jesus. In many ways, this is the bar of success for most Catholics in ministry. We seek converts and disciples (not a bad thing!). Still, this isn’t the bar Jesus set for us as his followers. Jesus wants us to multiply, not add, to his Church. This talk will explore what spiritual multiplication is and the practical impact on how we do evangelization/discipleship.
Marcel LeJeune
(JCWC: St. Leo Room)

2. (CT1) The Philosophical Foundations of Catechetics
An introduction to philosophy for catechesis, this workshop will explain the importance of philosophy in the catechetical work, explore the scope of the discipline, provide examples of philosophical topics that are helpful in catechetical settings and demonstrate philosophical approaches to doctrinal topics.
Ron Bolster
(JCWC: Gentile Gallery)

3. (CT2) The Church: Dispenser of the Mysteries and Guardian of the Deposit
Dave VanVickle
(JCWC: International Lounge)

4. (CS) Catholic Education: Integrated Formation for Integrated Persons
While the people we catechize are integrated human beings, it can be tempting to simply “instruct” them or “teach to the test.” This workshop will show why any educational efforts, but especially faith formation, need to account for the whole person, and will give concrete ways for doing so.
Amy Roberts
(Fieldhouse Aerobics Room, 2nd floor)

5. (CS) Three Roles of Catholic Educators:  Parnet Teacher and Catechist
Dr. Gerard O’Shea
(Finnegan Fieldhouse – Main Stage)

6. (DO) Reaching Out to Black Youth and Young Adult Culture
Why is it challenging for major Catholic conferences to reach out to Black Youth & Young Adults? Why is there a disconnect between our major conferences and Black culture? In this workshop we will delve into these tough issues and really address the issues that prevent us from being ONE body of Christ.
Dr. Ansel Augustine
(Egan Hall – Room 113)

7. (HFF) Padres de Familia como Evangelizadores y Maestros:
The role of Parents as Evangelists and Teachers
Parents have been entrusted by God to give life and to raise a child of God, a brother or Christ, a temple of the Holy Spirit and a member of the Church, this God given mission should be a source of encouragement in their efforts to strengthen in the child’s soul the gift of Grace received in Baptism and that as parents, are committed to nurture. We will explore their role as first and most important evangelist and educators of their children to help them embrace it and to be more intentional.
Paola Quintero-Araujo
(Cosmas & Damian Hall – Room 300)

8. (PCL1) Religious Education Material Evaluation and Selection
William O’Leary
(Cosmas & Damian Hall – Pugliese Auditorium)

9. (PCL2) Budgeting, Time Management, and Goal Planning for Religious Educators
The New Evangelization does not flourish amid chaos and burned our parish leaders! This workshop will discuss effective time management strategies and how to effectively plan for and set goals for maximum success in our religious education programs.
Lucas Pollice
(Cosmas & Damian Hall – Room 206)

10. (RCIA1) Liturgical Components of the Christian Initiation Process
Scott Sollom
(Fieldhouse Performance Room, 2nd floor)

11. (RCIA2) The Discernment Process for Participants’ Readiness for the Rites
[The catechumenate] is not a mere exposition of dogmatic truths and norms for morality, but a period of formation in the whole Christian life, an apprenticeship of sufficient duration, during which the disciples will be joined to Christ their teacher” (AG 14). In the Church’s wisdom, this apprenticeship demands a careful process of mutual discernment that extends through the RCIA process and reaches specific points of inquiry as each of the major liturgical rites approach.
Dr. Bill Keimig
(Fieldhouse Baron Room, 2nd floor)

12. (RT) The Annunciation Pedagogy
At the Annunciation, Mary receive the divine Word in its fullness; she received the Gospel in Person. She models for us the importance of receiving Christ the Word as the foundation for our ministry, and how we are to receive that Word in order to hand it on to others.
Dr. Petroc Willey

13. (YM 1) Engaging Youth Culture
Dr. Bob Rice
(St. Joseph Center: Classroom A)

14. (YM 2) Theology of the Body
We will look at actual text of Saint John Paul’s Theology of the Body. We will ‘Go back to the Beginning’…. to discuss original innocence, original nakedness, original solitude and original happiness! Explanations as how teach youth and young people the beautiful Truths about God’s plan in creating man and woman in his own image and likeness. We will also speak about original sin, the consequences that affected the happiness that God had intended for man and woman and God’s answer: Jesus.
Gina Bauer
(St. Joseph Center: Classroom B)

15. (OT) Developing a Family Faith Formation Program
The Impossible Journey – or Not? Have you ever dreamed and perhaps hoped to implement a successful family based formation program in your parish? This presentation It will include concrete suggestions on how to move forward no matter where you are in the process and it will also provide examples of how a successful family based program can catechize and assist parents in becoming their own children’s catechist.
Mary Mosher
(Egan Hall – Room 213)

16. (OT) Shifting to Family-Centered Parishes
Tom Nash
(St. Joseph Center: Totino Room)