What is a Discipleship Quad?

A Discipleship Quad is a group of four people who journey together as disciples through weekly gatherings of fellowship, ongoing conversion, and learning. This 12-month path of accompaniment fosters growth through prayer, accountability, and authentic relationships. The process may take a few months longer than a year, depending on how often the group needs to reschedule and how quickly they go through the material.

All members of a Quad should be of the same sex to create an atmosphere of intimacy and vulnerability for sharing. Each Quad has a coordinator who serves the temporal needs of the Quad and helps facilitate conversations by modeling authenticity. The Quad coordinator is the person who starts the Quad.

This process of discipleship is initiated by the Quad coordinator, though the journey that takes place among the four people in the Quad is done in community. It could be described as peer-to-peer discipling, in that it does not have a hierarchical structure in which one leader passes along his or her knowledge to the others. Rather, a Discipleship Quad is made up of four people who are committed to growing closer to Jesus as his disciples by learning together, sharing life in community, and creating a place for accountability in this journey.