Wednesday Workshop 4 | 9:00am – 10:15am

9:00am – 10:15am                    

Workshop 4:

1. (CM) Leadership Development for LSO
(Large Group, Small Group, One-on-One)
Your ministry needs leaders to help move your mission forward. This workshop will discuss how to develop missionary leaders who will inspire others to follow Christ and become leaders for the renewal of the world.
Michael Hall
(JCWC: St. Leo Room)

2. (CT1) Jesus: The Christocentricity of Catechesis
Mother Church insists that catechesis that truly evangelizes hearts, and that meets souls in the place of greatest need, must be unshakably centered upon He who is our beginning and our end – Jesus Christ.   We teach Jesus, and everything we teach, we teach in reference to Him.  Come and explore how to unfold the life-giving truths of our faith with Jesus placed clearly at the center of all things: our teaching content, our teaching methods, and our own personal witness to others whom God has called us to love.
Scott Sollom
(JCWC: Gentile Gallery)

3. (CT2) Praying with Scripture: Lectio Divina
Marc Cardaronella
(JCWC: International Lounge)

4. (CS) Role and Effectiveness of Family Educators: Research from the Archdiocese of Sydney
The presentation will outline the need for an evaluation of the Family Educator Project and its subsequent evaluation. The recommendations of the evaluation will be outlined and discussed as well as the dissemination and implementation of the findings. The presentation will also outline a follow-up study that was undertaken to determine the effectiveness of the evaluation and detail the current standing of the Project three years after the evaluation.
Kevin Watson
(Fieldhouse Aerobics Room, 2nd floor)

5. (CS) Religion Texts in Schools: A Challenge Still Remaining
What do textbooks now supply in light of the USCCB conformity listing that they once lacked, in what ways could they still grow, and what does the teacher need to bring to the classroom that a textbook may never be able to supply.
Chris Chapman
(Finnegan Fieldhouse – Main Stage)

6. (DO) Personnel is Policy: Effective Recruitment, Onboarding, and Supervision of Parish and Diocesan Staff
Getting the right folks in place for various ministerial positions is more than half the battle when it comes to effective, fruitful ministry. How do you recruit and orient staff as well as provide meaningful supervision? How can we collaborate with pastors regarding these practices and procedures in parishes? This workshop addresses these important topics for diocesan leaders.
Ken Ogorek
(Egan Hall – Room 113)

7. (HFF) Formando Catequistas en el Contexto Hispano: Forming Catechists within a Hispanic Context
This Catechetical Workshop will demonstrate how to use the Catechumenal Model in forming catechists. Particular attention will be placed on the formation of Catechists within a Hispanic Culture.
Marlon De La Torre
(Cosmas & Damian Hall – Room 300)

8. (PCL1) Recruiting, Training, and Forming Volunteers I
This workshop is part 1 of a two-part workshop series. In this first part, we will principally cover the recruiting of catechetical volunteers as well as the initial training of catechetical volunteers. The recruiting portion will cover techniques for recruiting as well as the characteristics one is seeking in a good catechist volunteer. The initial training portion will present the “what” and “when” for the initial and ongoing training of volunteers. The formation of catechists is covered in part 2.
Martha Drennan
(Cosmas & Damian Hall – Pugliese Auditorium)

9. (PCL2) The Parish as Workplace: Essential Realities and Relationships
The parish can be one of the more challenging work environments and fostering a spirituality of communion is crucial for effective mission. This workshop will explore how to effectively navigate the parish workplace and will provide tried and true strategies to foster productive and fruitful relationships will parish staff and parishioners.
Lucas Pollice
(Cosmas & Damian Hall – Room 206)

10. (RCIA1) Catechesis: Echoing What God has Revealed
Dcn. Drake McCalister
(Fieldhouse Performance Room, 2nd floor)

11. (RCIA 2) Pastoring from the Rite of Acceptance to the Rite of Election
Presentation on the pastoral requirements in the period of the catechumenate for RCIA leaders and catechists.
Gary Norris
(Fieldhouse Baron Room, 2nd floor)

12. (YM 1) Incarnational Ministry: Relational Ministry with Teens
“At many moments in the past and by many means, God spoke to our ancestors through the prophets; but in our time, the final days, he has spoken to us in the person of his Son…” (Hebrews 1:1-2) When the Second Person of the Trinity became flesh and dwelt among us, everything changed. He used to speak through others, now he comes to us personally. This model of “incarnational ministry” should be at the foundation of our efforts to reach teens. Effective ministry must be relational.
Jim Beckman
(St. Joseph Center: Classroom A)

13. (YM 2) The Liturgical Nature and Sacramental Life of the Church
This workshop outlines the Church’s purpose and understanding of sacred liturgy in light of God’s wonderful plan of salvation. It helps youth ministers develop a Catholic identity with their teens through the Sacraments of the Eucharist and Reconciliation, offering pragmatic and well-tested ways to help teens participate in the liturgy, as well as strategies to help teens see the Eucharist as the ‘source and summit’ of their lives.
Dr. James Pauley
(St. Joseph Center: Classroom B)

14. (OT) Laying Down Your Life for Your Wife: What It Means to Be a Real Man and Husband
Tom Nash
(St. Joseph Center: Totino Room)

15. (OT) Marian Catechists: A Formation in a Spirituality for Those Who Pass on the Faith
Pope Saint John Paul II asked Father John Hardon, S.J., to organize the catechetical training program for the Missionaries of Charity, leading to the foundation of the Marian Catechist Apostolate. Marian Catechists devote themselves to grow in their spiritual life and in their knowledge, practice, and teaching of the Catholic Faith. In this session, the formation process will be explained along with the meaning of the Solemn Consecration and the daily spiritual plan of life.
Ann Lankford

16. (OT) How Your Parish, School, and Diocese Can Benefit by Using Franciscan’s Catechetical Institute
New to the Catechetical Institute (CI) and our mission? We form those who form others in the Catholic faith. This presentation will give you an introduction to all of the facets of the CI so that you can find more easily the tools you need to form disciples and apostles for the new evangelization.
Mark Ginter
(Egan Hall – Room 213)